
Charming Rabbit(Bell Cranel x Harem)

Bell Cranel x Harem? Isn't it too banal? Well not cuz it was me who wrote this story...this amazing story is one of it kind...just imagine what will happen if Bell Cranel would have a special skill called 'Pheromone' this skill makes any Female to fall for him while he himself don't know that he has such a skill.

Jumbo_Ignir · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

Violet light which comes from magical stones in the dungeon shined so intensely that it added extra atmosphere to the already scary dungeon depth.



It was just a normal raid on the dungeon.

Bell was wiping off the blood from several killed goblins.

"They are spawning more often lately." He said under his breath.

Nothing seemed strange at all...well besides goblins constantly spawning everywhere, everything seemed normal.

It was already two weeks since he was accepted as an only member of Hestia Familia.

Going around all houses and Familias he remembered how everyone rejected him not letting him become part of their Familia.

He was already finishing his dungeon exploration feeling that it will be good to not go further down the dungeon.

Just at that moment.....



He heard it....the shaking earth and.... something huge approaching him.

A giant Bull headed creature with a red masculine body was running as if a madman.


It roared.


He said shaking.

Minotaurs were known as creatures who often appeared on the 10th floor of the dungeon meaning that adventurers who reached Level 2 would be able to deal with them.

However, for Bell who was Level 1, it was equivalent to facing an Lv2 adventurer in battle.

Gulping and trying to find any little strength he had he knew that the only thing possible and logical to do will be...


Running away.

Sprinting in an unknown direction he was running with all of his might.

Minotaur didn't seem to give up.


Its head was a bit reddish...it was... blushing?


Noticing this Bell still seemed to run away.

Speaking of which the Minotaur was female...Yes, they do exist. And for some reason, she was trying to catch Bell.

Well in many information encyclopedias it's written that these creatures are genderless...meaning that they can choose whatever gender they want...

Bell just remembered some accidents involving Minotaurs raping young male adventurers.

He gulped at his thoughts.

"D-Don't tell me it wants...."

Bell slightly, while running, looked back only to see Minotaur having that evil smile.

It was clear...if he won't run away his dignity would be in danger.

"I don't wanna get raped!"

He screamed running even faster.

Minotaur with a trace of saliva still was running after Bell.


"Don't 'Mroo' me! Leave me alone!"

Run. Run. Run. Run.

With all of his might protecting his hole he was running away, but...Dead end.


He fell onto his knees...it was the end for him and his fineness.

The Minotaur was approaching him... licking its lips it raised its hands ready to do something.

Bell closed his eyes remembering his dreams.


Suddenly the Minotaur's dreadful noises disappeared.


Bell looked up only to see her.... golden hair swaying along with the wind. The Breastplate and a silver saber with a blue handle on her hands.

The extremely gorgeous beauty sliced the Minotaur to the smallest bits. Her saber passed through its blood and splashed in Bell's direction making his white head become crimson red from the blood spilled on him.

She calmly looked towards him and lowered herself.

Bell watched her silently as she extended her hand kneeling.

"Please...Marry Me."

She says calmly with reddish cheeks.

"...Huh?" Was the only thing he said in a haze

                        × × ×

The run-down church.

By looking at it you would never guess that this place is a home for a certain Familia.

Feeling happy the beautiful girl stood up from her place and started to adjust her hair.

"Hmm-mm~! Bell, be sure to come back."

She says finishing adjusting her hair.

Her name is Hestia. She is the goddess who accepted Bell into her Familia.

Saying all that she sat down a bit worried for him.

".... Don't dare to seduce any woman, Bell....but it is pointless to say... considering your skill...Hah...what a cute and abnormally strange child I got."

With reddish cheeks, she noted to herself.

Bell Cranel is a normal boy who dreams to be an Adventurer....but he has a skill that only his Goddess knows about.


Yes. His hidden skill is called Pheromone. The abnormal skill which makes his body constantly create special Pheromones which make any Female go crazy over him...it didn't matter. Be it Human, Demi-human, God, or even a monster. As long as the person was female one glance or an approach towards Bell made them fall head over the hills for him.

"Bell...oh Bell...my heart tells me that one day you will get into huge trouble with women."


Adventurers Guild was a bit more lively than usual.

Female adventurers of all sorts gathered only to see certain someone.

Eina, the brown-haired elf girl, was sorting out the documents.

"Heeeey~! Eina!"

A pink-haired girl, Misha, called for her colleague.

"Hm? What is that Misha?"

"Aren't you the lucky one?"

"Lucky? What do you mean?"

"Pfft! As if you don't know! You are 'his' consultant!"

Misha's tone was filled with a bit of jealousy.

"I-I don't know about whom you are talking about...."

She averted her gaze.

"Don't lie! I mean that cute lil white Rabbit! Since the first day he came in to assign himself as an Adventurer nearly every female Gaze was plastered on him. Mine too!"

That was the secret behind that skill of his....he was clueless about this skill of his... Hestia thought it would be better to remain silent about it.

"Well...he is super nice kid...and very promising...a-and cute..."

Eina blushed to say the last sentence.

Just in that moment...


The door to the guild was opened by Bell.

He was covered in tons of Minotaur blood.


He screamed enthusiastically and cheerfully.

"Kyaaa! Girls, it's him!"

"Such a cutie~"

Women from different races were just waiting for the moment to see the little clueless rabbit arrive not even bothered by the fact that he was covered in blood.

"B-Bell!? What the hell is with your appearance?"


"The blood! Don't you need to wipe it off first!?"

"Oh...I forgot."

He innocently smiled....that smile was more like a kindhearted apology from a small kid.

With aces of blood going from the nose, the females one by one were about to collapse.


They all thought in unison.






After a while when Bell cleaned all the blood and told Eina what happened they both were sitting in consulting room which was specially built for conversation without third parties needed as eavesdroppers.

Eina calmly took a sip of her tea...she seemed scary.

"So you went to the fifth floor alone?"

Bell nodded.

"And you were nearly killed...err...no...Raped by Minotaur?"

Bell nodded again....he could feel the rage in Eina's tone.

"I-I am sorry....."

Eina sighed.

"No need to...I just can't get mad at you."

"S-Sorry again..."

"So, Bell, what happened next when that Blonde girl confessed to you?"

Bell looked down.

"I ran away...."


"I was too embarrassed, nervous, and shocked...I know it was pathetic to run away but...I barely know her..."

Looking down...all sad about himself for running away he didn't know what to say.

Eina softly smiled...she was relieved that he didn't accept the confession yet and besides...she already knew who was that girl who confessed to him.

"Sword Princess, Aiz Wallenstein."


"Yes. Her name is Aiz Wallenstein and she is an Lv5 adventurer of Loki Familia."

"Wh-Whoah...so she is that famous Kenki everyone is talking about?"

"Yes... tho it is surprising that she said something like that... Bell, stop your seducing."

"H-Huh? B-But I don't even know her!"

The good atmosphere spread while Eina and Bell continued talking.

Meanwhile in deep parts of the Dungeon on top of hordes of dead Monsters, Aiz was calmly watching the ceiling.

She didn't seem to move while her eyes seemed to shine.

"Aiz? What happened to you? You seem a bit off."

The woman who asked that question had green hair and pointy ears...she was radiating a wise aura of a mage.

"Riveria...I think  I fall in Love."
