
Chaos in Classroom of the Elite: Class 1-C

At the prestigious Advanced Nurturing High School, a promise lingers in the air: every graduate is guaranteed to achieve their career or higher education aspirations. Each student receives a monthly allowance of 100,000 points, a seemingly generous treatment fostering a sense of freedom and luxury. Surprisingly, the school's governance is anything but strict. Students are allowed to coast through classes with little regard for attendance or engagement, painting an image of an academic paradise. But beneath this veneer of laxity lies a stark reality—this institution is a battleground of meritocracy, where only the truly excellent receive preferential treatment. Into this highly competitive world steps Yukio Yoritaka, an unexpected entrant in the notorious first-year Class C, a group riddled with delinquents and underachievers. His arrival signals the beginning of an unprecedented upheaval, challenging the very foundations of this elite educational environment. Will Yukio thrive or crumble under the school's hidden pressures, where every student is in a relentless pursuit of excellence? ***This is a translation, I'm not the author*** original: https://b.faloo . com/1164138.html Patreon.com/METARLN

Metarln · Anime & Comics
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181 Chs

Chapter 68 – Results are announced

The students of Class C are thoroughly enjoying themselves on the luxury cruise ship. Initially, they had to queue for amenities like the movie theater, karaoke, and even the high-end spa. But now, with the ship practically to themselves, they can indulge in a plethora of entertaining activities without any competition, truly relishing their carefree and joyous time.

However, as the theory of relativity suggests, the happier the moments, the faster they seem to fly by. Before they fully realized it, the seventh day had arrived, marking the end of the special exam.

By noon on this final day, the deck of the cruise ship was bustling with Class C students. They didn't have the permission to disembark, meaning they could only spectate the unfolding events from a distance, unable to partake directly.

From the deck, they could see the students from other classes assembled at the dock, neatly positioned according to their classes. Unlike the initial days when everyone was standing under the relentless sun, post-exam conditions seemed notably improved, complete with sunshades, chairs, and an assortment of snacks and beverages.

However, every class had filled seats except for Class C's area, where only Ibuki was seen sitting confidently alone, legs crossed in a rather boss-like manner, casually drinking water.

Shortly after, Class A's homeroom teacher, Mashima, took the stage, ready to proclaim the exam results through a megaphone. This prompted many students to promptly adjust their postures. After enduring the challenging special exam on the deserted island, no student dared to take things lightly.

However, Mashima's reaction was unexpectedly relaxed. "You can be at ease and sit comfortably. You are still on summer vacation, even after the exam, so a little relaxation won't hurt," he reassured.

While he said this, the students who had already positioned themselves attentively remained vigilant, apprehensive that any laxity might lead to Mashima swiftly seizing the opportunity to deduct points. They couldn't risk losing points at such a critical juncture.

The sole exception was Ibuki, who continued to sit casually. She genuinely didn't seem to care, internally challenging, "Go ahead and deduct points if you want, my class's score is already at zero anyway."

This defiant attitude from Ibuki earned applause and cheers from the Class C students aboard the cruise: "That's the spirit, Ibuki!"

"Don't just sit there! Go grab a drink, and open the bottle with your teeth!"

The cheers from the cruise ship bewildered the students from the other classes gathered at the dock. They couldn't help but feel a pang of envy and frustration. They had weathered seven grueling days on the island, while Class C students had returned to the cruise ship to enjoy luxury after merely two days of the exam.

Mashima, however, seemed unfazed by Class C's exuberant cheering. True to his words, the exam was over, and the students deserved to revel in their summer vacation. "Alright, now let's proceed to announce the results of this inaugural special exam," he said, ready to unfold the outcomes of their endeavors.

As soon as those words were uttered, Class C students immediately fell silent, huddling nervously around Yukio, awaiting the results.

Though they had enjoyed a week of fun, their joy was underpinned by Yukio's assurance. Now, as the results were about to be unveiled, it was impossible for them not to feel anxious.

Compared to the other classes who diligently participated in the exam, if Class C didn't perform well, they risked becoming a laughingstock.

The solemnity of Class C was palpable, and needless to say, it was even more intense among the other classes. Each student looked grave, as if they were awaiting not just the outcome of an exam, but the verdict on their entire future.

Mashima didn't leave any suspense, announcing the results as smoothly as reading off a menu: "First place, Class C, 180 points."

"Second place, Class A, 170 points."

"Third place, Class B, 90 points."

"Fourth place, Class D, 70 points."

[After the special exam bonus points, the class points are as follows:

Class A, 1230 points;

Class B, 840 points;

Class C, 840 points;

Class D, 170 points.]

"That concludes the results of this special exam. Furthermore, the school will not entertain any disputes regarding the results. We hope you will analyze your performance, identify shortcomings, and accumulate the experience gained for future special exams."

Upon hearing the results, Class C students erupted in jubilation, hopping and leaping on the deck. If it were evening, with some dazzling lights and music, the scene could easily be mistaken for a rave party.

"Oh my! Yukio-kun, we did it, we're first!"

"Incredible, Yukio-san! How did you pull this off?! We've even surpassed Class A!"

"Amazing, Yukio-san! From now on, whatever you say, we'll do! Wow, aren't we adding 180 class points? Aren't we now on par with Class B?"

"Exactly! Just a little more effort, and soon we'll be Class B!"

The students of Class C couldn't contain their excitement, their faces flushed and their jubilant energy beyond description!

In stark contrast to the lively deck of the cruise ship, the other three classes on the dock were silent, as if enveloped in a hush, almost like some high-tech sound-canceling device had muted their voices completely.

It's said that joy and sorrow do not intermingle, and to them, Class C's victory was simply unbearable.

Facing this result, no one could accept it. They had scrimped and saved, only to achieve such a meager outcome?

The luxurious and extravagant Class C, who frivolously squandered their special exam points down to zero, and whose students, except for Ibuki who was expelled, all abandoned the exam to return to the cruise ship, actually clinched first place and bagged 180 points! Who could bear such a result?

If not for Mashima's final remark that no questions would be entertained, the students would have revolted, suspecting foul play. Now, they could only hang their heads low, unable to comprehend where they had gone wrong.

Ichinose from Class B was the first to regain her composure. Even though they only secured third place, she didn't lose heart and her spirits remained high, her smile as radiant as ever.

She stood up and clapped her hands, "Everyone! We did very well this time! Class C's result is merely due to their own strategic arrangements which I failed to see through. It's not your fault at all!"

"We lost this time, but we'll win the next time! Don't be discouraged! I believe in you all, and next time we can surely make it! Right?!"

"Now! After enduring so much on the uninhabited island, we haven't fully enjoyed the luxury cruise ship's facilities yet. Later, we can play and enjoy our summer vacation without worries!"

Encouraged by Ichinose, the spirits of Class B students were revived. Indeed, it was just a single defeat and they didn't want to burden Ichinose further. She had already endured enough during this island exam and they didn't want to add to her worries.

"It's alright, we'll just win back the next time. Ichinose is right, we don't need to be so downhearted."

"Besides, we did okay this time, we didn't allow Class A to gain the maximum advantage, and we're not at the bottom."

"That's right, we still support Ichinose, next time we won't lose to Class C!"

The atmosphere of unity and friendship persisted among Class B students. They wouldn't let a temporary setback breed excessive negativity. So, Class B quickly returned to their lively and cheerful demeanor.

But Class B was an exception. Without a figure like Ichinose, Classes A and D couldn't muster a smile. Every student had a grim expression, clenching their fists as if they were volcanoes filled to the brim with pressure, ready to erupt at any moment.


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