
The three kingdoms

In the beginning there was a realm filled with mysteries and wonders so spectacular no mere mortal could fathom the sights. And residing within this world there are three kingdoms who existed in harmony tho each kingdom had its race they co-existed even bringing about hybrid children. Within these kingdoms lied the humans, a fierce yet peaceful and sociable people's who had the ability to use magic that defied laws of matter in which they could could create elements at command and make objects out of thine air and the country is ruled by a man who's honor ran before his valor King Arafat. While in the second kingdom lied the elves, an ancient group that lived in isolation of their forest territories up until the 105th ruler Charlemagne XVII had taken the throne and established connections with the outside world. Not only were they introverted but they had excellent magic and in fact are the source of the worlds magic, you see magic worked like a pollutant to the other races that caused them to be able to use such power and turn it into something greater. And finally in the third kingdom lied the Demi humans ruled by King Harland who were a race that had a similar look just as humans but the physical features of animals. But what makes these people's so dangerous is not only their magic but their physical abilities that are super human in a way. But soon time tested the human's tolerance of the Demi humans and dark times fell upon the nations. A time of discontent, racial discrimination, and the testing of weapons for mass destruction. And through these dark times a light shines through one that shines upon doomed worlds destined to be destroyed by their inhabitants devices. A legend within the elven kingdom prophesied the descending of a hero upon the kingdoms that hailed from another world. And he would be known as the black messiah.