
Chaos Unleashed: Rise of The Strongest Celestial

Update time: 9pm, 10pm GMT+1 [WSA 2024 Entry] Have you met a man who loves fantasy creatures like Elves and Beast-kin so much that he'd literally try to change his race? This same man would literally master every single job in the world at the age of 31. Shocking, isn't it? Meet Stephen Morgans, the man who was once hailed as the wasted genius on earth and commits suicide with truck-san and reincarnates as the creatures he loved so much in his own novel. Of course, it wasn't without angering the gods. Reincarnated as Asher Von Wight with a reincarnated twin brother Cashel Von Wight, how will he fend off the angry gods? Becoming their lackey or becoming a god slayer? ———— *The novel might seem a bit slow in some places and a bit fast in another. **If you want a main character who gets overpowered in just 10 chapters, of course, it's not too unrealistic and unexplainable, sign up. ***The Main Character may be a bit– Very posseseive so here we go with the #yandere tag, UmU. ****Writing quality is 4.5 stars and the updating stability is 1, 2 or 3 chapters a day. *****Other tags are; #Action, #Adventure, #Cliffhangers/Suspense, #Romance #Overpowered, #No-harem, #Anti-hero, #Villan #Yandere, #Gore, #Scheming, #Isekai, #Medieval+Technology, #Magic, #Fights, e.t.c ******Discord server link is https://discord.com/invite/cDmEpjvBMb Thanks for reading!

Kelvar10_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
83 Chs

10: Omni

"Mother..., By the way, you didn't tell us our elements. What elements do we have."

Emilia sighed and she spoke,

"You two broke all the theories that we have been building upon for centuries..."

"Huh?" Asher and Cashel spoke at the same time.

"You awakened all the elements... Everything... With peak grade affinities."



Asher was the first to snap out of his daze. 

"Woah... That's a funny joke mum, good one. Haha..."

Asher stared at his mother expecting that serious face to break at any moment into a laughing one but after 5 full minutes of complete silence, it didn't.

"Right..?" Asher swallowed a mouthful of saliva. 

"Right?" he spoke again but this time his mother answered with another question.

"Asher, have I ever lied to you?"

"Yes, when we were 5, you told me that there was a scorpion in the garden so I wouldn't go there because Cashel was eating the souvenirs you brought from Thailand." Asher replied with a deadpan look but unfortunately, Emilia was thick skinned.

"Jokes aside–"

"I'm not joking." Asher interrupted.

"A-anyways, I'm not lying to you. You can check it out by yourself. Cashel, bring the orb from my room and take these keys. Cashel? Cashel?!"

"Ah– Yes! What?" 

Cashel had just snapped out of his daze, missing out on the entire conversation. 

"I said, bring the wooden box from my room and take these keys to open the door."

Emilia spoke again and Cashel rushed there and in no time he was back. 

"Did you get faster?" Asher asked.

"Yes, and stronger too. I can definitely punch a hole in the El'fen tree now." Cashel replied.

"Get off your high horse, you can only dent it by 0.2mm and you're saying you can punch a hole in it now? Don't be ridiculous." Bariel sneered.

He had been listening to the whole conversation but he didn't say anything till now. 

Cashel handed the box to Emilia, who opened it and placed it on the bed. 

"Asher, you do it first. Inject your mana–, no, the energy in you."

Asher did as he asked. Controlling the strange purple energy came naturally like moving a limb but suddenly, a purple screen appeared in front of him.

[Detected that host is using Essence. Would host like to convert to mana? 

1E = 100,000,000,000,000,000MP]

[Essence: 100,000,000,000

 Mana: 100,000,000,000,000,000 × 100,000,000,000]

'Hm? So this purple energy is called esscence.' Asher thought. His eyes moved to the mana stat and he chuckled.

"Even the system is afraid of math." He muttered and it didn't go unnoticed by everyone in the room.

"What are you saying?" Emilia asked. 

"You might be shocked about this one." Asher said. 

"I've received too much surprises. Nothing can surprise me again." Emilia sighed.

"Well, this new energy is called Essence–"

"That's it?" Emilia said interrupted.

"No, I'm not done speaking yet. It says here that one point of essence is one quadrillion mana points..."

Quadrillion comes after Trillion

Emilia's eyes went blank, Barion's eyes widened and Cashel's mouth kept opening and closing but Asher ignored them and continued speaking.

"I have a hundred billion essence points so with some extreme mental math, that's... 1 and 28 zeros." 

Emilia's eyes were still blank and she began to mutter something at high speed and slowly her eyes were getting crazed with fangs growing larger, teeth sharpening and hair standing erect but it calmed down as soon as if came.

That was her beast fox blood getting out of control and seeing Asher worthy as an opponent to fight, now or in the future.

Bariel's hand was on her shoulder, sending a calm stream of mana into her nerves to calm her down and if worked like a charm.

'Ooh, I never checked my stats.' 

"Status." Asher called out and the previously red screen had turned purple with new information here and there. 

[Name: Asher Von Wight

 Race: Fey-Elf hybrid

 Status: Playful     System Points: 100 

 Strength: 70       Agility: 95

 Stamina: 85       Endurance: 100 

 Intelligence: 50    Wisdom: 50 

Mana: 1.E28      Essence: 100,000,000,000

Essence core:- Rank 1 - low stage 

Elements:- Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Darkness, Light, Time, Space, Null, Lightning 

Bloodlines: Nine Tailed Magic Fox




[Congratulations! You have completed the quest — Awaken your mana core within 9 years. 

Reward: Yin Essence core cultivation technique. Check in {inventory}]

"Well that's something... Hmm..."

Asher looked up to see the gazes of his parents going to both he and Cashel and immediately he saw why. 

Cashel had the same system screen in front of him and judging by their expressions, they could see them.

"I can't explain this..." Asher facepalmed and sighed.

[Arcadia>> The bedroom of our favorite god]

"Haha! Despite all their shortcomings, humans make good movies. I thought I felt my heart shake for a second there." Zerius laughed and in the next moment, he felt his own heart shake for real and he coughed blood. 

"H-how is this possible?! One of his soul pockets sent a distress message before it completely disappeared. He tried his best but he couldn't sense an atom of it anymore.

"Tsk, this is why I shouldn't be stingy with my soul. I'll replace it with a bit from the soul core this time. Let's see which god dares to override it again."

Zerius appeared in another dimension. He was floating above the skies of Metriz and he could see Asher and his Family as he looked down. 

"I'll do it on the brother too for insurance."

He started to weave his hands in the air and in a few minutes, he'd finished drawing the formation with a few runes here and there to assign the process.

'I do wonder which god dares to override my own soul pockets. Is he courting death?'

The moment Zerius sent divine mana into the formation. He regretted his choice heavily.

Pain took over his body and this time, he coughed up a mouthful of blood. Some impatient ones spurted out of his nose and eyes leaving Zerius to float in air.

'Ah, I see... The celestials are watching us... always...'


Bro learnt the hard way but will he give up?

Send more powerstones! I heard they can replace mana cores for a particular defensive barrier. Umu

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Kelvar10_creators' thoughts