
Chaos Throughout The Omniverse (HIATUS)

Luxion was a lonely 15 year old, who unfortunately died. Luckily for him, he received the opportunity to reincarnate with a few wishes. Unexpectedly, the catch was that he had to marry the daughter of the Origin Embodiment, Lady Fate herself. -Note- * MC will be OP * MC will be goofball * MC will have harem * MC is Chaotic-neutral and will be kind to friends/family, but ruthless to enemies or anyone who will directly antagonise him. * MC won't start attacking someone for stupid reasons and will not directly fight unless he's friends/family are threatened. * MC will do stuff on a whim, even if it's considered evil or unorthodox to others, but this will rarely happen. * If you don't want MC who can solve most problems with ease, then leave. * There will be times when the MC is nerfed at important events in order for plot development.

KeeperOfBooks · Fantasy
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45 Chs

3. Returning To Hogwarts

After the little scuffle with the Malfoy's, we left Diagon Alley and went our separate ways. I also met with Hermione's parents, who told me that Hermione kept talking about me, much to Hermione's embarrassment. Before I split up with Hermione, I warned her about Lockhart's plagiarism.

You might be wondering why I didn't take Riddle's diary right there and then. Well my answer is, reader cont- I mean, so that the plot can stay as close as possible to the original plot.

I feel bad doing that, but I have a plan to make sure that nobody dies. The victims of the basalisk only survived because of luck and plot armour. Things won't go like that in the real world, because there will always be a few variants.

Anyway, moving on to other matters. I found myself some werewolf volunteers for the Anti-Lunar potion. This led me to getting new skills, [Appraisal] and [Analyse]. As the name of [Appraisal] says, I can appraise things. I can identify what the appraised things is and what it does.

[Analyse] is a more indepth version of [Appraisal]. It allows me to identify the raw materials of the analysed object, its contsruction process its weaknesses and so on. They are very useful skills.

I analysed the Anti-Lunar potions, I made different types with different materials, and the results were mostly satisfying. I made 4 types of Anti-Lunar potions, and only 2 of them had zero flaws.

The 2 that had flaws wouldn't stop the transformation, but would make it much worse. The 2 that did work lasted differently, the one lasted for 2 months, and the other lasted for 6.

This led me to research the interactions between the Anti-Lunar potion and the Eternal Elixir. What I found was surprising. The potion that lasted for 6 months would become unstable. The potion that lasted for 2 months would work perfectly with the Eternal Elixir, which meant that I just found a cure for Lycanthropy.

I was so extatic when I discovered this, that I ended up shouting in joy. This obviously brought attention to everyone in the house. When they entered my research room, they saw me jumping around like a monkey. That was quite an embarrassing moment.

When I explained why I was shouting in joy, everyone was surprised. It's not everyday that someone created a new potion, especially a potion that was compatible with the Eternal Elixir. Although the Eternal Elixir is expensive, it's worth the price if I can use it for the Anti-Lunar potion. I mixed the perfect Anti-Lunar potion and Eternal Elixir and I named it the Anti-Lycanthropy potion.

When I tested it on the voluntary test subjects, it worked! They all felt better, as if they were no longer fighting an inner battle. I was worshipped by the victims of lycanthropy.

When I registered the potion at the ministry, they thought it was a joke. But when I showed them the proof, they were forced to accept it. Of course, Umbitch didn't take to it and tried to reject the potion. Needless to say, she was out voted.

The news that an Anti-Lycanthropy potion was being sold, that the ministry approved and that it was being sold at Arius Brewery caught a lot of attention. By the end of the day it was put on the shelf, they were all bought out and I ran out of stock.

The next day, there was a line forming outside the store. Luckily, I managed to buy a lot of my Anti-Lycanthrilopy from the Store. A lot of werewolves came out of hiding just to get the potion, mostly because the potion was given for free to werewolves.

In just a week, the amount of werewolves has dwindled down to near extinction. The werewolves that are loyal to Greyback can't even turn others into werewolves, because most of the magic population took the Anti-Lycanthropy potion. Even other countries bought the Anti-Lycanthropy potions.

I became quite famous in the whole wizard world, and I was praised as a potion prodigy. The fact that I was only 12 years old broke other potion prodigies ego's.

Speaking of my age, I remembered a thing about saiyans, they stop aging at 10-11 years old until they're 16 years old, and they looked like muscle freaks. I'll have to slowly change my appearance from time to time and I'll have to hide my tail. Yep, I grew a tail.

The only strange thing is that my tail hair is black instead of brown, and my tail is long as fuck. I know that Cumber had a long tail, but I didn't think it would be so long. It's practically two thirds of my height, and it will continue to grow with me. As for being a muscle freak, I can only hope that I'll have a lean muscular build.

Anyway, today was finally the day Hogwarts starts again. Me and Harry were excited to go back, so we arrived a bit earlier than normal. Strangely enough, we safely passed the barrier to platform 9 & 3/4. Dobby probably wouldn't be able to stop the adults from braking the barrier, so he'll probably do something while we're on the train.

Me and Harry found ourselves an empty compartment and we patiently waited for our friends. We talked with each other for some time, before the door was opened. Daphne strolled inside and sat down next to me. We continued talking until all of our other friends entered. Hermione and Daphne were sitting on my sides, Neville and Susan were sitting besides Harry. Soon, the train started and we were off.

We talked about what happened during the holiday, about interesting things and miniscule stuff. I felt really warm inside when I was with my friends, it was an addicting feeling honestly. My conviction to protect those close to me grew stronger with each day I was in this world.

As we were talking, the train suddenly stopped. We all toppled out of our seats and I was buried under Hermione and Daphne. Harry was sat on by Neville, I felt bad for him actually.

"What was that?"

"The train stopped, duh."

"I know that, but why."

"I don't know, what do you think Lux?"

I already placed down a clone while they were distracted, so I ran out of the train. Then I used [Omnikinesis] to search the space for anything. Guess who I found? That's right, it was Dobby!

I checked what he did to the train, and it turned out that he used magic on the engine. When Dobby left, thinking that he completed his work, I used [Omnikinesis] to turn back time just before he used magic. The engine was up and running, so I returned to my seat. After a few hours, we arrived at Hogwarts.

It feels good to be back.