
Character Template System In MHA

Cliche Plot of an otaku reincarnating in the MHA world with a character template, earning the power of good and evil beings, what path will our mc walk? PS This is my first novel and I'm only writing it so I can get better. If u like my novel, don't waste Ur time giving me power stones and just let me know how to write better, please!

IWriteTrashNovelss · Anime & Comics
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Whiles the parents of Jake were arguing, and the doctors leaving the room to give privacy to the family affairs, nobody was there to calm our protagonist down.. not like anything would work, anyway.

The more Jake's emotions raged on, the more his body got affected and before anyone could react.

The black lifeless eyes of Jake gained a red demonic colour leaking out horrible malicious energy whiles the birthmark on his forehead grew almost covering the entirety of his face.

This dramatic change caught the attention of the arguing parents making a halt in their arguing.

"THIS! I told you this child is demonic and cursed. We should put it out of its miserere now before it causes any demonic problems!" said Yoshiro in a heavy tone, heavily emphasizing the word demonic.

"I- but this is our child.. and we are heroes. We save people and do not kill! No matter what, I-I-" before she could finish her sentence, she fainted from exhaustion. After all, she did just go through pregnancy and have two children.

"This is for the greater good, Aiko. This child will only bring destruction and death to this world." Touching the smooth face of his wife, Yoshiro, talked in a soft yet ruthless way, not even thinking of the consequences his action could cause and completely ignoring the fact that he is a hero.

Standing up, Yoshiro gently picked up his daughter, who was crying in her unconscious mother's arms, looking at the adorable baby.

Yoshiro couldn't help but look at his other child, who was still wailing out of control in an empty hospital bed many times his size.

"It seems,"They" were right. One of my children will be born as a deformed monster."

Thinking about the people who contacted him an hour before his wife went into labour,

he couldn't help but take an extra look into the child's eyes in the hope to see a little of humanity, only to be exposed to the chaos, anger and bloodthirsty feeling that shouldn't be on a child that young or any human.

Looking back into the now stable and slightly watery eyes of his younger child, he smiled, wiped the tears out of her eyes, and kissed her forehead. "Your name will be Momo... Momo Yaoyorozu."

Yoshiro spoke in a gentle tone to his daughter, now named Momo.

Reaching into his pockets and grabbing out a black phone,

Yoshiro dialled a couple of numbers, hit call and put the phone to his ears.

Not even 10 seconds later, the phone picked up with a tone that sounded slightly crazy and chilling.

"Hello, Mr Yaoyorozu, whatever could you be calling me for.." the crazy-sounding" voice asked.

"You should know exactly what I'm calling for." With no hesitation, Yoshiro spoke in a non-hesitant tone, "As you predicted, my child was born with... disturbing features and a demonic aura around him."

Listening to the answer

the person on the other side of the call couldn't help but let out a historical laugh in his mind.


Calm down. As long as this goes all to plan, I will have the perfect experiment but I can't get excited yet not until.. khuaha until I get to touch and see the child'

"Then, according to our deal, you will drop off the child at the specific location or... you should know the consequences of going back on our deal, right?," Questioned the unknown person with a mocking tone, taking a complete 180 compared to what was going on in his mind.

"No, the deal will go as planned..as long as you keep your side of the deal," Said Yoshiro

"Good, then get the preparations done. Oh, and I don't want to see a single scratch on the exper- oh I mean child for safety reasons ahahha- "Cutting off the phone Yoshiro stud there for a couple of seconds, sighed and put his daughter down beside her mother gently and giving her a bottle of milk, leaving the child to fall asleep unknown to the dark fate of her "brother".

Leaving the room, entering an empty hospital hallway with nice detailed walls and luxurious chairs for anyone who would wait for their family, friends or companions who would enter the emergency rooms.

Anyone who actually looked around and could instantly realise that the Yaoyorozu Family must be a powerful and influential family to have emptied this expensive and luxurious hospital to where it looks abandoned.

After silently walking through the hallway, the doctor who had helped with delivering the children came into view.

As soon as the doctor saw Yoshiro, he straightened his back and waited.

"I need you to fake documents of my son dying," Yoshiro spoke in an indifferent tone as he reached the doctor's face.

When the doctor saw Yoshiro, he was very excited since the man in front of him had a very rich family background and by doing some simple tasks, he could get paid a lot.

but when he heard what Yoshiro said, he was dumbstruck fake a death?

Why would a hero need to have a child's death faked?

Thinking about the appearance of the child and the reaction of Yohshiros' face when he saw it, the doctor couldn't help but get some ideas about what could be happening here.

"M-Mr Yaoyorozu. I understand the child was born with disturbing body features, but to k-k-k-kill him would be too much, right?" Asked the doctor in a stuttering voice, even though he was very greedy for money. He. He was a doctor after all and no matter what with saving lives, his profession is only behinds heroes

"$150 Million, that's the last deal I will offer you. I hope you don't make the wrong choice, doctor Nicholson," persuaded Yoshiro.


This time his tone was more irritated and cold, not because of the money even though that isn't just pocket change for him, and some may question the humanity of him to kill a child no matter the excuses and but even though he is a hero knowing the consequences of not getting that "thing" to the unknown man will make him go to even low of the low and killing a civilian.

Listening to Yohsiros' tone and the amount of cash, doctor Nicholson couldn't help but be persuaded. "Okay, that's e-e-easy haha. All I need is a couple of minutes ha-aha" With an awkward laugh and greedy face doctor Nicholson rubbed his hand together and nodded, showing the real greed and dark side of humanity.

Sorry, this novel was rushed and since I never planned to even write a novel, to begin with and I'm very tired so some things might not make sense.

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