
Chaotic Journey.

Oemitsu Gremory, the son of Grayfia and Sirzechs, is neglected by his own family for not being born with the Power of Destruction. A power that is characteristic of those of the Bael Family, however, it was inherited by those of the current Gremory generation. He was not only born without this power, but he was doomed to be a low-class devil. Finding no warmth in his real family he sets out to create his own family. Disclaimer: We do not own any of the original animes used on this fanfic. We only own our current original characters. The mc will be evil. He will regard most human life as grass or as pawns that he will get rid off. The only people worthy of his respect are the ones as strong or stronger than him. He will do anything to protect his new family even if it means comiting crimes, massacres or torture. If that is not your cup of tea, then we suggest you to leave and find a more suitable novel or fanfic for you. Also, our character will not be overpowered we will try to balance him as much as possible. We will decide the pace of the story and will not change it even if the readers ask. This is supposed to be a slow story with character development. If you spot any grammar mistake, then you can write it in the paragraph and we will edit it. If you want to do some review, it must be in english and do not review this novel based on the other novel.

Dereck_Oliveira · Anime & Comics
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134 Chs

Pathetic Gremory.

After getting out of the bedroom, we were walking through a luxurious hall, that in the end, had a huge double door with two maids in front of it. When we reached near, they opened them and let us get inside the dinning hall.

As soon as I entered the room, I began to look around and saw gold everywhere.

'A normal Devil or human would be blinded by greed if he saw the ammount of gold used in this room alone. And yet, I don't give a fuck about it.' I thought while smelling food.

In front of us there was a huge table filled with food. Not simple food, gourmet food. I haven't even started eating but my appetite is already ruined. Not because of the food, the main reason is the person sitting in the biggest chair.

Sirzechs is sitting there with Grayfia right behind him, standing.

"Maid Fetishist, Sis-con. What a wonderful day, isn't it?" I gave them a light bow.

'Instead of calling Grayfia as Queen Mother, I like to twist her favoritism for maids. While Sirzechs... The entire realm already knows that he is extremely overprotective of his sister and some people who despise him call him like that.' I had my trade mark smile while thinking of that.

After I called them by their nicknames, both of them flinched but still greeted me.

"A great day indeed, Oemitsu." Sirzechs said while Grayfia returned the bow.

At this moment, I heard someone entering inside the room.

"A son should respect his Father, Oemitsu." Akihiko, the Eternal Prick, said.

Looking at the chairs, I choose the most far away from these disgusting people and sat on it, ignoring his presence.

Looking around the table, I saw Zeoticus Gremory, the Ball-less Gremory, as I like to call him, since his wife leads everything in the Gremory Clan, he is completely useless. Turning to the person that was right next to me, I saw the biggest threat in the table. Venelana Gremory. She is always smiling and is impossible to read.

Rias then entered and sat beside her brother. And Akihiko's Queen right next to me. Ignoring this shitty athmosphere and conversation between the Gremory, I continued to eat my food.

*Glass noises*.

Suddenly, Zeoticus called for attention by hitting his glass cup with a spoon a few times. When he managed to do it, he said.

"Ahem, I have two important topics to discuss. The Phenex Family has an agreement with the Gremory Family. Should we ever get a female child and the Phenex family, a male child, we would marry them both." This made me look at Zeoticus and Rias.

"I don't want to marry. Help me brother!" She begged.

"The Devil Council supports the marriage. I will not be able to support you directly." He pathetically said.

"Fufufufufufufufufu!" This made me laugh hard.

Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at me.

"Rias, let me ask you. Are you still proud of your brother being the almighty Lucifer and proud of being a member of the ever prestigious Gremory Family? Fufufufu. In the end, your family sold you like a breeding mare. How nice." I mocked them.

"Brother, help me!" She said with little shining beads at the corner of her eyes.

"I will help you get out of your marriage." He said.

"Fufufufufufufu!" I laughed even harder than before.

"You? What can you do? Look at Zeoticus, he is blinded by greed to the point that he has the courage to claim that the Gremory's inherit trait is the power of destruction, while in reality, it comes from the Bael family." After I said that, the pressure being emitted by Zeoticus thickened.

"Ohh~. Have I touched in a sore spot? Fufufufufufu." Then I turned to face Zeoticus. "Please enlighten me, Great Zeoticus. What is the power of the Gremory Family again? I can't remember. But I'm pretty sure that it is so useless that Devils nowadays don't even remember about it." Turning to face Vergo, I asked. "Could you remember me, Vergo?"

