
Chaotic Journey.

Oemitsu Gremory, the son of Grayfia and Sirzechs, is neglected by his own family for not being born with the Power of Destruction. A power that is characteristic of those of the Bael Family, however, it was inherited by those of the current Gremory generation. He was not only born without this power, but he was doomed to be a low-class devil. Finding no warmth in his real family he sets out to create his own family. Disclaimer: We do not own any of the original animes used on this fanfic. We only own our current original characters. The mc will be evil. He will regard most human life as grass or as pawns that he will get rid off. The only people worthy of his respect are the ones as strong or stronger than him. He will do anything to protect his new family even if it means comiting crimes, massacres or torture. If that is not your cup of tea, then we suggest you to leave and find a more suitable novel or fanfic for you. Also, our character will not be overpowered we will try to balance him as much as possible. We will decide the pace of the story and will not change it even if the readers ask. This is supposed to be a slow story with character development. If you spot any grammar mistake, then you can write it in the paragraph and we will edit it. If you want to do some review, it must be in english and do not review this novel based on the other novel.

Dereck_Oliveira · Anime & Comics
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134 Chs


(Menchi POV)

"This is fine. At least acceptable." I shrugged as I looked around the place I choose to battle.

'A nice kitchen to say the least. It feels like I will fight in my own home and it is kinda refreshing.' As I was thinking that, someone came through the door.

It was a man, he was rather short with black, mid-length hair, gray eyes, and pale complexion. He wore dark and baggy long-sleeved clothes, and a bandana with a skull crest over his mouth. This man was none other than Feitan. After entering inside my territory, he looked around before his eyes locked on me.

"So, you are my opponent." He said.

"You know, it is rude to enter inside a kitchen without the Chef's permission." I placed my hands on the kitchen counter.

Ignoring what I said, he opened his umbrella and completely covered his entire body. In response, my eyes immediately turned to the left and I saw that he was using the wall to strengthen his dash towards me. Then, in the middle of his dash, he drawed his sword in an attempt to finish me off quickly.

But since I couldn't let that happen, I met his sword with my knife.


'Damn. He will be a tough opponent, he is probably one of the strongest Spiders and his ability is not only strong, it also has many uses. It is a pity that I have limited information about it.' After our clash, he had to back off because his assassination attempt failed.

"Decent reaction." He said.

Ignoring his compliment, I grabbed another knife and dual wielded two knives.

'I might have to fight with this one for real.' I thought before dashing and trying to cut through him.

But Feitan defended each and every one of my strikes, so I appeared behind him and kicked him, making him back away and land on top of a table.

"Standing on top of a table is bad manners." I mocked him.

He ignored my tease, jumped off the table and walked towards me. Seeing that he too, was taking this seriously, I walked to his direction before both of us dissapeared at the same time and clashed sword with knife, multiple times. We were doing multiple feints, but none of them had any result.

None of us could get a higher ground because we were around the same level in skill.

'Hmm. Ok, fine. I better take this seriously or I might die.' I thought when I saw that Feitan was going so fast that he was creating afterimages. 'He truly deserves to be the Leader of the Phantom Troupe in Chrollo's absence. He should be the strongest amongst the Spider's legs. Of course, this is talking only about strenght. A leader has to have a lot of things, besides being strong.'

At this moment, I saw Feitan coming straight towards me but I ignored him, since I knew that it was an afterimage, and used my knife to block a attack that targeted my back. But instead of blocking his sword, I blocked his umbrella.


I suddenly heard the sound of a button being pressed. From Feitan's umbrella, a blade was fired.

'Damn. This is bad.' I tried to tilt my head upwards, to dodge it and I managed to avoid a lethal wound.

But it still scratched my cheek. After I tilted my head back, I ended up doing a backflip and, while doing it, I tried to kick him in the chin. But he simply dispersed and became smoke. Then he appeared a little far away, completely unfazed.

This really pissed me off.' You better not underestimate me, kid.' I gritted my teeth before I dashed and tried to cut his head off.

Feitan tried to defend but his sword got cut in half. Seeing that the situation suddenly became dangerous for him, he backed off and avoided getting his head cut off. However, I could not let him escape easily so I kicked him in the belly, sending him flying into a wall.

"Don't get too cocky kid. I am a 1 Star Hunter for a reason." I said.

After he got through the wall, he got up, I could see that part of his clothes were destroyed by my kick since I infused it with Nen. Not only this but it also showed part of his skin and it was completely purple all around where I landed the kick.


He spited blood on the floor, I could see that he was pissed off. "Piece of crap. Know your place."

This made me open my eyes wide. 'This is bad, really bad. He is going to use his ability.' I thought.

At this moment, his Nen began to increase at an alarming rate before an armor appeared and covered his entire body. "Pain Packer!" He declared.

"Shit. Gourmet Authority!" I said before moving my hand, making 100 knives fly at Feitan's direction.

"Now I will return you the pain. Pain Packer: Rising Sun." After he said that a blinding mini sun appeared on top of him, I could see my knives melt in mid air because of its heat.

"Who do you think you are to mess with my kitchen?! Freeze!" And all the room, including the mini sun, were completely frozen.

'Everything in this room is part of my Authority. I can change the temperature inside it as I please... tch. Even with this freezing temperature, I can still feel the sun's heat. It is trying to break free from my ice. Troublesome.' I shaked my head as I slowly walked towards a frozen Feitan.

*Crack*. *Crack*.

But Feitan managed to make his sun's heat get through my ice. This made the room be divided in two, with the extremely freezing area and the extremely hot area. Neither of us wanted to give ground to each other.

(Oemitsu POV)

"Hunter's Carnival." As I said that, the entire place seemed as if it was frozen in time and from behind me, a huge wolf appeared.

