


At a distance, out of a tinted dark Bentley Muisanne, reclined an average tall and curvy woman. She was wearing a pleated shirt dress, and a black trench coat. Her curly brown hair was covered with a brown beret. The brew weather warranted her to put a laced boot on. Hot, heated stares were now burning her skin, but unbothered, she shut the door of her car and took herself to the hospital.

Royal Memorial Hospital was also one of the best hospitals in the world. It was owned by Stuart Gold, a man who became legendary after discovering the cure for a virus known as VTB+18. It had killed millions of people in all cities, eating the white blood cells and damaging the whole nervous system. Then all hopes were all Orlando and Zach, but as those two weren't even aware of such disease, the people began panicking. Not until, Stuart, the only son of Mr. Gold made it known of a cure. He was only twenty-one back then. He succeeded but sadly, an accident took him to a comatose state.

The pungent smell of blood disinfect invaded her nostrils. Her brows creased and face paled. She has been careful not to bump into anyone. She hated hospitals, but had to pay her weekly visits.

“Miss Gold?” 

Rebecca turned her head to the voice. The espresso brown matte on her lips exclusively brightened as her lips were curled upward. She headed towards the average -looking nurse.


.is she” She spoke up vulnerably.

The Chinese woman shook her head, “You can come and check…but she missed you”

The gut-trenching feeling absorbed Rebecca's body. Her green eyes constricted for a second there, but she was rash to hide that disgust.

“I need to be left alone in there”

The nurse immediately refused that request, “She could hurt you…we can't risk your safety”

Anger emitted in Rebecca's chest, but she cooled down and smiled faker “S…she is my mother…what worse could she do to her daughter?” her words and gaze were intimidating. The nurse cowered behind and sunk in deep breaths. 

“B…but” The nurse tried to convince.

Rebecca gave her a meaningful look and muttered like a whisper “You are just an intern here…you haven't to feed yourself and your family…don't try to stop me and be a nice little nurse” She patted the nurse's cheeks and disappeared.

The nurse frowned and typed a digit on the telephone.

'I can't risk your life, otherwise I'll lose mine too'


WARD 78.

The room was silent apart from her heavy breathing and beep beep sound from the machine that indicates one is still alive. She boldly stepped forward, towards the sleeping silhouette on the bed. She craned her neck towards the sounds of someone murmuring. The room suddenly became cold and dimmed.

“How long as it been?” was Rebecca's sardonic question to herself, or probably directed at the person under the blanket. She chuckled and slowly squinted her almond shaped eyes to the tiny fingers clutching the tip of the blanket. Her smile dropped.

“Won't you greet me….MOTHER!!” Her tone of voice was hard yet insecure. She knew whatever was happening to her mother was all her fault. It was all caused by her imperfection and selfishness. Diagnosed with muscle spasm isn't just a piece of cake, but a death sentence. Definitely, it could have been equipped if her brother was there, but he too was….

“Mother…h…how are you doing? I heard you missed me…is that TRUE?” 




Rebecca ignored the silence and spoke again “I'll be angry if you don't speak to me mother…I am here, won't you speak to your daughter, to your only princess” She seemed to have acted pitiful, whereas she didn't care. It was her duty anyway “Mother”


Rebecca stepped back, in the process, she had her back slammed to the cold thick wall. The pain stung her a lot, but she behaved normal about it. She looked at the shattered basket of pencils and crayons on the floor. She hadn't been able to composed herself well when the sudden arrival of a creepy figure startled her. Two sets of green eyes were now glaring at her. The face was wrinkled a bit and pale, creepy and murdering.

Rebecca gulped, trying not to be alarmed but to relax. 

Still, those eyes cringed her…her mother was pointing the tip of the sharp pencil at her eyes. In such a situation she should be scared, but she wasn't. Instead, she did the opposite “M…mother, it's me… Becca…come back to your damn senses…you've got to recognize me”

“I…HAVE…NO…DAUGHTER” The green-eyed woman cried back under her breath. She pushed the sharp pencil further, as if trying to pluck out the eyes. This time, Rebecca was alarmed. She snatched her mother's wrist before that pencil entered her eyes.

"Get a grip of yourself mother…you are making me weak and I hate that vulnerable part of my life…it's been five years…. Five goddamn years, yet there isn't a single slight of hope. I am Becca… Becca, your daughter….you nursed me from birth…I hate this shit…every damn shit…when will you ever recover from this? When will our perfect family reunite? FUCK!!” Furious, she let go of the wrist. Unfortunately, the woman came at her and stabbed her arms with the pencil. 


At the same time, the door was abruptly kicked opened. Men in black suit sauntered in one after the other and blocked the older woman, who had stopped and was shaking on the bed. Rebecca noticed her father by the entrance. From the distant expression on his face, he must have been angered. A nurse came to her to help disinfect the injury, but frustrated, she pushed her away and left the room.

“Stop right there!” Mr. Henry grumbled….his anger knew no bound. Countless times had he warned her never to visit her sick mother. Looking at the deep wound on her arm, his heart arched.

