
Chaotic Journey.

Oemitsu Gremory, the son of Grayfia and Sirzechs, is neglected by his own family for not being born with the Power of Destruction. A power that is characteristic of those of the Bael Family, however, it was inherited by those of the current Gremory generation. He was not only born without this power, but he was doomed to be a low-class devil. Finding no warmth in his real family he sets out to create his own family. Disclaimer: We do not own any of the original animes used on this fanfic. We only own our current original characters. The mc will be evil. He will regard most human life as grass or as pawns that he will get rid off. The only people worthy of his respect are the ones as strong or stronger than him. He will do anything to protect his new family even if it means comiting crimes, massacres or torture. If that is not your cup of tea, then we suggest you to leave and find a more suitable novel or fanfic for you. Also, our character will not be overpowered we will try to balance him as much as possible. We will decide the pace of the story and will not change it even if the readers ask. This is supposed to be a slow story with character development. If you spot any grammar mistake, then you can write it in the paragraph and we will edit it. If you want to do some review, it must be in english and do not review this novel based on the other novel.

Dereck_Oliveira · Anime & Comics
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134 Chs

Successful Deal.

After a few hours of walking, we arrived at our original hideout.

'Fufufufufufu. Watching Hisoka going through all that work to fight Chrollo, only to find out that Kurapika had sealed his Nen was hilarious. By now, Pakunoda should already be dead. A pity, but my plans are already in their final stages.' I pondered while I entered inside the hidden chamber, the place where Neon was hidden and being disciplined.

"You can do whatever you want... from here on I'll go alone." I told my family.

After walking for a few minutes on many corridors, I stopped in front of a machine. Neon was inside this machine. Pressing a button beside it, a naked Neon came out. Her skin was quite charred and she was unconscious.

Going to the otherside of the room, I grabbed a bucket full of water before I returned and threw the water on her face. "Wake up."


After this, she woke up and when she saw me, her eyes widened and she immediately crawled to me and grabbed my feet. "P-please, d-don't put me there a-again! I'll never disobey y-you anymore! J-just don't put me there again!"

I lifted her face and got a good view of her desperate eyes. "Your wish will be granted if you do not to disobey me ever again. As long as you behave, I will not have to punish you. Besides... you may be pleading... but the tone of your voice seemes like you were ordering. Should I give you more time to reflect?"

"N-no!... I'm s-sorry. P-please, Big Brother, don't put me there again." She was trembling.

"Fufufufu. Since I am a nice Big Brother I'll let this pass. But it is just this time. Do that again and you know the consequences. Also, if you behave, I not only promise that I will not punish you again, but I willl also reward you. Since now, you are my little sister." I used Healing Magic to heal her charred skin and injuries.

"Uwaaaaahh!" She suddenly began to cry.

So, I hugged her. "Shhhhh. You only need to listen to your Big Brother's words and everything will be fine. After all, now you belong to me. Repeat what I said."

"I-I will obey everything that my brother says... and everything t-that I own, belongs to my brother." She said in between hiccups.

I caressed her head. "Since I know that you like to collect body parts, I will give you all the body parts that you want."

After saying this, I felt her body relaxing a little as she brightened up. "Really?!"

I nodded. "Yes. Everything for my little sister. I can even give you an angel's wings if you want."

She smiled. "But angels don't even exist."

"If it is what you want, I'll get a pair for you. Remember, you are not the simple Neon anymore. You are my little sister, so anything you want, I will give you." Her smile widened as tears fell from her closing eyes.

'Michael, be ready. If she asks, you better give me a pair of your golden wings. Why do you even need 12 of them anyways?' I smiled.

After she completely closed her eyes, her breathing became tranquil. She slept on my arms.

'Neon... you are so naive and easy to manipulate. A little pain and she fears me deeply. Offer her a couple of body parts and her mood brightens. Well, it doesn't matter what happens now, you can't betray me. The only thing I need to do is spoil her with a lot of things that she wants and she will obey any order I give willingly. Well, she officially is my little sister now, so I can't torture her anymore. After all, she is part of my family.

I don't care about torturing future family members, since I might change my mind halfway through, and end up killing them. However, injuring actual family members is a different matter. It is something I don't want to do.' I clenched my hands at the thought of doing that.

After lifting the sleeping Neon, placed her in a bed before I kissed her forehead. "Sleep tight. Your brother has to do a few things."

Then, I left through the door.

3 hours later.

I was sitting on top of a huge pile of boxes, it was rather comfortable. Currently I was resting after I ate the meal of my life. Vergo was sitting on a box a little bit below me, Menchi was leaning on a pillar and Ponzu, as always, was annoying me with questions.

She kept asking what were we waiting or why are we waiting.

"Huff. Ponzu... you will know soon enough." I massaged my temples.

"But you said the same thing an hour ago!" She protested after crossing her arms.

"Just wait! You only need to wait! Huff. This is why I don't like brats like you. They are always impatient." Menchi shaked her head.

"What?! Care to say that again?! A old slut like you wouldn't understand. I'm really curious about where Oemitsu's home is!" Ponzu brutally attacked Menchi.

"W-w-what?... o-old slut? You bitch! Let's see if you will talk to me like that again after I slice every piece your body with you alive!" Menchi was fuming.

"Ponzu, you will see it soon enough. And Menchi... I don't think that's even possible..." Vergo placed his hand on his chin, it seems that he is pondering about the possibility of a person managing to survive after being sliced in pieces.

"Of course I'll be able to talk to you like that! You are one of the biggest sluts that I have ever seen! If anyone looks at you, they will immediately deduct that you are a huge slut who preys on children!" Ponzu roasted Menchi one more time, it seems that she has a death wish.

