
Chaos Throughout The Omniverse (HIATUS)

Luxion was a lonely 15 year old, who unfortunately died. Luckily for him, he received the opportunity to reincarnate with a few wishes. Unexpectedly, the catch was that he had to marry the daughter of the Origin Embodiment, Lady Fate herself. -Note- * MC will be OP * MC will be goofball * MC will have harem * MC is Chaotic-neutral and will be kind to friends/family, but ruthless to enemies or anyone who will directly antagonise him. * MC won't start attacking someone for stupid reasons and will not directly fight unless he's friends/family are threatened. * MC will do stuff on a whim, even if it's considered evil or unorthodox to others, but this will rarely happen. * If you don't want MC who can solve most problems with ease, then leave. * There will be times when the MC is nerfed at important events in order for plot development.

KeeperOfBooks · Fantasy
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45 Chs

14. Wizards Stupidity & Troll

The next day, news the strange phenomenon in Diagon Alley and the braking in of Gringrots shook the whole of Britain. The fact that the Lestrange vault was empty and the Dumbledore vault was half empty was even more surprising.

I was reading the Daily Prophet at breakfast and let out a small smirk unintentionally before I quickly returned to fake frowning. Nobody should have noticed because everyone was reading the Daily Prophet, which had a picture of Gringrots building with words painted on it: Happy Halloween. It was my work, obviously.

The only people that noticed was Hermione and Selene. Those 2 were always paying attention to me. I quietly shushed Hermione before winking at her, which made her blush. I also winked at Selene who ended up with a mild nose bleed.

Selene knows that I'm the one responsible for the chaos, and Hermione somehow knows that I'm involved with it.

Anyway, I wasn't just excited because of my Speed Heist, but also because today was halloween! Which meant that it was the troll incedent.

When classes started, I was in fan girl mode. I was forced to use my new skill, [Mind Manipulation], which was a fusion of [Occlumency & Legilimency] and [Minds Eye], to keep my emotions in check. Nobody will even notice if I enter their mind, and the mind shields are now a joke to me.

Soon, charms started and everyone was looking forward to this class, because today we would be learning Wingardium Leviosa, the levitation charm. My classmates still remember when I used this charm to save Neville from his fall.

Professor Flitwick started speaking about the levitation charm and how it's a very useful charm to any witch or wizard. He then taught us the wand movement and the chant. When he told us to try, I did it on my first attempt, without the wand movement.

"Well done Mr. Arius! 10 points to Gryffindor!" He squealed in delight.

Everyone else saw this and they became more motivated. Canon repeated itself, Seamus managed to explode his feather, Ron was belittled by Hermione who showed him how to properly cast the charm. Then, class ended and we left for out next class.

"It's Leviosaa, not Leviosa. Now wonder she doesn't have any friends." Ron said, not knowing that the girl was behind him.

She bumped her shoulder with his and speed walked away.

"I think she heard you." Was the first the Harry said.

"No shit. Ron, I suggest that you apologise to her now." I said while looking at Ron with a glare. He flinched before speaking.

"I-I'll do it later."

For the rest of the day, there was no sign of Hermione. I heard the girls talking about her crying in the toilet.

Soon, it was dinner. The hall was decorated with floating jack-o-lanterns and the food was mostly that awful pumpkins. Have I mention that I hate pumpkins?

The feast started, and everyone was happy. People were enjoying their food while talking with friends, but I was worried about Hermione.

I know that I shouldn't be scared, because Hermione had plot armour with her, but this is the real world. One can only trust their own abilities, nothing else.

"What's wrong Lux? Are you worried about Hermione?" Harry noticed me and asked.

"Yeah, just call it a hunch, but I have a bad fee-" Before I could finish my words, Quirellmort came barging through the hall doors, while screaming like a lunatic.

"Troll! Troll in the dungeon! Thought you ought to know..." And he feigned fainting.

'Goog, good. 10 out of 10 for acting skills! Any witch or wizard would fall for it, but not muggles. That acting is so awful!'

The hall became full of panicked screams. I honestly wanted to face palm myself at the sheer stupidity of wizards. If I'm not careful, I might get the same mentality as them. I mean, they are in the hall with the strongest wizard in the world with them, what do they need to fear?

I quickly activated flash time, suppressed my lightning to not show itself, and then I ran towards the corridor where the girls toilet was. I ran past the toilet and took a turn down a corner and I saw the troll walking around with a stupid look on his ugly face. With a sigh, I returned to my seat next to Harry.

Don't get me wrong, I really wanted to save Hermione, but that would cause lots of problems. And truth be told, I'm not ready for those problems. I exited flash time and the sound of screams continued. Dumbledore managed to calm the students down and told them to go to their rooms.

Perfect, even the greatest wizard alive is a dunderhead. The Slytherins rooms are in the dungeons. If I didn't know that the troll wasn't there, I would've kicked your ass for putting my kuudere waifu in danger.

As we went to our rooms, I whispered to Harry.

"Hermione's still in the toilet, let's get her." Harry nodded and we snuck away from the others.

When we arrived at the toilet, I heard Hermione's high pitched scream. I quickly burst through the door, only to see the troll about to swing his club at Hermione, who was paralysed from fear.

I jumped at her and pulled her out of the way just before the club hit her. While she was still in my arms, I pointed my wand at the troll.

"Stupefy! Locomotor Mortis!"

I only managed to daze the troll for a bit, but it was long enough to get me and Hermione out of the toilet. I poured more mana into the Leg locking jinx, and the troll fell over. When I put Hermione down, I turned to face the troll. I wasn't gonna hold back for this next move. With a deep breath and a booming voice, I poured the rest of my magic into my next spell.

"Petrificus Totalus!"

There was a blue bolt projected at the troll, who instantly stopped struggling to get up.

The troll, under the shocked gaze of Harry and Hermione, froze and fell over. As I was blacking out from mana overuse, I saw the teachers turn the corner. And just as the teachers arrives, I fainted.


I woke up and found myself in a place I least expected to ever be in my time at Hogwarts, the hospital wing. I could see Madam Pomfrey busy in the corner doing something. To my right, sitting on a chair, was Hermione. She was asleep, and judging by how dark it is, it's probably late at night.

"It seems that you're awake Mr. Arius. That was quite the feet you pulled there, knocking down a fully grown mountain troll. Here, drink this, you used up most of your magic when you fought it." She said as she handed me a flask of blue-black substance. I hesitated, but decided to be a champ and down it whole.

It hurt like hell.

My throat was burning and I coughed a few times to clear my throat. My coughing seems to wake Hermione from her slumber. When she saw that I was awake, she pulled me into a hug and started crying. I could only pat her back until she fell asleep in my arms.

Fuck, now how am I supposed to sleep?