
the Beauty in Disguise

shi-houng was a beautiful girl from monster kingdom and wanted to become a hunter not the princess of the monsters she was sure enough that she had a disguise somewhere in her room for the next few day shi-houng decided to leave the kingdom and find love else where she wanted not to be a house wife or princess but a nice wife with a soft kind heart wife as she is into femine others detest it she has always loved her best friend before all of this crazy stuff happend shi-houng was a tiger and her best friend was a bunny many has hunted her all has failed she-houng put on her sheep disguise and headed off to the sheep village the sheep looked at her in wonder as. they don't know who she was so they went up to her and said who are you we have never seen you around shi-houng thought of a name and said that her name was kai they stopped and puased and said wow kai your very pretty.