
Chaotic Journey.

Oemitsu Gremory, the son of Grayfia and Sirzechs, is neglected by his own family for not being born with the Power of Destruction. A power that is characteristic of those of the Bael Family, however, it was inherited by those of the current Gremory generation. He was not only born without this power, but he was doomed to be a low-class devil. Finding no warmth in his real family he sets out to create his own family. Disclaimer: We do not own any of the original animes used on this fanfic. We only own our current original characters. The mc will be evil. He will regard most human life as grass or as pawns that he will get rid off. The only people worthy of his respect are the ones as strong or stronger than him. He will do anything to protect his new family even if it means comiting crimes, massacres or torture. If that is not your cup of tea, then we suggest you to leave and find a more suitable novel or fanfic for you. Also, our character will not be overpowered we will try to balance him as much as possible. We will decide the pace of the story and will not change it even if the readers ask. This is supposed to be a slow story with character development. If you spot any grammar mistake, then you can write it in the paragraph and we will edit it. If you want to do some review, it must be in english and do not review this novel based on the other novel.

Dereck_Oliveira · Anime & Comics
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134 Chs

Protecting the Family.

Me and Vergo were walking side by side, directly into 5 police cars that were coming at us. The police cars stopped and 10 police man came out in formation. Ever single group of 2 placed their weapons on top of the car while aiming at us.

"Drop the weapon and place your hands in the air!" One of the polimen ordered.

"Fufufufufufu. It has been a long time since we hunted." I said before I aimed the Doom Bringer at the police car that had the 2 cops and pulled the trigger.


From the barrel of the handgun, a red trail of energy was shot before hitting the car. The car exploded, killing them. After all the other cops saw their companions dying, they began to pull their triggers in an attempt of killing us.

While bullet rained at us, I simply dodged them while Vergo took his Demonic Staff out and began to dodge and hit the bullets. After dodging a bullet that was ment to hit my head, I looked at the cop who shot it, aimed and pulled my trigger.


My bullet exploded the car he was using as a cover but only claimed one life, a pity. Dodging bullets while closing distance, Vergo approached one of the cops before smashing his Staff on his head, killing him. Then he turned around and hit the ribs of a nearby cop, he killed the cop before he even had the chance to fire again.

Making a small fireball, I launched it at a cop, burning him alive. While his nearby companion watched him burn, I simply pointed at him and blew his head off with a well placed bullet. The three cops ran and hid behind a wall, I could hear them requesting for backup.

After doing this, they began to focus their fire at me. I crouched and grabbed the body of the cop I blew the head off, and began to use it as a meat shield. After a few seconds of heavy fire, I heard an interesting sound.

*Click*. *Click*. *Click*. *Click*.

"Fufufufufufu. What a nice sound." I said before I threw the body on the ground and shot one of the cops in the head.

This made his blood and brain matter spread to all directions. Vergo, seeing that I counter-attacked, dashed at another cop and took his head off with a strong swing of his Demonic Staff. The surviving cop stumbled on the floor while trying to run away.

"G-Get the hell away from me, y-you monster!" He screamed while crawling away from me.

"Fufufufufufu. Monster? That is rude. I'm such a nice person. And I was having a wondefull day. I just arrived in this new world, got a wondeful sister, threw a party for her and yet, you dare to come uninvited to my sister's party. That is rude." I aimed my gun at his head. "Don't you think so too, Vergo?"

"Yes. You all showed up at the party not invited with guns. You have no curtesy." Vergo said.

"You heard? I cannot be blamed for enacting justice." After saying this, I saw the cop's face changing from fear to deep hatred.

"What?! Enacting justice?! How dare you call this massacre an act of justice?! You killed 9 people in cold blood, and yet, you dare to call this an act of justice?!" The cop screamed.

"Fufufufufufu. How amusing. However, you are too weak to talk about justice. You see justice is decided by the strong. You are weak. The only one that can be blamed for your death is yourself for being weak." I said before pulling the trigger.

The head of the man disappeared while his lifeless body fell on the ground.

"Pathetic." I said while lookimg at his body.

"Mitsu, we should bail out. The reinforcements are coming." Vergo proposed.

"Yes." I nodded before thinking. 'I'm in a completely different powerlevel if compared with the me from six months ago... Nyarlathotep, show me my status.'

(Right away.

[Name: Oemitsu Gremory.]

[Age: 11.]

[Alignment: Chaotic Evil]

[Strength: 225(10)]

[Stamina: 250]

[Agility: 325]

[Wisdom: 500]

[Magic: 90]

[Luck: 50]


Fire Magic (Intermediate).

Water Magic (Intermediate).

Healing Magic (Basic).

Marksmanship (Novice).

[Tiers: (Locked)])

'Nice. By the way, when are you going to tell me what the ranks in front of my skill are?'

(I will tell you only after you go to the next world and get my crystal.) She said.

'How do you know that the cristal is in a another world?'

(I feel that it will be.) Since we were running back to the cafe, I almost tripped when she said that.

'In other words you are just guessing.' I almost facepalmed before I continued to run.

(No, Onee-chan's sixth sense is never wrong.)