“Becca, I prohibited you from visiting that woman, didn't I? Why are you….?” Rebecca scoffed and gave him a side eye, “That woman is my mother and your wife…no one can change that. Where were you when she became this? You just stood by and watched…I am very disappointed, father”

“She is….” Rebecca left before he finished his words. He took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes. He wouldn't have been aware of this if that nurse hadn't reported the problem to him. Furthermore, he felt exhausted.

“Boss, she has been given the injection and hopefully must be resting in peace” One of his men came out of the room to whisper in his ear. Mr. Henry nodded and sighed. His daughter would hate him for this, but it was for her safety. He had his fair of once upon a time, but didn't get his fairy tale happy ending. Once upon a time, he was overmuch in love with that woman. His wife. Once upon a time, they lived happily like the typical couples who were madly in love. Once upon a time, they both birthed twins. Sorrowfully, five years ago, a tragic event turned his whole life upside down. He didn't even realize when he started falling out of love for her. Was it the cause of their son's accident or that painful incident?

“Mr. Gold, will you like to see your son?” Mr. Henry snapped out of his reverie on seeing one of the surgeons in the hospital. He shook his head and headed out.

Meanwhile, outside the hospital. Rebecca threw her bag to her Bentley Mulsanne. She arrogantly entered the driver's seat. Forgetting her wound, she slapped the wheel repeatedly and screamed out of frustration. Being filled of vigor and anger wasn't her nature, but they had really tested her limits and she already had enough of it. No more of manipulating her. She wasn't a child anymore. She pulled on the lever, stepped on the brake and drove off.



The hairs at her back stood high up when she heard that cold declaration. Without looking behind, she could feel his burning eyes on her back. She realized she was putting his shirt on. Would he lash at her again like yesterday?

Zach trailed his mischievous eyes to the man coming down the stairs. There was fury and seriousness on his face. He blinked his eyes and looked at the beautiful angel before him. Gosh, he didn't believe she was his wife. 

“Zach I am warning you….any more look, I'll pluck those damn eyes out…so take them off her…she is taken” Alex groaned when he reached them. He was just done with his workout and went back to the room, where he didn't find his wife. By the look of the scattered dresses on the floor, he thought she was in the sitting room. But the sight there infuriated him. Possessively, he wrapped his arms around her tiny waist and pulled her closer to his body. He pinched the side of her stomach and whispered, “Trying to seduce your brothers-in-law? What the hell are you wearing?”

May gasped, “I…i…it's yours”

“I know it is mine…I've got eyes” His words expressed sarcasm, “You aren't satisfied with me, so you think they'll save you? Woman, you should come out of your daydream… I won't stand my wife been admired by other snakes”!

Zach frowned and made his appearance known from the PDA been fed to him, “Alex, you know I can still hear your words”

“That's good…it means your ears and eyes are still intact, so stay away from my woman”

The only relaxed individual in the room, which was Adrien. He rose and introduced himself with a self-centered look, “I am Adrian…and yes, I look familiar because I was once your father's business partner. I think we met twice”!

Alex looked his way with a bewildered expression, even Zach was surprised.

'So she's that girl?' Zach thought to himself.

The hold around May became hard and strong. She felt the heat from his body and a bit on her lips. She refused to anger him for her child's safety. Alex was mad…really mad. Why was the stupid woman seducing men? If it had been him alone when she wore his shirt, he was bound to be happy, but here she was, showcasing his belongings to other men. Not just any man…these two, sex addict.

“I…i…remember” May blurted out. Alex pinched her waist a little harder. Who gave her the right to speak to him?

Zach observed the awkward situation between the couple and chuckled nervously, “Aren't you holding her too tight…her skin is so soft and neat, you'll cause a red bump on them?”

“You don't tell me how I treat my woman…get a woman first and then lecture me, ok. I still wonder what brings you two here…to see my woman?" Alex clenched his jaws. He was losing his mind. 

Adrian kicked his (Zach) legs and eyed him'Can you just stop staring at her?'

“Go back to the room, I have important things to attend to” Alex ordered the woman. May, on the other hand, wanted to refute, but her tongue was tied. She thought of her baby and reluctantly, she agreed to his stupid command. But before that, she looked at the two men and smiled, “Nice to meet you…. Adrain….and Zach”

“MAY!!” Alex cried under his breath. This woman!!!

Sneering at him, she harrumphed and left the sitting room. After she was out of view, Zach fell back on the sofa, touching his chest.

“She…is your wife….I don't believe it” He immediately interrogated. Alex glared at him, “I am not worthy of her?”

Zach shook his head, “I'm just wondering…if she is your wife…doesn't that mean you both fell for the same woman”

Alex fisted his hand and took every ounce in his power not to punch the man. But Zach words made sense. If May was the girl he met back then…it meant she was the woman he fell in love with. That's absurd! Ridiculous and stupid.

“You are not in love with her, are you?” Zach inquisitively asked. Adrian chuckled, “I love bold women…my taste isn't that bad…have a little faith in me, will you?”

Zach laughed, “Alex…I don't believe that innocent girl would ever harm a fly….believe me, your child must still be in there… But man you are quick. You already impregnated her in just month after your marriage. You are too good”

“I know” Alex said nonchalantly.

“You know what? The part that she is still carrying your child or the part of me praising you”

Alex threw a death glare at him and muttered in the end “Both”