
Chaotic Journey.

Oemitsu Gremory, the son of Grayfia and Sirzechs, is neglected by his own family for not being born with the Power of Destruction. A power that is characteristic of those of the Bael Family, however, it was inherited by those of the current Gremory generation. He was not only born without this power, but he was doomed to be a low-class devil. Finding no warmth in his real family he sets out to create his own family. Disclaimer: We do not own any of the original animes used on this fanfic. We only own our current original characters. The mc will be evil. He will regard most human life as grass or as pawns that he will get rid off. The only people worthy of his respect are the ones as strong or stronger than him. He will do anything to protect his new family even if it means comiting crimes, massacres or torture. If that is not your cup of tea, then we suggest you to leave and find a more suitable novel or fanfic for you. Also, our character will not be overpowered we will try to balance him as much as possible. We will decide the pace of the story and will not change it even if the readers ask. This is supposed to be a slow story with character development. If you spot any grammar mistake, then you can write it in the paragraph and we will edit it. If you want to do some review, it must be in english and do not review this novel based on the other novel.

Dereck_Oliveira · Anime & Comics
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134 Chs

Bashing Some Fools.

(Nyarlathotep POV)

('My little brother is as troublesome as always. I didn't want to intervene with his plans, at least not directly, but he left me no choice. If I let him as he is, his ability will take control of his body and go wild. Something I don't want. One thing that I noticed, something that even Mitsu-kun did not manage to realize, is that his Nen ability acts as another personality.

One that lives inside him. If he keep sacrificing the members of his body so carelessly like this, he will lose himself and end up turning into someone completely different. He needs to completely subjugate his other personality before he can freely use his power.

However, this is easier said than done. That other personality exists thanks to his deep insecurities, while he might not realize it, his brother's shadow still haunts him. His inferiority complex was buried by him since he could not overcome it but this hasty counter-measure inhibit his Nen ability, making it weaker and harder to control or master.

If he manages to completely master his ability and get strong enough to hold all of its power, he will be as strong as a Ultimate Class Devil. Well, stronger than a normal one to the point of giving trouble to a Satan Class Devil. But now isn't the time for him to deal with his ability, not yet.') Through a screen, I looked at Mitsu-kun being eaten by the damned wolf while I was sat in a beautifuly adorned red chair, on my right, there was a small table with a book and an empty glass of wine.

After seeing such an infuriating scene, I got up from my chair and walked in a direction before I snapped my fingers. Like this, I entered inside Oemitsu's subconsciousness. Once there, I saw a gigantic wolf that had an extremely large grin while he fixedly looked at a copy of Oemitsu that was in front of him.

When the wolf saw me, his eyes widened and I saw deep fear in them. ("You disgusting dog! Take your paws off my little brother! Return to the sewers, you overgrown rat! You have no place in my little brother's mind.") I waved my hand, turning the gigantic wolf into nothing more than a pile of dust.

When I looked at Oemitsu's doppelganger, he was completely encroached in darkness and had an anguished expression. This, made me even more furious at that rat. After taking a deep breath, I approached and hugged him. ("Shhhh. Everything is going to be alright. Big sister, is here and she will deal with the troublesome people outside.") I told him while I caressed his head.

Like this, I assumed control of his body.

(Back to the real world)

After opening my eyes, I looked around and took a deep breath. ("Hmm. It has been a long time since I have been outside.") I gripped my hand... it seemed to be more like a paw or something like that. Whatever. ("This body is not the best one, especially since it isn't that strong or beautiful but it is what I have for today. To think that I would fight in a man's body... this is making me rather uncomfortable. I don't even know if I can call it a man's body, it is more like a wolf's.") As I complained to myself, I looked at my opponents. ("You all will be perfect way to warm up.")

Hisoka, looking like he hasn't drank water for more than 10 years, suddenly dashed towards me with a predatory look in his eyes.

("So you are the creep that keeps looking at my little brother, huh?") I asked as I waved my hand and sent him flying into a wall.

I was surprised so I gripped my fist. ('I might be stronger than I thought. I need to be careful I don't want to kill Hisoka. Mitsu-kun will be the one who kills Hisoka.')

"Ripper Cyclotron!" I heard Phinks saying this behind me.

Then I felt something making contact with my back but nothing happened. "Impossible! I rotated my arm 20 times! It didn't even got past your Ten!" He exclaimed.

("You almost hurt my brother's body!") I said before I used my aura and sent him straight into another wall.

At this moment, I saw Feitan using his Rising Sun ability, and a huge sun fell on top of me.

("Tch. Its too bright! Turn it down, brat. Helheim's Breath.") Huge amounts of ice froze not only the annoying sun but also the entire building.

After this, I looked at my masterpiece before I stretched myself a little. ("I think it is time to fight back.") I said as I dissapeared from where I was.

Feitan, as if he sensed the danger, warned." Pay attention! She's coming!" Right after he finished talking, I appeared in front of Nobunaga and kicked him in the face, sending him flying but before he could even reach his destination, which was a wall, I appeared behind him and grabbed his head.

Then I smashed him head deeply into the floor. Feitan, after seeing his companion getting beaten up, appeared at my left, together with Phinks, who was at my right. But before they could do anything, I simply used Conqueror's Haki, which pushed them back.