'It would be about 10, right? And what is thst number 10 in front of my strength?" I asked.

(10 is the strenght of an average human being) She answered.

'Hmm. Hmm. This means that I have over 20 times the strenght of a normal human. And yet, I'm so weak in my own world.' I clenched my hands.

(You still have time to grow, don't let this sadden you.) She tried to motivate me.

Continuing on our way for a few minutes, we reached the cafe before entering inside it. On the chair, Shiro had a huge belly, I caught her burping cutely. Since her mouth was dirty, I got near her and cleaned her mouth.

"We need to leave, Shiro." I said.

"Did you killed those policemen?" She asked.

"They stood in the way." I said before looking at her eyes. "And no one stays in the way of our family." I seriously said.

"There will be people who will try to stop you." She said.

"It is useless. They will fail like the ones who came before them." I told her.

"You can't do it alone."

"That is why my family exists. To support each other." I extended my hand and said. "Come with me, I will show to you what happens to those who hurts my family members." I waited until she took my hands.

When she did, I took her out of the cafe and jumped on it's rooftops. After this, I jumped from building to building, Shiro placed her hand on her hair before hugging me with all her strength. The cops that were following us ended up losing our trail since they could not keep up with our speed.

Stopping, I turned to the koala Shiro and asked. "Where do you live?"

"Are you going to give me away? I don't want to go back!" She hugged me even stronger than before.

"I will not give you away. However, you will have to live a life full of crimes. After all, it is our family's main ideology that only our family members matter, the rest are pawns for us to do as we wish. Are you ready to live a life full of dangers?" I asked.

"I am. I will do it, however, you can't throw me away." She prostested.

"I wasn't planning to do it." I looked at her empty eyes. "I will never leave you."

After wandering for many minutes, we reached her home.

"Are you sure that this is the right adress?" I asked Shiro, who was on my back.

"I have lived here for all my life. I wouldn't miss it." She said.

Turning to look at Vergo, I nodded. He extended his finger and touched the doorbell. After a few seconds, a middle aged man opened the door.

"Hmm? Who is it?" He looked at us before he fixed his gaze at Shiro. "Ohh. Thank you, young boy, for returning Shiro. Since you are here to do that, I thank you." He said.

Then her turned to Shiro again. "Shiro, you dumb girl. Why did you escaped from your house in the middle of the night? Your mother will punish you." He scolded her.

Understandable since she disappeared in the middle of the night, after doing that, he extended his hand and tried to grasp her, however... Vergo elbowed the man's arm bending it in a weird angle.

"AAAARRRRGGG!!!" He screamed before Vergo grabbed his shirt and pushed him inside the house.

After he did that, he entered inside it with me following behind. Until we reached a nicely decorated room. After that, I crouched and let Shiro get down from my back. Then, I went to the couch before sitting on it, all the time, Shiro was clasping my hand tightly.

'It seems that I am her main emotional support at this moment.' I thought.

Vergo, then went to the kitchen and brought with him to the room, a young woman.

"Let me go! Leave me be!" She continued to scream many other things but I simply ignored her.

Her husband, came into the room while trying to use his phone, however, before he could, I shot his hand and destroyed not only the cellphone but his hand together with it.

"AAARRRGGG!" He screamed before dropping on his knees.

Putting one leg on top of the other, I asked. "Do you know why you are in this position?"

"Psychopath! Lunatic!" The woman screamed.

"You are crazy if you think that you can get away with this! I am a famous politicia-." Before he could continue, he was punched in the face by Vergo.

"That must have hurt." Then, I turned to Shiro. "Little Shiro, who is the one who abuses you the most?" And asked.

Shiro, with her trembling finger, pointed at the woman. Her mother.

"Fufufufufufufu. The mother, that worldwide is known as the symbol for protection and love, abused her own offspring. How amusing." I smiled.

"I did not abused her, I was giving her discipline! But now it seems that she needs to be more disciplined!" She screamed.

This made Shiro hug me tighter.

"You are just an outsider! You have no right to meddle in our affairs! " the man screamed.

"Wrong. Shiro is my family. And I cannot forgive anyone who hurts my family." I said before exploding his head with a bullet. "Damnit! I wanted to have more fun with him, I shouldn't have killed him instantly. What a shame." I shaked my head.

"AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" The woman screamed when she saw her headless husband.

"You know... I'm tired of hearing your voice." After I said that, Vergo punched her belly.

This not only made her lose all her air supply but also made her vomit on the ground.

"Disgusting." I said before I placed my gun on Shiro's hands and helped her aim it at the woman's direction. "Here now it is the time for you to be free, you can either press the trigger and be free or to stay trapped in the same cage forever." I said.

"Shiro, I am you mother! I am your family!" She screamed.

"I only have one family." When Shiro said that, I saw a smile bloom on her mother's lips. "It is the one with my brother Oemitsu." Right after she said that, she pulled the trigger, killing her own mother.

I had to control the recoil for her hands to not be hurt. After she freed herself, she hugged me with all she had while she cried. I hugged her back before caressing her head.

"Its okay. Its okay. You did a good job." I said while passing my hand on her beautiful hair.

'Nyarlathotep. Get the portal ready. We are going home.'