

The Chaplian has returned ! Both to take revenge and to repay kindness !! His wife and daughter who has suffered all these years became the most blessed women on Earth !!

Firework · Urban
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1099 Chs

"I don't know!

"I don't know!"

Emilia cried as she shouted, "Please! Please save my daughter!"

"Move aside!"

As she panicked, she pushed aside Oliver Walker who was checking on Olivia's pulse.

The only person who could save Olivia now was James Floss!

She would not allow anyone to waste their time!

"Quick! Get the expert team here! All of them!"

James Floss screamed loudly as well. Then, he quickly got to Olivia and looked at the various complicated machines that were next to the bed.

"Both of you leave the room for now. It's very dangerous for the patient now.

"My first impression would be that this is a mutation of the leucocytes!"

At this time, this should be it!

This scene where Olivia, who was once stable, was now suddenly deteriorating wasn't something rare.