
Charming Disruption

In the fast-paced college basketball world, Arwan is a beloved player with a sunny disposition, admired by his teammates and friends. But beneath his charismatic exterior lies a haunting past he's desperately trying to bury. Enter Emery, a sharp-tongued biochemistry student and Arwan's little sister's best friend. Emery takes delight in playing cruel pranks on Arwan, pushing him to his limits. Tired of enduring Emery's twisted games, Arwan decides to fight back, igniting a fierce rivalry between them. However, amidst their ongoing war, something unexpected happens. Arwan and Emery find themselves inexplicably drawn to each other, their mutual attraction impossible to ignore. In an attempt to suppress their growing feelings, they agree to a one-night stand, hoping it will alleviate the tension. But their night together only complicates matters further, as the intense connection between them refuses to fade. Soon, what was meant to be a fleeting encounter evolves into a series of passionate nights they can't resist. As their secret liaison continues, Arwan and Emery struggle to reconcile their desire with their bitter history, caught in a whirlwind of emotions. With each rendezvous, the lines between love and rivalry blur, and they find themselves on a treacherous path, torn between their undeniable chemistry and the lingering pain of their past. Can they overcome their shared history and discover a love that transcends their differences? Or will their tangled relationship lead to heartbreak and further disruption?

lacunaireeofficial · Teen
Not enough ratings
105 Chs



I'm bored again.

I'm lying on the sofa in the hotel, looking at the ceiling, and I have no idea what to do. See, this is why I didn't particularly want to come here with my sister: I knew she'd leave me behind and I'd end up bored. She slept at Emery's yesterday, and I can only assume she will do so for the rest of the week. This means I'm going to stay here, alone, second-guessing my every choice while hoping to kill time quickly. Nothing works because I'm as bored and alone as ever, and I've brought nothing with me apart from my clothes, so I don't even have a book to read or a game to play.

I let out my umpteenth sigh of the day before straightening up. I pick up my phone, which I've left on the coffee table, then open my contacts to find Sophie's number. She left it to me this morning and suggested we meet again soon. I don't even know how I could say yes. Not after what happened yesterday.