{We meet again. What will be your offer this time?} The wolf asked.

"Shut up. Huff. My left arm that is filled with cards, courtesy of Hisoka." I smiled.

{As you wish.} The wolf opened his jaws wide and bit my left arm, together with the cards, and completely cut it off before swallowing it and disappearing.

Suddenly, another arm appeared in the place of the other one, but this arm was not a normal arm. The arm was red, it had fur, red veins, nails and the fingers were completely black. It was an arm that clearly did not belong to a human, it seemed like it was from a werewolf.

'Cerberus. The Hound of Hades. The Watcher of Hell. This is a rather interesting ability to say the least. It works like a Conjurer. The more I sacrifice on the spot, the more power I gain. Each power is different from the other and the powers tend to emulate or copy legendary dogs/wolfs. Like my current arm.' I thought as I placed my left hand in the ground. "Play with their souls, Hell Hounds."


After the huge wolf disappeared, time seemed to return to normal as the entire place began to tremble when geysers of lava appeared in random spots. From those geysers, many lava hounds came out of them before they dashed towards my enemies.

Chrollo, as the skilled fighter he is, dodged all of them. Nobunaga sliced some of them carefully because if any of my hounds get their paws on them, they are done for. And Hisoka just straight out avoided them completely.

The hounds are completely made of lava, so even if their heads get cut off, they will simply regenerate it.

'I was quite unlucky this time. I got Cerberus out of so many options. But, I think it will do the trick. Even if my ability is this dominating, it also has quite a few weaknesses that bother me like there is no tomorrow.' I thought.

(Of course it has! If you weren't so greedy, you could have waited for a little bit longer and you would get stronger in the normal way. But no, you choose the hard way. Remember that all power has a price, it doesn't matter if you can pay it or not. Well, once you master this ability you will be nearly unstoppable anyways. However, for now you shouldn't make more sacrifices. Your limit is only one at the moment.) Nyarlathotep's comment made me smile.

'As always, she is the only one who knows the true weaknesses. Both physically and mentally. Unfortunately, my ability doesn't have only one weakness, it has three.

1. I cannot change the ability that I got from the sacrifice. If I got the Cerberus, I can't change it in the middle of a battle.

2. I can't make multiple sacrifices. Mostly because I still haven't mastered it completely. 6 months aren't enough to make me the strongest in the world. And my underdeveloped body doesn't help either.' I shaked my head.

(But I like your body, though. I don't even know if I want you to grow up.) Nyarlathotep teased me.

'To think that such a chaotic entity is a Shotacon. Hey! Stop being such a pervert.' I told her.

(Nop. I only perv after you.) She whispered the last part.

For some reason, her whisper made me have goosebumps. 'Huff. This doesn't make it any better.' I shaked my head. 'Returning to my explanation.

3. My last weakness is the most troublesome one. I lose the member I sacrifice for a certain period of time, leaving me extremely vunerable after the battle. I already tried multiple times to go around this weakness but I couldn't find a way. Even if I create a new arm, the damn wolf will instantly come back and bite it off. There is no way to go around it.' I had a grim smile.

(Ahem! For all that power, there is a price. You need to use wisely, or else, you will die after a battle. But, the combination of your Ito Ito no Mi and your Nen ability is quite deadly. On one hand you control the strings and on the other, you have the Cerberus's arm.) She analyzed.

After her comment, I decided to turn my attention to the battlefield and saw Chrollo using Indoor Fish. This made two skeleton like fishes bite down on one of the hounds but it doesn't matter how much it bites, the hounds can simply regenerate. But the fish will simply bit them back, it seems that they are not affected by the lava.

"Ripper Cyclotron!" Suddenly, I heard this.

It made my eyes widen and suddenly, Phinks came directly at me with a punch. Apparently, he charged his punch right before coming in the room.

"Not good." I said before I lifted my left hand and blocked his punch with my Cerberus arm. "Just kidding. Bind those who escaped from Hell, Hell's Chains."

'I could sense him from 25 meters away using En. While my En is nowhere near the level of my Master, I still am a complete monster in sensing people.'

After saying that, multiple chains came out of the ground and surrounded Phinks. But he managed to retreat before the chains got him. Looking at my hand, I could see that there was some damage.

'His punch was really strong, if he had the time to charge it a little bit more, it could have hurt.' But my arm simply regenerated and the wound disappeared.

"Hmm. To think that I would be in such disadvantage." I looked at my opponents.

In front of me there is Chrollo, Nobunaga and Hisoka and behind me, there is Phinks.

"It is time to even out the odds." I said before looking at my clock.

On it, there was a timer. [5, 4, 3, 2, 1.]

"Now." I said with a smile.

Suddenly, the lights of the entire building turned off.

'Hmm. I have around 15 seconds before their eyes can get used to the dark. Let's cause some panic.' My smile never left my lips. "Punish the souls that escaped from your eyes, Hell's Torment!" I said while I punched the ground

*Crack*. *Crack*. *Booomm*.

My punch destroyed the entire floor, making everyone fall into the floor downstairs.

"Kurapika! Now!" I screamed.

After I screamed, some chains wrapped around Chrollo while we were falling and Chrollo was pulled upwards. When we fell on the ground, the Phantom Troupe members looked around.

"Nobunaga, the Boss is missing! Go find him, I will deal with this brat!" Phinks said.

"Hey. No one is going nowhere. Hell Chains." After I said that, chains wrapped around the ceiling creating a new roof made of pure chains.

"Hmm. By the time you managed to break it all, Nobunaga, Chrollo would be long gone. Also, this room only has one door and right now, I'm in front of it. If you want to leave, you have to go through me." I said with a grin.

"Since the beginning, this was your original goal. Kidnap the Boss and trap us." Nobunaga deducted.

'Kurapika really is useful.'