
Chaos Of Zenneth

Zeo was born in Lake Town, a small village located in the path of his vengeance. Little did he know the world was a much bigger and more treacherous place than he ever imagined. He embarked on a journey full of hardship in pursuit of his goal, never realizing that each step he took would lead to a much larger issue that would eventually affect his loved ones. Despite the obstacles that Zeo faced, his courage and determination were unwavering. He fought hard, and eventually rose to become one of the most powerful figures of the Zenneth Realm, leading the way to a brighter future. He forged strong alliances with other key players in the Realm, and his reputation spread far and wide. His success was celebrated, and his courage and resilience were an inspiration to many. Zeo’s story is one of resilience, courage, and determination. He pushed himself to the limits, and never gave up despite the odds against him. His courage and determination were an inspiration to many, and eventually led him to become one of the most powerful figures of the Zenneth Realm.

DarkSin · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Weird Task

After passing it, Zeo began his route along the twisting alley behind the bar. People from lower socioeconomic backgrounds were squandering time by sitting, sleeping, or doing both, according to Zeo.

Despite his growing unease, he needed to keep going since he had a job to accomplish.

"The bartender stated that was the end of the route, so it should be here," Zeo reasoned.

Zeo discovered precisely what he was searching for as he peered down the dark hallway.

When he saw the old tent with the weird symbol, he had chills all over his body.

"This is only the beginning."

When Zeo questioned whether anybody was inside the tent, a guy emerged, bewildered as to why such a little boy would be seeking him.

Zeo's inquisitive eyes swept over the man's scraggly garments and diminutive size, attentively scrutinizing them.

"How could he train him to murder Commander Fang in the future? " Zeo started to doubt his decision to place his confidence in the bartender.

He was concerned that the gold money he had taken with him might be stolen. He already thought about whether this individual might help him in any way. He had plainly no notion of what to anticipate.

Soon after, the guy broke the stillness by asking him in low tones what he wanted, as if he could feel what was going on in his mind.

The person, who had shown no evident emotion before hearing Zeo's request, was taken aback.

Even though it was typical for children to lose one or both parents as a consequence of the war at the time, he thought it was hilarious when a youngster requested him to teach him how to murder.

He was taken aback that Dyson felt he was qualified for the position. "I suppose you cannot handle the expense of your request, Kid," he remarked.

" I'll tell Dyson that my debt to him will be canceled as a reward for giving my whereabouts, but I'll also warn you that you won't be able to pay the price."

Zeo knew that he would have to go to extraordinary lengths to defeat his adversary while improving his abilities to a reasonable level.

He'd already chosen to accept the challenge and was adamant about it. "I accept the cost, and I embrace it wholeheartedly. I'm not giving up until I complete what I start."

Zeo wasn't naïve; he knew he had a long trip ahead of him and that he couldn't allow his emotions to dominate him if he was to succeed.

The guy looked at him, puzzled. Anyone who caught a glimpse of him could tell you precisely what was going through his head:

"What on earth is this child saying? I have not yet notified you of the entire cost." But he convinced himself that he could afford it. The starting point is not good."

"Very good,"

The man said in response. "I'll happily accept your offer. However, I am forced to notify you that the cost is tremendous, and you will struggle to pay it. "

With a nod, Zeo verified his grasp of the importance of his assignment. He was ready to take on the task and prove himself worthy of Dyson's faith.

"You must fulfill several of my tasks before I accept you as my protégé. "The first job is creating a cuisine for me that I've never eaten."

"Despite my appearance, I have traveled extensively over the globe. Both the flavor and the presentation must be perfect. There is no time limit, so bring the meal over whenever you are ready."

"Until then, I'll see you later, kid."

The guy withdrew to his tent, leaving Zeo alone in the dark, overcome by the weight of completing the assignment. He couldn't help but think about how he would respond to such an unexpected request.

Regardless, he accepted it as a personal challenge and immediately started working on the primary task.

He explored the city for the freshest ingredients and most fascinating meals, hoping to surprise the man with something he'd never had before.

Through trial and error, Zeo had produced something that not only looked but also smelt terrific and lovely.

He came to the man's tent with the dish held high as a gift. He was prepared for a good response. As the man took his first taste of food, Zeo waited for the man's response. He was ecstatic to see the man grin before consuming the last bit of food.

"You must have had a great instructor who taught you how to cook, but anybody could create this dish with little work if they wanted to, do you understand? I told you that the supper had to be something I'd never eaten before since I'd tasted it. I wish you the best of success, and thank you for the meal."

Zeo was disappointed by the result: the dinner his mother taught him to cook was not only the simplest but also the tastiest.

He intended to return to the tavern the following morning to ask the bartender for further details about the man's request. He selected to relax at the first accessible inn and headed there.

"One bedroom for me, sir. "

As he gazed at Zeo, the receptionist produced a weird but eager expression. A five-year-old youngster who came to the inn by himself and dressed clumsily was assumed to be from a wealthy family.

He was ready to rob the youngster when he saw a furious and homicidal intent emanating from the window behind him. The man from the tent was looking at him.

The front desk clerk gave Zeo the key and signaled him to go to the top floor quickly then the man vanished alongside with his intent.

Zeo grew anxious after gazing around the bedroom. He got the brilliant notion of spending whatever money remained in his pocket the following day for the man's request.

Still, if he follows through on this plan, it would be devastating for him. What if he was wrong? He checked each bed thoroughly and found two copper coins buried under one of the mattresses.

"I hope tomorrow will be fortunate for me ."

He groaned, but Zeo was not one to give up easily; he felt there had to be a way for him to fulfill this request.

He ransacked his wits for a one-of-a-kind dish to serve to the man. Even after many hours of thought, he cannot think of an innovative dish.

"My mother told me my father is a special chef working inside a kingdom. Haish, it's about time I have to search for him."

"I have no recollection of his looks; all my mother mentioned was that he possessed silvery hair like mine."

He yawned before falling asleep.