
Chaotic Journey.

Oemitsu Gremory, the son of Grayfia and Sirzechs, is neglected by his own family for not being born with the Power of Destruction. A power that is characteristic of those of the Bael Family, however, it was inherited by those of the current Gremory generation. He was not only born without this power, but he was doomed to be a low-class devil. Finding no warmth in his real family he sets out to create his own family. Disclaimer: We do not own any of the original animes used on this fanfic. We only own our current original characters. The mc will be evil. He will regard most human life as grass or as pawns that he will get rid off. The only people worthy of his respect are the ones as strong or stronger than him. He will do anything to protect his new family even if it means comiting crimes, massacres or torture. If that is not your cup of tea, then we suggest you to leave and find a more suitable novel or fanfic for you. Also, our character will not be overpowered we will try to balance him as much as possible. We will decide the pace of the story and will not change it even if the readers ask. This is supposed to be a slow story with character development. If you spot any grammar mistake, then you can write it in the paragraph and we will edit it. If you want to do some review, it must be in english and do not review this novel based on the other novel.

Dereck_Oliveira · Anime & Comics
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134 Chs

Death, Merciless and Haste.

Oemitsu was staring at his three opponents who were startled by the death of the three Dragons.

Vodyanoy, the one who transformed into a frog, jumped him.

"Human, don't get full of yourself just because-"

His words were cut short by Oemitsu's hand that grabbed his head and smashed it on the floor.

His other hand went immediately for his heart, however, he was stopped by the General who grabbed his arm before he killed him.

"Why are you stopping me? I was planning on smashing his heart ... like this."

Oemitsu asked as he inserted more strength in his hand, making the General increase his grip on his arm. In the end, Oemitsu was stronger and the General was forced to use his true form. His true, demonic appearance is that of a giant humanoid monster with white skin, red eyes, sharp teeth and several horns. With this form he was able to stop Oemitsu before he killed Vodyanoy.

"I can't have you kill him right now... without him, killing you will be close to impossible!"

The old man that was standing still after the death of his Dragons, finally moved.

He attempted to kick Oemitsu in the face, however, he failed miserably... but he still managed to force Oemitsu to release his grip on Vodyanoy.

"I would love to show you true despair, however, my time is short and so is my patience. Before you all die, I want you to know that I am thankful for your help. I wanted to kill you all and here you are, all grouped up for me... enough chatter. It is time to end your pitiful lifes."

Oemitsu slowly walked towards them with the ground slowly turning into strings. Vodyanoy became completely enraged at his words and endless confidence, jumped at him again.

"You bastard! Do you think we are your pawns?!"

Oemitsu grabbed his face again before he could even come close, however, this time Vodyanoy laughed loudly as his cheeks expanded and he spit out a bunch of acid. Oemitsu was hit in both his face and in the hand that was holding his head.

"How does it taste? Acid brewed by my internal organs!... this acid is so strong that it melts through steel in a matter of seconds!"

Contrary to what Vodyanoy expected, Oemitsu didn't scream or thrashed around in pain. The hand that was on his head, was still gripping his skull tightly and it was not budging no matter how much strength he used.

Oemitsu simply lifted his other hand and shook off the acid that was on his head that was covered with Haki. As soon as the acid hit the ground it melted the dirt almost instantly, clearly showing the strength of the acid. Even though the acid was strong it couldn't pass through Oemitsu's Haki.

"I am not gonna let you kill him!"

The giant humanoid figure rushed towards Oemitsu. In response, Oemitsu smashed Vodyanoy on the ground and 5 giant pillars of strings, coated with Haki, surrounded him.

"White Predator!"

A giant wolf made entirely of strings was created and bit down the giant humanoid. Torbalan, with his absurd physical strength, managed to stop the teeth of the wolf before it bit him in half.

Meanwhile, Oemitsu grabbed Vodyanoy's chin with his left hand while he was still recovering from his attack on the ground and pushing his other hand upwards. He brought it down splitting his skull in half.

The old man, Drekavac, tried to stop him, however, he was met with a wall of strings that blocked his path. Besides training Dragons, he is quite weak... his only special ability is controlling Dragons besides that he is useless.

'4 down, 8 to go.'

Oemitsu thought as he saw Vodyanoy's limp body.

With one of the three down, he turned his attention to Torbalan, who managed to destroy his string wolf, he was probably the strongest of the Demons and the most problematic to deal with.


Oemitsu said as snow covered the entire battlefield. A huge magical circle appeared below his feet. On it, there was the insignia of the Lucifuge Clan.

A blizzard descended upon the landscape and completely destroyed anyone's vision of the battlefield, making it impossible to see anything.

Oemitsu dissipated and Drekavac and Torbalan were separated from each other in no time.

"That brat destroyed the battlefield and split us! Without Drekavac, this fight will be almost impossible to win. I guess it is time to retreat."

Before Torbalan could run, Oemitsu appeared in front of him completely taking him by surprise. He was expecting him to go after Drekavac since he is weaker and a easier prey.

