
Chaos in Classroom of the Elite: Class 1-C

At the prestigious Advanced Nurturing High School, a promise lingers in the air: every graduate is guaranteed to achieve their career or higher education aspirations. Each student receives a monthly allowance of 100,000 points, a seemingly generous treatment fostering a sense of freedom and luxury. Surprisingly, the school's governance is anything but strict. Students are allowed to coast through classes with little regard for attendance or engagement, painting an image of an academic paradise. But beneath this veneer of laxity lies a stark reality—this institution is a battleground of meritocracy, where only the truly excellent receive preferential treatment. Into this highly competitive world steps Yukio Yoritaka, an unexpected entrant in the notorious first-year Class C, a group riddled with delinquents and underachievers. His arrival signals the beginning of an unprecedented upheaval, challenging the very foundations of this elite educational environment. Will Yukio thrive or crumble under the school's hidden pressures, where every student is in a relentless pursuit of excellence? ***This is a translation, I'm not the author*** original: https://b.faloo . com/1164138.html Patreon.com/METARLN

Metarln · Anime & Comics
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180 Chs

Chapter 72 – Another celebration party

The lavish cruise ship prepared by the school for the students was incredibly luxurious, featuring a diverse array of restaurants, from fine dining to fast food like ramen and burgers, offering something for everyone.

This time, Yukio and the members of Class C generously booked an entire Japanese restaurant to celebrate their success once again.

Sakagami felt a tingling in his scalp as Ishizaki and others dragged him into the restaurant. Despite being fed up with these students, Sakagami had to acknowledge Class C's exceptional performance in the special exam. To reward them, he reluctantly ordered a plethora of drinks to celebrate with the students.

"Sensei, you're really the best! Here, let me toast to you first!"

"And me, and me! Sakagami-sensei, don't forget about me. Let's have a drink together! We're so happy today!"

The moment Class C students got their drinks, they were ecstatic. They approached Sakagami, ostensibly to toast him but also with the amusing idea of getting their teacher drunk. They were having a blast.

Sakagami, ever so composed, deftly avoided falling for such tricks. With a sly smile, he retorted, "Oh? Didn't I hear you say last time that Yukio-kun was the best? Why the change of heart now?"

"Umm..." Some of the boys from Class C were at a loss for words. After all, the celebration was financed by Yukio using the resources he got from Class D, and it would be quite embarrassing for them to admit that openly.

So they could only laugh awkwardly, "Second best, second best. Sakagami-sensei, you're the second best!"

"Right, it's unavoidable, after all. Yukio-san did lead our class to earn so much. Sakagami-sensei, you being second isn't too shabby, right? Oops, my bad, I misspoke. Let me drink as a penalty!"

"We'll finish our drinks, Sakagami-sensei. You can drink at your leisure!"

"Oh?" It seemed Sakagami was planning to teach Class C's mischievous, drink-spiking students a lesson, and he called out to Ryuuen, "Ryuen-kun, they seem to think you only rank third in the class."

This statement immediately turned the faces of Ishizaki and other Class C troublemakers green. They quickly pleaded for mercy and admitted their mistake: "No, no! Sakagami-sensei, you're a grown-up, don't stoop to our level as students. We'll take another penalty drink, one more!"

"We'll keep drinking, Sakagami-sensei. You don't have to."

Sakagami didn't touch a drop of alcohol, yet several boys had already downed several drinks consecutively, each one looking more miserable than the last, as if they had been dragged through the ocean backward.

The scene had the rest of Class C roaring with laughter, teasing that it was best not to harbor any ill intentions towards Sakagami.

Yukio laughed heartily as well but still thoughtfully intervened, "Sakagami-sensei, please don't tease them too much. Drinking too much now can lead to trouble later."

Sakagami initially intended only to give a light reprimand, so he nodded in agreement, clinked glasses with Komiya and the others, downed his drink, and then, with a smile on his face, approached Yukio, reassuring him, "Don't worry, drinking a bit too much today won't cause any trouble."

"We've just finished the special exam on the deserted island, so it's unlikely that we'll be rushed into another one right away." Both of them spoke with underlying meanings, each phrase loaded with information.

This subtle interaction made Ishizaki and others feel even more grateful towards Yukio. If it weren't for Sakagami seeking a conversation with Yukio, they would have been tempted to continuously offer him more drinks.

