
Chaos in Classroom of the Elite: Class 1-C

At the prestigious Advanced Nurturing High School, a promise lingers in the air: every graduate is guaranteed to achieve their career or higher education aspirations. Each student receives a monthly allowance of 100,000 points, a seemingly generous treatment fostering a sense of freedom and luxury. Surprisingly, the school's governance is anything but strict. Students are allowed to coast through classes with little regard for attendance or engagement, painting an image of an academic paradise. But beneath this veneer of laxity lies a stark reality—this institution is a battleground of meritocracy, where only the truly excellent receive preferential treatment. Into this highly competitive world steps Yukio Yoritaka, an unexpected entrant in the notorious first-year Class C, a group riddled with delinquents and underachievers. His arrival signals the beginning of an unprecedented upheaval, challenging the very foundations of this elite educational environment. Will Yukio thrive or crumble under the school's hidden pressures, where every student is in a relentless pursuit of excellence? ***This is a translation, I'm not the author*** original: https://b.faloo . com/1164138.html Patreon.com/METARLN

Metarln · Anime & Comics
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181 Chs

Chapter 51 – Special Exam Points

We're steadily climbing the rankings, currently at rank 64!

The link to the original novel was at Chapter 27.

b.faloo. com/1164138. html

I can't keep sending the link every time someone asks, so this is the last time. Have a great day!


"Silence," Mashima quieted the D-class students with a glance before continuing his explanation: "For this special uninhabited island examination, you are required to spend seven days on the island."

D-class, which had just calmed down, erupted again with Mashima's demanding requirement: "Are you kidding me? Is the school expecting us to live like savages?!"

"Teacher, this sounds impossible. How can we survive on a deserted island for seven days? It's going to be dangerous!"

In contrast, C-class reacted differently than D-class, looking at Yukio at the front of their formation with admiration. Everything was unfolding just as Yukio had predicted. Indeed, it was going to be a wilderness survival challenge!

D-class's commotion, however, did not perturb the solemn teacher Mashima, who seemed forever unflappable. "I am about to explain the most important points of this special examination."

"If your chatter causes you to miss crucial information, leading to failure in the examination, be prepared to face the consequences."

With that warning, D-class students, who had been loudly protesting the impossibility of the task, suddenly quieted down. While they still had reservations, they chose to listen to the details of the special examination on the island, hoping for a possible turnaround.

"First of all, the examination is set to last one week," Mashima began, addressing the major concern of D-class students. "However, whether you choose to stay for the duration is entirely up to you."

"You may return to the ship immediately after the examination officially starts if you wish. It is your choice, but each person who quits will cost the team 30 special examination points."

This announcement left the students exchanging looks of surprise and concern. Many, particularly those with lower physical stamina, had already been considering returning to the luxury cruise ship to continue their vacation.

However, the mention of deduction of points, specifically 'special examination points,' raised questions. Was this a new type of point system, following individual and class points?

Mashima didn't keep the students in suspense for long: "For this special examination, the school will allocate 300 special examination points to each class. These points can only be used for this exam."

"You can exchange these points for water, food, tents, containers, and other necessities. If you prefer something more luxurious, you can opt for barbecue grills, motorboats, and other recreational items. The specifics of how to exchange points can be discussed and decided based on the handbook."

As he spoke, each class teacher, in sync with the others, distributed exchange handbooks. In A-class, the B-class teacher helped distribute them as Mashima continued speaking from the stage.

In C-class, Sakagami handed the handbook to Yukio, reminding him, "Don't lose it. Though cheap to produce, getting another copy during the exam will cost 10 special examination points."

Yukio received the handbook but did not open it immediately, instead continuing to watch Mashima, who still had more to explain: "However, what everyone needs to pay attention to is..."

"The school will convert the remaining special examination points of each class after seven days into class points on a one-to-one basis."

This single statement caused a tidal wave of excitement among the students from all classes, unable to maintain their composure. From A-class to D-class, everyone was eagerly anticipating: "Is the school really being so generous? If we can endure, not spending a single point, we can add 300 class points after seven days! That's an extra 30,000 individual points per month!"

"Not just that! I was wondering how lower-ranked classes could overtake the higher-ranked classes in terms of class points, to move up to A-class. It turns out all these competitions are part of the special examination!"

"What? I was worried that the island survival test would be about our physical abilities and survival skills, but in the end, it's still about testing our 'endurance' and willpower!"

"No problem! My willpower is strong, I can endure! In these seven days, I'll find some jungle fruits when thirsty and eat wild fruits or catch fish when hungry! I can definitely make it through!"

"Don't be naive," someone countered the over-optimistic student. "Didn't Teacher Mashima just say? For each person who quits, we lose 30 special examination points! If you push yourself too hard and end up getting sick, needing to return to the ship for treatment, wouldn't that mean losing points?"

"That's right," Mashima affirmed, hearing the students' discussions and clarifying further: "Shortly, each class teacher will start distributing waterproof electronic watches, which you are not allowed to remove during the entire examination."

"These watches will effectively monitor your vital signs. If your breathing rate, heartbeat, or blood oxygen content becomes abnormal, an alarm will be triggered. The school will deem you unable to continue the exam and deduct points accordingly."

"Additionally, fighting, robbing, or stealing resources from other classes is against the rules. If found guilty, the offending student's class will lose all special examination points and be disqualified from the exam, and the student will lose all personal points for the next three months."

"Unfortunately, one student from A-class is absent due to health reasons, so A-class will start with only 270 special examination points."

"Of course, we prioritize student safety. Two helicopters are equipped and ready for emergency rescues, so don't worry."

The students of C-class finally understood why there were helicopters stationed at the rear of the luxury cruise ship; they were meant for emergency rescues.

Finally, Mashima presented a magnetic card: "This special examination also includes an additional mechanism. Each class will select a leader who will receive this card. The leader can occupy a stronghold on the island, with specific details provided on the last page of the handbook."

Seeing Mashima finishing his speech and preparing to step down, Yukio and Ryuen began to flip through the handbook, heading straight to the last page.

[Stronghold: Small card-insertion devices located throughout the uninhabited island. Every 8 hours, the card can be swiped once to grant +1 special examination point to the class. However, these points cannot be used for special exam exchanges and are only applicable for class point accumulation after the special exam ends.]

[Leader Card: Each class can only designate one person as the leader. The leader must personally use the card at the stronghold, combined with a fingerprint function, to make the card effective. The leader cannot be changed without a valid reason.]

[Additional Guess: At the end of the seven-day exam, each class will have the opportunity to guess the leader of other classes. Correct guesses will earn fifty class points, while incorrect guesses will deduct fifty class points. If a class's leader is correctly guessed by another class, the accumulated stronghold card swipe rewards will be reset to zero.]

After reading through, Yukio and Ryuen passed the handbook around for other students in C-class to read in turn. Ryuen casually glanced around, ensuring that other classes were also actively discussing and that no one was paying attention, before lowering his voice: "Do you remember the strategy you proposed at the beginning of May?"

"According to the school's instructions, Yukio, your zero-point strategy can be perfectly applied here."

"Yes," Yukio responded with enthusiasm, not the least bit nervous about the special exam. "Last time, Teacher Sakamaki said that as students, our primary duty is to study, and our scores should be decent, which is why he didn't allow zero points on written tests."

"But in this situation, scoring zero not only snuffs out the possibility of other classes identifying our leader, but it also allows us to enjoy a vacation. To act contrary to the school's expectations is so intriguing, how can we not do it."

"However," Yukio glanced at the other three classes, "scoring zero is one thing, but we should still see if we can squeeze some benefits out of this."


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