Oemitsu punched him, almost immediately with his hand covered in Haki. Torbalan managed to block it, however, he was met with another punch from Oemitsu's other hand. Reacting quickly, he blocked it and grabbed Oemitsu's fist. Now he had both Oemitsu's hands under his grasp.

Oemitsu could not move his hands anymore since Torbalan grabbed his wrists.

"You might be strong but you made a big mistake, challenging me to a fight of pure strength is suicide!"

Torbalan said as he started to increase his strength on Oemitsu's wrists. Even with Haki he could still feel the pain, this confirmed Oemitsu's theory.

'He truly is the strongest of the Demons.'

"I never intended to challenged you to a brawl. Clear!"

As soon as Oemitsu finished saying his words, the blizzard was cleared and it revealed what was hiding. Countless strings with Haki on their tips were all pointing at Torbalan's undefended back and sides.

Seeing the danger, Torbalan tried to back away, however, Oemitsu froze his hands together with Torbalan's own making it impossible for him to dodge the attack. With his hands frozen together he could only watch as the strings came closer and closer.

"Senbon no Ya: Flap Thread!"

The strings advanced and pierced through Torbalan's giant body. Some strings entered his body and went through it, others stayed inside his body wreaking havoc.

Blood exploded through his entire body, repainting Oemitsu's armor with more blood. His armor went from the original black to red, some of the blood was already dry from previous battles.

"You bastar-"

Torbalan coughed a huge amount of blood. He was barely alive.

'His resistance is something that should be admired.'

Oemitsu broke the ice freezing both their hands together and placed his feet on his bleeding chest and grabbed his wrists,

with the sound of meat being ripped, Oemitsu ripped off both of Torbalan's arms, immediately after he axe kicked him in the head, blowing his head off like a balloon.

'5 down. 7 to go.'

After thinking of that, Oemitsu turned his eyes to the sound following the tracks of Drekavac who tried to run away. Soon enough, he found the coward trying to break through his Bird Cage.

"Why won't it open?! It can't end like this... I was so close!"

He screamed like a lunatic as he tried to punch the strings to escape. Oemitsu simply descended right behind him.

"Give it up. My Bird Cage cannot be broken... at least not by someone of your calibre."

"You?! How is it possible?! Is Torbalan already dead?!"

Oemitsu didn't bother to reply, he simply dropped Torbalan's skull on the ground and dashed at Drekavac.

"Wait! Don't you want to know why Tir Na Fal wants you to kill us?! That bitch is planning to trick us all-"

Oemitsu beheaded him with his strings before he could even finish his sentence. Drekavac wasn't expecting such a sudden attack, he was caught completely by surprise and in the end, he couldn't believe that he died. Oemitsu is not interested in the topic... Tir Na Fal is a toy for him to grow stronger, that is all there is to it.

(Are you sure this is wise? We could have at least heard what he had to say...)

'And what? We both know that he was trying to manipulate me into letting him live. TirTir Na Fal is a Goddess whom I cannot trust and the same could be said for the Demons.'

(Don't worry, if you can get more Crystals you might be able to kill her or you can use that...)

'Exactly, Nyar. Tir Na Fal's quest is not the only way of getting stronger. We have multiple options.'

(When are you going to give me a body?!)

'When I get the strength to do such thing. I already have your sister breathing down on my neck and that is enough for now. I don't need more higher beings on my tail.'

(So... the reason why I, your Onee-chan, can't have fun with my little brother is because of my sister... I hope you don't mind... I have to leave.)

As soon as he heard her creepy laughter, he simply ignored her and decided to dispel his Bird Cage.

'I need to regroup with my cavalry.'

He though as he ran through the battlefield.




Soon enough, he met with a Platoon Captain after killing a couple more soldiers from Asvarre that tried his luck with him. The Captain got down from his horse and knelt on one knee in front of him.

"Status report."

"Your Majesty, we are facing heavy casualties. At least 6,000 of our brothers have already died!"

In response Oemitsu simply threw him Torbalan's smashed head.

"This is the enemy General. Spread the word through the battlefield and place his head on a pole."

The Captain smiled, with the head of the enemy General the entire army from Asvarre will be routed and they will be able to win this battle. 10,000 men defeated 300,000; this would go down in history. Oemitsu alone killed more than 50,000.

"What about the enemy captives? If they surrender what should we do, Your Majesty?"

Oemitsu smiled.

'The Captain is already speaking as if the battle was already won.'

"Accept everyone who surrenders. Afterwards impale them all alive. Now, get going. We don't have time to waste."

As soon as Oemitsu said those words, smoke could be seen from the distance in the direction of the Royal Capital, Pendragon.

'Did I take too long to destroy Asvarre?... no it is not possible. Pendragon has three sets of walls and Ou Ki is in charge of the defence. The city should still be standing... I gotta hurry up.'

Oemitsu thought as he flew through the air in the direction of the Royal Capital.