

Monster Classification :


1) Soldier

(Bronze 1-3, Silver 4-6, Gold 7-9)

2) Knight

3) Commander

4) Lord

5) King (Lone rulers without subjects) and Emperor (Ruler with subjects)

6) Mythical

7) Supreme

** Monsters above Lord have another classification broader. They don't have numbers classifying them anymore. They have (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Oriculum, Platinum and Diamond) level.

** Monsters though their levels may differ, they have their own dangerous level represent by stars within their classification. Monsters from Soldier to Lord mostly have a range of one to five stars. King or emperor above have upto seven stars.

Human Strength ranking:

1)Common Soldier (Bronze, Silver, Gold)

2) Adventurer (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Dark Gold)

3) Holy Warrior (first wing, second wing, third wing, fourth wing, fifth wing, sixth wing)

4) Imperial Warrior (Rank 1-9)

5) God Level

Technique ranking:

1) Common (Level 1-100)

2) Rare ( Level 1- 99)

3) Supreme ( Level 1- 9)

4) Mythical ( Mythical techniques don't have limitations and are the most rarest. However, their strength ranges mainly from Common techniques, which without limitations can grow stronger. Mythical techniques cannot be train cannot be taught or passed around as only one person can only train a type of technique. Meaning two person cannot train a same type mythical technique.) Bloodline skills are mostly mythical level skills. However, bloodline skills mainly started from common level.

5) God Level Skills.

Special Skills:

1)Rune skills:

2)Contract Skills:

3)Bloodline Skills:



Artifacts classification :

1) Common

2) Uncommon

3) Rare

4) Epic

5) Legendary

6) Mythical

7) ***************

8) ***************


1)Ordinary elements:






** Ordinary elements are also considered as the strongest elemental set. For example,

The five elements are highly compatible with one another.

The elements are also compatible with other elements but the rate is lower.

Therefore a person having the five elements and no other elements are considered as the strongest as their compatibility is very strong. Combining elements between the five is also easier and more fruitful. It does not demand much strength or Life power. (More will be explained later in the story)

2)Special Elements :

Light Element

Dark Elements

** They are regarded as special elements because:

1)Light element can be termed as a support type element to other elements, especially the five elements. Light elements are also attack and defense type elements as well. The only element with more than three natural type of uses.

For example, fire element may excel in attack but is poor when it comes to support.

Water element may be useful in attack and support but defense.

Earth element is strong in defense but not so much in attack or support.

2) Dark element mainly focus on attack and support, but not defense. However, dark element provides different types of skills along with it-

1) Void skill types.

2)Shadow skill types.

3) Corrosion skill types.




However, a person with dark element posses only one among the six given below, but rarely some posses two.

3)Other elements:

Strength element

Soul element

Speed element

Magnetic element

Control element

Puppet element

Taming element

Charm element

Rune element

Healing element





(I have purposefully left out some details in all the above, they will be introduced or explained in the story)