
Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

*Dark Mafia Romance* Pregnant. "I.." she blinked at the words that were blinding her. "I.." "I? I? What, Evelyn?" Salvatore spat, making her flinch. "What is it that you want to say, say it loud and fucking clear!" She jumped on the spot and closed her eyes in fear. "I.." "What?!" His scream was powerful enough that Evelyn jumped on the spot and started to cry. Why was this happening to her? Why were these papers in front of her? "I don't know," she screamed back with rivers of tears flowing down her face. "I don't know what happened. I don't know what's happening!" Salvatore chuckled darkly and shook his head as he barked out at her, "You don't know what's going on? Fine, I will tell you what's going on. You are three months pregnant with the child of a man that you spent one night with." His voice lowered several octaves and deepened. He was controlling himself. The reality made her close her eyes and lower her head. The product of a one night stand was inside her womb. This reason alone was enough for her father to discard her had he been alive and he was her father but Salvatore was her husband. She opened her eyes and looked at him again. What was he going to do? **** Salvatore had never let the information out. No one knew that he had the same darkness inside him that his father carried in his veins. He had buried it successfully until she came along. Evelyn. ~Not for faint hearted.~

Inara_Me · Urban
Not enough ratings
302 Chs

The rescue - II

Evelyn gasped. 

The third man unveiled himself and she almost fainted on the spot. The sick smile he sent her was sickening. Even from afar, his intentions were very clear not that he bothered hiding them at all. 

"A Hundred million, gentlemen." the emcee announced. "Do we have a hundred and ten million?" no one answered him and Evelyn almost begged the crowd to counter with something. Anything was better than him. Anything. 

"A hundred million going once, Going twice," he raised something in the air, "and sold!" he hit something On the podium that he was standing on, Evelyn flinched at the sound. 

"Take her!" The emcee roared at someone. 

Evelyn felt a hand over her arm which dragged her behind the curtain. 

"Let go!" She yelled at the top of her lungs and pulled her back only for the man that was pulling her to stop and slap her.