

The world they existed in was not alone, there were other universes that existed parallel to them. What happens when humans discover about it? Will it create space for new discoveries and inventions or will it be the destruction of the human world? What will happen if one of them falls in love with a human?

Ro_sh · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs


She felt a soft mattress caressing her. She had never felt anything this softer. She would feel the warmness of it.

'Where was it?' She thought

Soon her mind crashed down to the incidents that had happened. She was being kidnapped. The last thing she saw was blue startled eyes staring at her inky ones.

She opened her eyes. She was welcomed by black ceiling but her mind was in a rush to notice it.

She would feel the panic rising in her chest. Her breaths had become hard and shallow.

All said humans are safe here, then why was she kidnapped.

Why they took her without any reason

Do they felt like she was danger

Will they kill me or chop me?'

What they really want

Her mind played the worst scenarios. It was in autopilot mode. She took deep breaths to calm herself, but it was not helping



As she searched around the room, she realised that she was all alone. Aaron and Rhys were not with them.

What did they do to them?

She looked around the room. It was not a jail or a basement. It looked like a luxurious room. Everything was in black and grey.

The room was too huge for keeping her as a prisoner. But she couldn't enjoy the beauty of it.

Escape' her mind screamed

She searched around for something a window, a door or a hole to escape.

One side of the room had glass walls that reached till the ceiling. But it was all covered in black. No sunlight even in. The floors were also in black with white pattern in them.

A big couch was on one end with a small table. The room had minimal furniture.

She saw a door on the left end. She rushed towards it.

As she put her legs on the cold marble floor, she started to sway. She holds the side tables to steady herself. It took her more than two minutes to compose herself.

She ran towards the door and held the handles to open the door. But she couldn't. It was locked. She banged it. She banged it with all her power. But it was of no use.

"Open the damn door" she screamed her head off

She continued screaming and banging. All left was her sounds echoing back to her.

Soon her screams turned into small sobs.

She felt helpless just like the time….. no she wasn't going to replay it.

She sat on the floor, her head resting on the door. Dried tears were on the sides of her eyes. Her lip was swollen. New tears formed her eyes.

As the tears fell down, she wiped off with determination in her eyes.

I will find a way

First I have to be patient.

She planned her escape. She played all possibilities of things going wrong and right. She noted everything on her head. And waited.

Now all she had to do was to wait.

She looked around the room, there was no watch. As the windows were all dark, she didn't even know it was day or night.

Her stomach growled in hunger. There was not even a drop of water.

Her eyes closed on itself as hunger and tiredness washed over.

She was woken up by the sweet savory aroma. Her stomach growled loudly. She hasn't had anything after she had been kidnapped.

She was a blurred figure in her vague vision.

Who is it?