
Charmed: a different charmed one

Kazu_Vexed · TV
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

The white lighter: "Well so you can see why we finished what your mother started and brought you here." He says as he looks at Macy

Macy: "She wanted me here?" She questioned

The white lighter: "Yes very much she sent you the grant application and made sure it was chosen."

Maggie: "see she is our sister." She says as she looks over to mel.

The white lighter: "So your mother's spell book. Keep it safe, your guide to using the power of four to protect the innocent and vanquish demons." He says as he hands the book to Maggie. "You four have 48 hours to decide on whether you wish to accept your magical fate."

Mel: "we get to decide?"

The white lighter: "oh yes being a witch is a fully pro-choice enterprise, and the decision must be unanimous. If you refuse everything since made possible by magical intervention will be undone."

Maggie reading the book: "you guys this demon harvest witches organs for fricking smoothies."

The white lighter(a/n: say your fluffing name already): "don't worry the under wrold doesn't know that your powers have been awoken."

—cut to a crow flying past the house—

Maggie: "no way I'm not doing this! I do not want to end up in a smoothie!"

Mel: " Maggie this is our legacy, mom wanted us to do this and now we can figure out who killed her!"

The white lighter: "I'll uh I'll let you four hash it out, if you need me call or uh text snap or twitter dm. Well or just call my name and I'll magically appear" he says as he teleports away and comes back. " I just wanted to show you the effect they prefer I get around like a regular person now to blend in." He said then walks away awkwardly

Macy: "it's a ( incert name of whatever she said ) it must be he induced it somehow."

Mel: "you did just see that guy disappear and reappear into then air right?"

Merlin: "she's got you there sis"

Macy: "you think us actually being magical makes more sense?"

Mel: "Yeah I do it all makes sense though out history strong women were called witches and we are, we are we have to unite to change the power dynamics, raid the ship, change the course of humanity." She says in her speech voice

Maggie's phone went off "It's lucy she wants me to come to the kappa house."she says

Mel: "Seriously no interest in changing the course of humanity."

Macy: "witches aren't real, there's a scientific explanation for this."

Merlin: "Macy something have no explanation."

Macy walks away probably going to look for some sort of answer

—cut to first person merlin—

'To was a really loaded day and I think I deserve at least three hours of sleep.' I think as I walk to my room to get some sleep and think about what happened.

{downloading memories} I hear almost like a whisper in my ear

{download complete} I hear about a minute later I feel a rush and my head begins to ache

{downloading system} I hear while my headache begins to stop

'Alright so I will not be getting those three hours of sleep' I think slightly saddened

'I… remember'

—cut to flashback—

Goddess of reincarnation: "welcome to my domain child" she says as she turns to me " child you have been sleeping for nearly a thousand years and have gathered too much of my energy to stay for longer" she says with sadness leaking from her voice " you were the one who lasted the I hoped for you to stay forever but it seems that wish will never come to fruition. Before you leave I gift to you my blessing, a being that will reside in your soul created to help you, and a leaf from my tree of life." As she talks about the gifts she gave to me a white light covered me.

—Current time—

'She seemed genuinely saddened by me leaving even though she probably didn't know me' I say as I think back to as far back I can remember 'Now that I think of it she did she'd gift me a being that will help me, I wonder where it is.' As I think this I see a screen appear in front of me

{welcome mage to the fantasy system if you look at your phone you will see a new app installed, this app allows you access to the fantasy group chat.}I hear the system say and look over to see an app installing.

{if anything is needed please do message me on the app, you can also invite any of your favorites characters to it there's a limit to the number of fantasy characters that you can add but you can expand the limit by doing certain actions.} I look the current limit and the limit for now is three.

As soon as I see the app fully installed I hear one more thing {certain characters cannot be added right now because of your power level unlock certain characters you have to power up and get more character slots} ok that makes sense if I try to get a power from the group chat and it's to strong I'll probably end up exploding or something {if you ever want to check how strong you are just think 'status' a screen will appear in front of you and tell you just how strong you are} the voice says in a cheery voice

'Status' I think hoping to kind of strong

{Name: Merlin Vera

Power tier: 2 (there are 10 tiers and at tier ten you are sitama level)

HP: 600/600 (VIT X END=HP)

Stamina: 500/600 (STR X END=stamina)

Mana: 1,837/1,837 (INT X WIS=mana X 1.5 from BOGOR)

STR: 20 (average for humans is 15)

VIT: 20 (average for humans is 15)

END: 30 (average for humans is 15)

INT: 35 (average for humans is 15)

WIS: 35 (average for humans is 15)

Skills: [innate skill: blessing of goddess of reincarnation], [cooking lvl 5], [innate skill: comprehension], [innate skill: Cryo-kinesis]}

As I saw the last skill the air drops in temperature and the hair on my arms stand stiff and I hear a familiar voice

Harry: "oh a cryo-kinetic I didn't think we'd have one you" he says as he looks at me like a rare pokemon.

I scream and ask: "bro have ever heard of privacy? Get out!"

Harry: "oh sorry" he says as he shuffles out awkwardly

As he exits the room I get bed and try to go to sleep but I can't so I pull out my phone and go to the group chat and I start thinking of people to invite.

{sending invite to Bruce Wayne [earth 1]}

—cut to Detective comics universe—

{Bruce Wayne you have been invited to the fantasy group chat

Do you wish accept

Yes or No}

Bruce: 'The hell who is in my mind.' As he thinks this the answer to his question appears in front of him