('While Mitsu-kun has no control over this, my case is completely different. I am an entity that is above anyone in this world, besides, I used to wield a much more fearsome power than this basic level ability. If I was in my original form, simply looking at me would mess with their minds to such an extent, that they would rather kill themselves than keep living with the memory of having seen me.') Before both of them could recover, I said. ("Gleipnir.") Afterwards, a large amount of chains wrapped around Phinks.

Feitan barely managed to avoid being trapped in them. Phinks, after being bound, struggled.

("It is useless. If my brother was in charge of this body, you might have been able to escape, however, currently, I am the one in charge of his body and, right now, I'm quite pissed off.") I said as I got ready to dash at him.


But before I could, I heard a gunshot. Taking a step back, since the bullet hit me in the head, I simply chewed the bullet before spiting it out. Turning to look at who was the culprit of shooting me, I saw that it was Pakunoda. ('Ehm. Is she for real? A bullet?') I asked myself while I walked towards her direction.

At this moment, I felt that someone was going to attack me on my back. But before I could counter it, one of my arms was pulled. When I looked at my left, I saw that Hisoka was using his Bungee Gum to pull my right arm, it seems that when I punched him, he sticked his ability to my arm.

After realizing this, I used Hisoka's Bungee Gum to my favor as I pulled him to me, using the pure strenght that this body gave me before kicking Feitan right on his arm, breaking it in the process and sending him to a wall. Then, I punched Hisoka in the face, luckily for him, he released his ability after I pulled him, if he hadn't, I would have punched him 100 times.

("Overheat.") After he flew, I send a a flaming string in Pakunoda's direction before she could even react, she was hit by it, making a huge wound on her body.

When I looked around, I saw that the only ones that were capable of fighting were Nobunaga, a half cripple Feitan and a dizzy Hisoka.

"Nen Threads!" I completely ignored Machi's wires that were trying to hang me.

And with my claws, I simply sliced them before turning to Machi and seeing that she was pissed off for some reason. ("You look angry... how dare you! You were chosen by my brother to join our family. Not only did you refused it once, but when Oemitsu made you pay the price of refusing him, you threatened him saying that you would kill him! In the end my brother will get you in his family. But not before I punish you for acting that way with my brother.")

"You are going to punish me?! I will kill your brother for what he did!" She loudly exclaimed.

I bent my head and asked. ("Did I just heard you right?") I slowly walked towards her direction. With each step I took, an imprint remained. ('Not only did this bitch had the audacity of threatening my brother, she did it right in front of me!') I was infuriated. ("In all my existence, I have never been so enraged like today.") After I said that, Hisoka, Nobunaga and Feitan appeared behind me. They foolishly tried to join hands to kill me.

I immediately turned around and said. ("You are just toys. Do not get in my way! Wolf's Impact!") My hand was coated in a white energy before I sent a huge Nen blast at those three, sending them away like the flies they were.

After that, I turned around and bent my head once more. ("Now... where were we?") Machi was not even able to move. ("Repeat what you said.") Veins appeared in both my face and hands, I was clearly pissed off.

Unknowingly to me, at this moment, I was so pissed off, that I released my killing intent, making Machi completely immobilized. Even if she wanted to run away, she couldn't. She's lucky to even be able to continue conscious.

After step by step, I stopped in front of her and placed my wolf like hand on top of her head. For me, it was like a little tap. For Machi, it was like a giant beast just got hold of her. I gripped her hair and smashed her head on the wall.

*Boomm*. *Boomm*. *Boomm*. *Boomm*.

Again and again, I kept smashing her head into a wall. I did it so much that I ended up destroying the wall with her head. When I released her, her body fell on the ground like a puppet that lost it's strings. Then, I lowered myself, gripped her hair again and lifting her face.

Her face was completely bloodied and bruised. ("You are lucky that he wants you, or else, you would be dead by now. You are Oemitsu's little toy. Nothing more, nothing less.") I stared deeply at her eyes. ("Do you understand?")

But I saw that she was not listening to me and she was probably planning to do what she said. Shaking my head, I smashed her head again in the floor. ("Do. You. Understand. Me?!") After being a little more rough with her, it seems that she decided to listen to me. Then I leaned in and whispered in her ear. ("The only reason you are alive... is to please my brother. Should there ever come a time in which you forget your job... I will kill you myself!") Then I smashed her head one more time and threw her body.

Suddenly, I felt one of my shoulders cracking and blood coming out. ("Even if I borrowed this body, it still is my brother's body. I ended up pushing it too much.") When I looked around, I saw that all of the Phantom Troupe members were barely alive. ('I could kill them all at this moment, however, Oemitsu still needs them. If I kill them, the bitch that almost had her head destroyed, would never be truly loyal. I want to kill her right now, but that would probably make Oemitsu sad and that is one of the faces that I really don't want to see. After being alone for eons, I finally found someone that shared the same desire and obcession that I have. That is why Oemitsu is my everything now. Anything he wants, I will give him. I'm thankful that the Creators sealed me because this allowed me to meet Oemitsu after all. Regarding the bitch and the others... in a couple of years, Oemitsu will kill them all or make them his pet. Now, it is time to go back to my little room, or else, his body will not last long.") I looked at Machi, or the body that resembled her. ("Behave well. If the Phantom Troupe kills him, I will come back and kill all of you.") I told her before the body broke down and returned to Oemitsu's original body. His body fell on the ground, unconscious.