
Chaos School of the Undead

Ethan, an eighteen-year-old boy who dies from brain cancer, finds himself reincarnated in the body of a fifteen-year-old boy, Stefan Hodstev, on another earth, in the midst of a war between humans and the Vocras— demonic creatures who were once humans, but for thirst for power and immortality traded their souls to the demon Vocratis. A demon who had sought to take over the world for over three thousand years. As Stefan grapples with his newfound existence, he inherits the knowledge of the boy whose body he now inhabits, and he soon realizes that this world is nothing like the Earth he was from. Here, the line between life and death is blurred, and the dead never truly die. But the ultimate shock awaited him as he raced desperately to find safety. Running as fast as his legs could carry, he caught a glimpse of his reflection in a tarnished, spectral mirror, but what stared back at him was enough to make his very essence teeter on the precipice of oblivion. Stefan does not look like the humans he had seen fighting for their lives, rather... He was what was chasing them.

ColormePurple · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


The sun was scorching high up in the center of the sky, but it suddenly felt like winter to Ethan. His body grew cold as he stood face to face with the creature breathing out darkness through its eyes.

Ethan said his final prayers and waited for the beast to wring his neck off his head, but the creature was not moving. It just stood still and stared at Ethan as if it had seen something it did not recognize.

They stood staring at each other for five seconds, and then Ethan ran.

He ran like he was running for his life – well, he actually was. Ethan could literally feel his legs touching the back of his head.

He did not want to check if the beast was following him; he did not want to test his luck.

As Ethan fled, he noticed that something was strange; he was running faster than normal. Breezing through the trees in an unnatural manner.

Was this how fast humans were on this planet?

Although Ethan did not run much in his previous life, he never saw any humans run this fast. He was literally faster than a car running at 60km/hr. He breezed through houses and trees like it was nothing.

Ethan ran until he was out of breath. Then he stopped beside a mahogany tree and turned to check if the creature was following him. When he saw no one, he let out a deep sigh and slumped to the ground, shutting his eyes.

That was a narrow escape.

Ethan thought as he tried to catch his breath. After a few seconds, he squinted his eyes and opened them.

Why was the creature staring at him like that? Was there something on his face?

His face. Now Ethan thought about it, he did not know what he looked like in this life. In his previous life, he was not much to look at. He was barely five-feet and five inches tall, and had a naturally balding head.

Ethan immediately raised his hand to touch his hairline and sighed in relief. It was fine as long as his hairline wasn't receding at 15.

Wait… how did he know he was fifteen?

As soon as Ethan thought about it, the knowledge of the person whose body he had inherited began flooding in.

The boy's name was Stefan. About 6 feet and four inches tall, white hair, purple eyes. He had a sister and parents who lived in the central city, Oliz, while he attended the School of Chaos.

School of Chaos?

Ethan tried to remember what the school was about, but his mind was blank. There was no knowledge of the school.

Well, as long as he was handsome in this life, that was all that mattered.

Well, that was not all that mattered. Something else mattered.

Ethan's hand reached down to his pants, and he lifted it up. A mischievous smile instantly stretched his lips.

In his former life, his pp was as minute as his height. He did not even bother to ask any girl out. There were many reasons why he did not have a girlfriend, but that was a major reason.

I mean, if the girl managed to look past his receding hairline and height, she would most likely not look past that. It was quite sorry to look at.

But this Stefan guy was quite a catch. Handsome, tall, great build…

But he had no powers.

Wait… what was that?

Ethan recovered a memory of Stefan when he was being bullied in school.

Slowly the memories of the School of Chaos started to flood in.

Not all humans were gifted. But those who were gifted manifested between the ages of 10 to 15, and they were sent to the School of Chaos to train to become a frontier.

Frontiers were powerful humans who were trained to kill the Vocras.

From Stefan's memories, the Vocras were those creatures that attacked him a while ago.

Ethan tried to recover more memories of the Vocras, but nothing came to mind. All he knew was that they were humans before, but he did not know how they turned into demons or whatever they were.

Stefan manifested quite early at the age of nine, but he was not able to cultivate.

The teachers in the School of Chaos had done all they could, but nothing could be done. It was said that he had a broken core and could never be a frontier.

However, he was retained at the School because of the influence of his parents. But within the school, he was seriously bullied.

Ethan's memories recovered in bits; he just remembered a rough detail of the world he was in, but nothing deep. He couldn't remember what those creatures were or if he had seen them before, neither could he remember the faces of people.

Ethan breathed out as he rested his head against the fig tree and closed his eyes.

What will he do now?

He couldn't go to his parents in the city; he didn't even know the direction, and they would ask him what he was doing home, and he wouldn't even know what to say.

What if they realize he was not their son?

But wait a minute, why was he there among the dead bodies?

He did not have any powers, so why was he fighting those creatures?

Or did he gain his powers and he could not remember?

If that was the case, then he could go back to the School of Chaos.

At that thought, Ethan stood up. But as he took a few steps forward, he stopped.

Where was he going? He did not know the direction to the school. Neither did he know where he was. Ethan looked around his surroundings for the first time and was stupefied.

He was literally in the middle of a forest, with no direction as to how he came here.

Ethan looked around him; the trees seemed way taller and more ancient than anything he had seen in his world. The trees seemed like they had lived for over a a million years if not more. He could feel the deep wrinkling of the bark of the tree he had leaned against, which seemed it had been forming for centuries. The roots stretched out to over fifty feet, and that was the same with the other trees around.

Their branches extended high into the sky, Ethan could swear that a few touched the clouds because of how tall they seemed.

Ethan could hear the sounds of creatures around him, birds, animals, and rustling of leaves; but there was something else.

Ethan looked around him, and even though he saw no one, his heart began to race out of proportion.

Someone… something was watching him.