
Charming Rabbit(Bell Cranel x Harem)

Bell Cranel x Harem? Isn't it too banal? Well not cuz it was me who wrote this story...this amazing story is one of it kind...just imagine what will happen if Bell Cranel would have a special skill called 'Pheromone' this skill makes any Female to fall for him while he himself don't know that he has such a skill.

Jumbo_Ignir · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

Bell's heart was racing at an abnormal rate.

Facing someone who was stronger than him by freaking four levels was obviously insane.

"So what are ya going to do,Rabbit?"

He was obviously drunk, and the aura that he emitted was strong enough to send shivers down his spine, but he stood unfazed.

Girls who saw him were blankly looking at him. Their hearts were pounding fast, almost at the speed of light.

"Who is that cute guy?" Both Tiona and Tione exclaimed.

Even the most mature and composed Riveria was blushing looking at him. Needless to say, it was the pheromone skill's effects.

Aiz placed her hands on her heart. She doesn't know why, but she really loved him.

She didn't know him, but she loved him.

His white hair,his ruby eyes, and most importantly, his cute face—she loved everything about him.

"I want you to take your words back."

"Eh? And what do you mean by that?" Bete was smirking, looking at the shaking rabbit before him.

"You said that I'm useless, and I won't deny it. You are right for now, but you called my goddess punny, and I won't tolerate that."

His body fusing in anger, Bell couldn't hold himself back; barely standing, he was looking in Bete's direction as if ready to deliver a blow.

"You, shitty rabbit." Bete said it almost immediately as he approached the white-haired boy.

He grabbed him by the collar, glaring at him as if he were a wild animal ready to attack.

To briefly explain the difference between level 1 and level 5, it would be equivalent to one man facing a 5-floor Boss in a death battle.

But even so, Bell's eyes didn't lose their resolve.

Bete was taken aback by this rookie's guts.

"I won't step back."


Bete didn't say anything. He looked at him for a good while until

"Sigh. It seems I wasn't right."

He let go of Bell as his buttocks landed on the floor.

"Hoo?? It's not like you,Bete."

Their goddess,Loki,seemed to be a bit surprised by the sudden mood change of the werewolf in her family.

"Shut up! Maybe he is not that worthless. Perhaps."

Bell, however, was silent. The fighting mood switched to a friendly one.

Noticing Syr's and Ryu's worried looks, Bell smiled at them awkwardly.

He didn't know what to say, and he felt that the awkward silence would spread soon.

"You are quite brave for a level 1 rookie,boy."

Suddenly, a hand wrapped around Bell's arm. Upon turning, he saw Loki piercing him with her gaze.

"I've got to admit you are quite cute." She licked her lips while the strong scent of alcohol started to tickle Bell's nose.


Bell exclaimed, surprised and a bit confused. His red face made Loki giggle.

"Not fair, Goddess! Let us cuddle him too!"

The short-haired Amazonian grabbed Bell out of Loki's hands, taking him into his embrace.

Bell's face became red.

"Aren't you just too cute?"

Another female voice erupted from his back.

"Wha.... mMmMmPh!?"

He felt himself sandwiched between two bahangaloos.

It was Tione who tossed him to her side.

As if he were a little rabbit doll, she started to hug him.

"Damn! His hair is so soft!" She noted that Bell was struggling for his life.

It seems that his face was still glued between the boobs of an Amazonian warrior.

He was literally fighting for his life.

"Stop it already. You are bothering this young boy."

This time, it was Riveria. She stopped both Amazons, reminding them about their manners.

"You know, Riveria,your words would make sense, however...."

Loki looked at the elven beauty with a bit of a worried expression.

The scene zooms out, showing that Riveria also took him into her embrace.

"When did I do that?"

Scared of her own attitude, Riveria stepped back and immediately got closer again.

"Now now..."

Finn,the leader of the group, said getting his companion's attention

"First of all, it's good that Bete apologized; however, I shall say that it was reckless of you to face Lv. 5 Bete while you yourself are only Lv. 1."

Bell smiled nervously. It wasn't everyday that you had the chance to meet so many famous faces that were well-known in the big city, such as Orario.

"I j-just..."

He brushed his teeth.

"I can't let anyone say bad words about my goddess!"

His face was all red, and his eyes shone like two jewels exposed to light. His words pierced every female who was looking at him.

""""TOO CUTE!!!!""""

They all screamed. One by one, they started to toss the poor guy from hand to hand and from boob to boob. He was handed to every female.

Even the elf girl,Lefiya, could not hold herself anymore. This guy was just too adorable.

At first, she kind of hated him. Hearing that her precious Aiz fell in love made her blood boil, but seeing this guy now, her heart softened.

Aiz, however, was silent. Her aura was dark, and her grip on her saber was getting tighter and tighter.

'He is mine...'

She thought she was rough, angry, and ready to kill. Well, maybe she was too obsessive.

The havoc spread quite quickly as the girls were fighting for him. Bell managed to slip out silently, walking towards Ryu and Syr.

"S-Save me...."

He said it with a dreadful expression, looking towards a human girl and an Elf beauty.

"Tough to be you,no?"

Syr's expression was even more mysterious than one of the villains he had read about in many books. If looks could kill, he could swear that she would simply crush you into dust.

Ideed, it might be tough, right?"

Even Ryu had an angry expression.

Bell could only look down; he wanted to go home.

The glares didn't continue for long as Bell was grabbed by someone.

Feeling himself being gently pulled over, he could see the blonde hair swinging in the air.

A mysterious woman butsted out of the tavern holding Bell in bridal style.


"I finally caught you."

Aiz Wallenstein gave him her softest look. She still didn't know why, but her heart trembled at the thought of this white-haired sprout.

Her pace was getting faster as her grip got even tighter.



"Why are you avoiding me?"

The moment of silence before Aiz stopped in her tracks

Bell didn't know the answer to this question.

"I confessed to you, yet why do you avoid me?"


He started. He placed his hand on his shirt and hardly gripped it.

"I am not certain."

"You are not certain?"

"I mean, I barely know you, and we just met; that's why I can't answer your confession, and I don't want to ruin such a beautiful girl's future because of my blunt decisions. I just can't."

Aiz heary skipped...so that was the reason? He didn't avoid her. Well, he did, but it wasn't that kind of avoiding.

She was happy.

"So that was it?"

Aiz smiled. An unusual expression was opened to Bell, who barely knew of Kenki.

Aiz grabbed a nearby bench and sat down on it as he patted the seat near her. It was a gesture saying that he should sit beside her.

Bell nodded as he sat down. Not long after, she gently placed her hand on his face.

"You are really cute."

Again, the soft smile of a beautiful woman made Bell's cheeks get redder.


She then placed his head on her lap.

"Please lay down."

He nodded obediently.

He felt the softness of her laps—a delicate white skin and the soft sensation of her thighs—a rumored lap pillow.

"You know, I really love you,Bell."

"But we just met."

"Who cares? I think I fall for you through and through, and I will make you mine."


Aiz's expression changed again.

"From now on, I will make you fall for me, so be prepared,Bell Cranel."

Bell looked at her, confused. Whatever she was thinking of, it was kind of scary.


Y-Yo, your lovely author is back! I know that this chapter was rather short, but oh well, excuse me... I know I disappeared with this fic, but you should know that I was busy with my Danganronpa x Fairy Tail fic. Seriously, it's a shame that no one makes crossovers for this game.

Although, regarding this fic, I suppose that it will be regularly updated from now on. Well, I can't promise to update every day, but at least it will be getting updated.