Yukio understood Sakagami's intent and didn't stop the boys from enjoying their drinks. However, he set three clear rules: "Just to be clear,"

"You can drink as you like today, but in the following days, be alert and pay attention to the school's announcements. Don't get too carried away with the drinking."

The students were somewhat puzzled, their gazes converging on Yukio, unsure of what he meant. It sounded as if there might be some trouble in a few days. Having just gone through the special exam on the deserted island, the students of Class C couldn't help but think of special exams and wondered in their minds if the school was planning another sudden and intense exam.

Yukio didn't elaborate but simply exchanged a look with Ryuuen, who understood the cue and took the lead, "Here's the thing. Kaneda and I surveyed the cruise ship on the first day aboard and noted the locations of the surveillance cameras."

"But to our surprise, the number of cameras on the cruise ship was excessive, especially on the second and third floors. Every small conference room and cabin had a surveillance camera installed, which is quite abnormal."

"So, Kaneda and I reasonably suspect that the school has installed so many cameras for a reason. That is, there might be another special exam during our remaining week on the cruise ship!"

Ryuuen's words stirred concern among the students: "No way! Is the school really that ruthless? I thought there wouldn't be any more sudden exams."

"Well, it's to be expected. The school would never let us have it easy. We should have anticipated this."

"Exactly, we're fortunate to have Yukio-san and Ryuuen's reminder. Otherwise, getting caught off guard would be a real trouble."

At this point, the atmosphere slightly cooled down. Having learned from previous experiences and considering Yukio and Ryuuen's speculation right at the start of the cruise, which was followed by the deserted island special exam, how could the students of Class C not take it seriously? Sakagami, on the other hand, remained calm and composed, continuing to sip his drink without confirming or denying anything. Yet, his nonchalance, in a way, seemed to endorse Yukio's caution.

"Alright, alright," Yukio, sensing the atmosphere turning a bit sour, clapped his hands to grab everyone's attention and interrupted their worries, "What are you all so concerned about? School exams are just that, we should continue to eat, drink, and be merry, remember today's theme is a celebration."

After speaking, he raised his glass, even making a point to move closer to Ibuki, offering a toast.

Ibuki happily clinked glasses with him, her heart full of joy, feeling that her exhausting efforts on the deserted island were all worth it.

The students of Class C seemed to catch on, "Right! We have Yukio-san! What's there to worry about? He'll surely lead us through any future exams too!"

"Exactly! Yukio-san, I have complete faith in you, I'll down this drink for you!"

Many students stood up from their tables and raised their glasses towards Yukio, the drinks going down their throats. The somewhat subdued atmosphere was instantly rekindled, and the party atmosphere returned, everyone confident that future exams would pose no problem.

"Yukio-kun" Shiina suddenly held up her juice, "Can I have a little too?" Since returning from the deserted island and spending the remaining five days together, Shiina had gradually dropped the formalities and their relationship had become much closer.

Yukio recalled a past event, "Maybe not, Shiina. Last time at the celebration, you passed out after just a little drink. If you're not good with alcohol, there's no need to force it."

"Right, it's better to drink less." Ibuki chimed in from the other side, she hadn't forgotten!

She remembered how Shiina was treated after she couldn't handle her alcohol at the last celebration. This time, Ibuki blushed slightly. If she pretended to be drunk, would Yukio also give her a princess carry back to her dorm?

Since everyone was drinking, her flushed face didn't draw much attention.

"Oh." Shiina seemed a bit disappointed but obediently sipped her juice without bringing up the subject of alcohol again.

Seeing Shiina retreat, Ibuki's heart pounded like a thunderous drum.

She worried if her heart was beating so loudly, Yukio might hear it being so close.

But she couldn't quite control herself, feeling slightly intoxicated not by alcohol but by the moment. She unconsciously leaned towards Yukio while holding her head, "I'm not drinking, I feel, feel a bit dizzy…"

Before Yukio could even respond to Ibuki, Ishizaki started banging on the table and laughing loudly, "Hahaha! I told you, I have the best tolerance here. Just a little bit of drinking and you're already dizzy? Look at Ibuki, what a lightweight!"

Later on, everyone in Class C enjoyed the feast and drinks, all but Ishizaki, who, for some reason, ended up being dragged to the bathroom by Ibuki to throw up.


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