
Chaos Throughout The Omniverse (HIATUS)

Luxion was a lonely 15 year old, who unfortunately died. Luckily for him, he received the opportunity to reincarnate with a few wishes. Unexpectedly, the catch was that he had to marry the daughter of the Origin Embodiment, Lady Fate herself. -Note- * MC will be OP * MC will be goofball * MC will have harem * MC is Chaotic-neutral and will be kind to friends/family, but ruthless to enemies or anyone who will directly antagonise him. * MC won't start attacking someone for stupid reasons and will not directly fight unless he's friends/family are threatened. * MC will do stuff on a whim, even if it's considered evil or unorthodox to others, but this will rarely happen. * If you don't want MC who can solve most problems with ease, then leave. * There will be times when the MC is nerfed at important events in order for plot development.

KeeperOfBooks · Fantasy
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45 Chs

6. Letter & Shopping

It's been a few years since I became the owner of Hogwarts. The day after I became lord to multiple houses, me and mom went to visit Madam Bones. Apparently, mom and her are close friends. We had dinner together, and I got to meet little Susan. She was quite the shy little girl, but thanks to some charisma, she opened up to me at the end of the night.

Madam Bones was quite shocked by this, since Susan normally takes much longer to open up to someone. After that little event, me and Susan met up to play from time to time.

Also, when Dora came home for the holiday from Hogwarts, she was extatic to know that I was an innate metamorphmagus. She taught me quite a lot of useful tips. Thanks to my cheats, I exceeded her in controlling my metamorphmagus power. She was a bit grumpy because of that, so I had to take her on a date, even though I'm just a kid and she's a teenager.

Mom also took me to other houses as well, that included the Longbottoms and the Greengrass family. I was actually there when Neville was thrown out the window by his uncle, t'was a great day it was. Me and Neville actually got along really well.

The Greengrass were also fun to hang out with. I loved teasing Daphne and breaking her Ice Princess mask. About Astorias blood curse, I secretly healed her and everyone thought it was just a random miracle. Except for Daphne, I don't know how, but her instincts are sharp. She questioned me when we were alone, I jokingly said that I'd only tell her if she married me. Unfortunately or fortunately that backfired, and now Daphne is my fiancée, Ice Princess waifu get! (I still didn't tell her how I healed Astoria)

About my animagus form, I discovered something odd. I don't know if it's because of my race or something else, but my animagus form is whatever I want it to be. I can turn into a phoenix, a dragon and even a fucking dementor. I'm not gonna lie, being a dementor is awesome.

I visited Azkaban and the other dementors treat me as there king, or something they fear. I could command them and they would follow my orders to the letter. I think it's because I'm a Peverell or because of my dementor form, or maybe both.

I also found a Lethifold who was quite friendly towards me. A Lethifold is like a cousin to a dementor, they are flesh eating magical beasts that hunt during the night. They normally eat sleeping muggles or wizards. I always have my Lethifold on me as a coat. She keeps the temperature comfortable, she protects me and I give her food. We made some rules that she won't attack or eat anyone without my permission. It actually reminds me of Dr. Strange's flying cloak.

Although I can't see in my dementor form, I can detect soul energy, similar to how I can detect magic. By the way, magic is produced by soul energy, so then I tried to learn how to manipulate soul energy. It was hard, like bloody hell, Merlins wrinkly mummified testicles hard. But once I got the hang of it, it just became easier.

Turns out, occlumency is actually manipulating your own soul. So my occlumency is probably the best in the world. Also, I can suck out someone's soul without turning into a dementor. Sadly, once you eat a soul, there's almost no going back to regular food. I had to erase my own memory of ever eating a soul just to stabilise myself.

Anyway, the only reason I'm ranting now is because I finally got my Hogwarts letter, check it out!

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft And Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

Dear Mr. Arius,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft And Wizardry . Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July. Yours sincerely,

Minera McGonagell

Deputy Headmistress

Obviously, I accepted and sent the owl back with my letter, after giving the owl some food and rest of course. I won't immediately be going to get my school stuff though, I'll be going on the very last day. The day Harry enters Diagon Ally, I hope to be friends with him. As for Ron, I feel no pity for the guy, I'll be replacing him.

Throughout the whole series, he's been practically useless. Dragging Harry down, getting jealous for stupid reasons and lashing out at them in anger, that's technically all he's done. I mean, sure, there were those times he helped out, but that was only after he caused a mess. So, I plan on removing the cancer from the Golden Trio.

Anyway, I can't wait to go shopping, its gonna be fun!

~Time Skip~

"We're here!" I smiled as I stepped into Diagon Ally. When I entered the Leaky Cauldron, it was packed with people talking about Harry. That means that I just missed him.

"Mom, I'll go get my robes, you take care of my books for now." I ran off without even listening to her. Perhaps I'm a bit too giddy, but I mean, this is every fans dream. Shopping for school supplies, getting a wand and going to Hogwarts.

Clearing my head, I used [Magic Detection] and [Soul Detection] to look for a peculiar soul. Low and behold, I found Harry just about to enter Madam Malkin's Robes For All Occasions. I quietly and swiftly ran towards the store before entering it myself.

"Hello there dear, are you here for Hogwarts robes?" I see Madam Malkin looking at both me and Harry. We look at each other before nodding together.

"Alright then, go stand over there and I'll come measure you in a jiffy!" She smiles at us.

We both walk towards the measuring place where you can see Draco getting measured. Me and Harry both stand next to each other and wait our turns. I use a silent and wandless confondus charm on Draco to ignore us. Then I cast a silent silencio around me and Harry.

Now that I get a closer look at him, he seems quite scrawny and meek. I was noticeably taller than him, but not an exaggerated amount.

"Is this your first time in Diagon Ally?" I start up the conversation. Harry meekly looks at me before answering.

"Yeah, I was actually raised by muggles. I only discovered the wizarding world a few days ago." Harry says with a wince.

"So you're muggle-born then?"

"No, from what I heard, both of my parents weren't muggles."

"Really? What happened to your parents?"

"They died when I was a baby." Sadness was in his eyes.

"I'm sorry about that. I'm Luxion by the way, Luxion Arius." I stick out my hand for a handshake. Harry grabs and shakes my hand.

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter."

Just a heads up, I will be posting at least two chapters a day, if not, one chapter a day. Another thing, I'm planning on ending the Harry Potter world in Luxions fourth year.

If any of you have suggestions for his next world, let me hear it. It doesn't matter if it's a movie, anime or series, as long as its kind of known, I'll try to write about.

But I'll warn you, if it's something that I don't know of, I won't go out of my way to watch it. I'm a busy guy after all.

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