'Erm, Ponzu, you are playing with fire... quite literally.' I scratched my cheek while I watched this amusing show.

"Grrr. Apparently, I'll need to cut you in pieces now!" Menchi said.

At this moment, I opened my eyes. "She's coming." After saying that, both Ponzu and Menchi stopped their little fight and looked towards the entry. After a few seconds, Machi entered.

When Menchi and Ponzu saw this, they got ready to fight her. Seeing their reaction, I lifted my hand. "Calm down. She's not an enemy."

"But she's not an ally either!" Ponzu protested before she relaxed, together with Menchi.

"You took longer than I expected. You know that I pay Illumi by the hour right? Getting him to replace you was quite expensive. The poor guy not only had to replace Hisoka but also you, right after Hisoka left. In the end, he did 5 hour of Hisoka, right after another 3 hours for you. This is 8 hours of constant use of his Nen ability. That must be exhausting. Oh well, it was worth the money I spent." Now that I got a good look at her, it seems that she returned to her usual cold facade. "Oh, where are my manners. Take a seat."

"No more games. Tell me, can you do what you promised?" She crossed her arms with a menancing expression.

"Would you kindly take a seat?" I repeated myself.

"Enough with the games." She furrowed her brows.

Before I could say something, Menchi and Vergo appeared behind her and pushed her downwards to the chair that was placed behind her.

"They are not enough to stop me. And you know it." She squinted.

"Machi. I warn you. If you try anything against those who I deem as my family, I won't be able to forgive you." I looked at her while releasing my killing intent that greatly increased after I brutally murdered a lot of the residents of the hotel.

"Stop playing games with me. Do you think that such weak killing intent would affect me? Don't make me laugh."

"Fufufufufu. You misunderstood it. It was not supposed to affect you in any way. It was to show you that even if I hold you in high regards, I wouldn't hesitate to slice your throat if you step out of the line." My smile disappeared as I stared at her for a few seconds before I smiled again. "Now, let's return to the matter at hand. What I said before was the truth. I can ressurect Pakunoda." I was pleased after I saw their surprised looks, except Vergo, he was not surprised by it. "However, Ms. Machi. Such things comes with a price... in exchange for her resurrection, you will join my family. This is non-negotiable."

"Its impossible. I am loyal to the Spiders." She immediately declined.

"Fufufufufu. Let's be real here. The Phantom Troupe is a organisation, not a family. They cut off their limbs if it is necessary to survive. That is not how a family works. But it is how an organisation works."

"They are my family." She hardened her glare.

"Then why are you refusing my deal? Not only would you get a family member, that you have lost back, you would also be able to save another at the same time." I threw the bait.

Machi widened her eyes. "Shizuku." And the fish got caught.

"Yes. Unfortunately, she is too loyal to the Spiders and as soon as I heal her, she will probably fight back until she ends up getting herself killed or return to your so called family. My patience is limited to people who do not belong to my family." I shrugged.

"I would rather die than join you." She immediately declined.

"You can go then. Don't worry. I won't hurt her, after all, where is the fun in that?" I shooed her with my hand.

"YOU MURDERED 5 MEMBERS OF THE PHANTOM TROUPE!" She suddenly got up and released her killing intent. It was rather heavy, meaning that she killed at least a few dozens but it is nowhere near Hisoka's, he had killed at least a few hundreds.

"Fufufufufu. You really are funny. You grieve for you fallen comrades, however, you showed no empathy for the people you killed. Normally, one would hate such characteristic. But, I'm rather different. I see it as a beautiful way to live and this is why I want you in my family. So, to prove that I will murder the rest of the Phantom Troupe... there are only 7 left without you, since Chrollo is not able to fight using his Nen, he is an easy pick, the other 6 are all injured, so... I only needs 3 days to end their pitiful fate." I said while I showed 3 fingers to her.

"ENOUGH!... I will join you..." She lowered her head.

Her decision made me smile.

"As long as you resurrect all of the members that you killed." And demanded.

"Fufufufufu. What an amusing request. A pity to say that it is impossible. Machi... I'm not a God. Resurrecting Pakunoda was a one time offer. Besides, resurecting her has a price for me too." I clenched my hand.

'Tch. I have to sacrifice one of my Devil Pieces for Pakunoda. Huff.'

(Is it really a wise choise to sacrifice one of them for her?) Nyar asked.

'As crazy as it seems, yes. It is. She has an ability is important for my future plans. The ability to see memories makes torture uneccessary. After all, my opponents won't be able to hide anything from her.'

"Fine... I will join you if you resurect Pakunoda and leave the rest of the current Spiders alone." She demanded one more time.

"Welcome abord." I jumped from the boxes and landed in front of her before I lifted my hand for a handshake.

She took my hand and gripped it strongly. "I'm going to kill you someday."

"I'm glad that you are so energetic. This is exactly what I want. Now, it is time for your first job." I removed one of the cover of the boxes. "You have to heal her."

"She is filled with injuries." She commented.

"Can you heal her or not?"

"I can. It's easy with my abilities." After she said that, she used her ability, Nen Stitches and began to sew her wounds together.

"Ahhh, it doesn't matter how many times I see it. It truly is a beautiful ability." I commented. "After we recover Pakunoda's body and Machi finishes healing Shizuku, we will leave this place." I told them.

"We still have to wait?! I'm so tired of waiting..." Ponzu said.

"Have pacience. Our goals have already been acomplished." I returned to sit on a box.

'It truly was an fruitful event. 3 family members, each with amazing abilities.' I smiled.

(Getting their loyalty will be hard.)

'Yes, it will be. But with time everything will fall on its place. I'm is no longer alone. And I will never ever be. With my family, I will spread terror throughout the underworld. Nothing can stop the rise of my family. Slowly and slowly everything is falling into their places.'