"The Gremory offsprings are born with insane magic pools." He answered.

After he said it, I saw that Zeoticus' face had a smug smile.

"What a great peculiarity. Only useful if the Gremory fuses their bloodlines with other clans. Which is why a person from the Bael family orders the Gremory around like cute little puppies. It really must be hard for you to be the woman in the marriage." I shaked my head in fake distress.

The pressure being emitted by him grew by the seconds as I pointed the facts, it reached a point where the ground was shaking. He was getting more and more pissed off.

"Enough." Venelana said while using her own powers to calm Zeoticus down. "Oemitsu doesn't mean what he said, he is only joking, isn't that, right. Mitsu?" She turned to me with her glistering violet eyes and smile.

"It doesn't matter how much I try, I cannot figure out what your true ambitions are." I said while returning the look.

"I will take is as a compliment. However, there is another issue. And that is the rumour that you mistreats your servants. Us, the Gremory Family, are proud of how we treat our servants. We are known to treat them like they are our own family. We cannot have someone like you dirtying the reputation of the Gremory household." Right after she said that, everyone in the table looked at me.

They were probably wondering if they can get my eternal smile out of my face or if they can get a reaction out of me. However, this made my smile widen even more. Turning to Vergo, I asked. "Vergo, please, enlighten these foolish people. Have I ever mistreated you?"

"No, you never." He said.

Turning to Venelana, I said.

"You heard him. I never did this." I returned to eat my food.

"Oemitsu, take it seriously." Akihiko said.

"Fufufufufu. Make me." I placed a piece of meat inside my mouth without even turning to him.

This made him get up and get ready to fight while I was unceremoniously eating. My attitude made him even more furious.

"That is enough. No fighting at the dinner table." Sirzechs said.

"I don't need your opinion about this matter, Sirzechs. If I want to hear your opinion, I will ask the Old Devils, since they keep a tight leash on their favorite dog. Gotta love the fact that you are the strongest Devil and yet you still obey the orders from those Old Weaklings." I told him.

Suddenly, I released my cutlery on the table out of pure displease, then said. "What do you want, Grayfia? Your presence is ruining my food. I sat far away from both of your for a reason." I did not even bothered to turn around since I felt her presence behind me.

"You are disrupting the family meal. I will request you to leave." She said.

Touching my chin, I adopted a thoughtful demeanour for a few seconds before saying. "Hmm. I like where I am. I will stay. The infighting is fun. Besides, it has been more than 2 years since I was invited to one of these dinners." I told her.

"Apparently, I still have a lot to teach you. I have neglected your table manners for far too long." She said.

"Don't bother yourself. You can go and teach them to Akihiko. I'm sure that the arrogant prick will need them more than me." I stabbed the table with the fork after saying that.

Looking around, I saw a dispirited Rias, a pissed off Akihiko, Zeoticus and with hatred in his eyes, Venelana with her creepy smile and Sirzechs doing a weird face towards me.

'What is that? A pity face?' This made me feel and incredible amount of anger.

"Do not look at me with those disgusting eyes, Sis-con. I will never forget how all of you could be so cruel to a child that only wanted some attention from his own family. If these fuckers could be called a family" I simply got up, turned around and began to walk towards the exit.

"Wait. You still haven't explained yourself." When she was going to touch my shoulder, Vergo took his Demonic Stick, made out of the hardest woods inside the Underworld, and tried to knock her hand off.

But she took her hand off before he could.

"No one touches Mitsu without his permission." He told her.

"I appreciate, Vergo. However, stop wasting time with her. We already accomplished our goal." I told him before continuing on my way.

Suddenly, a transportation circle appeared in front of me and Venelana appeared.

"Tch. Everyone is trying to make me waste time. Weren't you the ones that wanted me to go away. Let me." I looked at her.

"If you keep acting like that, then you will give me no other choice." She said.

"Oh, yeah? What are you going to do?" I had an amused face.

"Kill you." She mercilessly said.

"Fufufufufufufufufu! How amusing." I said before spreading my arms widely. "Be my guest, Venelana Gremory. Do what your whole family doesn't have the balls to do. Including your husband, isn't that right, Ball-less man? I will let you take my life. Savor it." I dared her to do it.

She only looked at me.

"Don't make threats that you can't follow through, pathetic Gremory." I said before walking past her.