
To Survive

* Thud *

* Thud *

* Thud *

A fist could be heard making contact with bare flesh,Β 

" Why are you so useless!? " The man shouted as he stopped his relentless punches.

The boy Infront of him who looked to be around 16 was bloodied everywhere, punches wasn't the only thing the man was assaulting him with.

The boy numbingly looked at the ground, not being able to hear anything for a while now confused on why the attacks stopped, he looked up at the man with his dead eyes.

" I hate the look. " The man said with disgust as he turned around to grab a whip.

" You managed to obtain our legacy but you're so weak and pathetic. Only a few hours of training and you gave up. Your mother saved you from it all but now that she's dead you have no right to refuse. " The whip relentlessly attacked the boy, as the man continued shouting in anger.

" But after just a day of training and you were deemed trash, your younger sister is more talented than you, WHY?WHY?WHY DID YOU GET THE LEGACY?!?! " The whip each time hit harder and harder cutting open the boys skin.

No matter how much pain he felt he never left his position, he was on his knees with his hands hanging in the air, if he ever left that position the beatings would be way worse.

His purple hair was stained with blood as his whole body was, hit after hit he stayed silent and took it.

In the back a girl watched everything, she didn't know how to feel, she didn't know if she loved her brother since she never spoke to him, should she stop it?Β 

The boy however had different thoughts, when he noticed her his eyes showed rage for only a moment scaring her away,Β 

" FUCK! " The man threw the whip away before grabbing a bat and smashing it square on the boys head knocking him down slowly losing consciousness.

" When you feel better leave my house and never come back. If i ever see you i won't hesitate to kill you, consider this mercy. " The man said as he tidied up his clothes and tried removing the blood that fell on him before leaving closing the door leaving the boy in complete darkness.


* Drip drip drip *

The rain hit hard as the boy aimlessly and weakly walked in the streets, without a destination, no money, and no energy he ended up falling face first on the ground in the middle of nowhere.

He weakly lifted his head to try to look around,

' I-I have to survive for mother...' He stretched his hand forward and attempted to crawl, slowly but surely he moved forward but...

" He's pathetic. " A voice was heard as a group slowly approached him.

" We were told he was the target because of the legacy but he's too weak to even use it. The sister should've been the target, she's talented and strong without the legacy, her own ability is strong too. " Another said not even paying attention to the boy.

' No, i have to escape. ' The boy put all his strength into his arm as he tried crawling faster but a knife suddenly stabbed his hand and dug deep into the ground.

" Ha, my aim will always be perfect! " The man boasted with pride as the others clapped.

" Oh look he's trying to get it out. " Another said as they all started laughing as the boy use his other hand to try taking out the knife.

" Ugh this is just sad, but also very funny. " The leader said as he took a picture.

' I have to use my legacy, I'm only able to use one of the abilities with my current strength! ' The boy concentrated as his purple eyes turned white,Β 

" Slow down! " He shouted as everything turned grey.

With a smile he turned around to continue taking out the knife but another one hit his back making him bleed from his mouth.

" How? " The boy asked with tears in his eyes.

" Boy if you're strong and fast you can easily by pass it, for example when you use slow let's say a normal person can get to you in .5 seconds and you slow them down it would take 1 second, if i can reach you in .01 seconds I'd still be able to reach you at 5.01 second. If you were stronger you could slow me down a lot more or simply use a better skill. Should've trained like your father wanted you to, take care in the next life, Miguel. " The man said with a smile and peace sign as one of his men appeared behind the boy and stabbed his heart.


[ Do you want to live? ]

[ Do you want to grow stronger? ]

[ πŒƒκŠ πŒ™κŠπŒ΅ α”πŒ€πŒπŒ• πŒ“πŒ„α•“πŒ„πŒα΅πŒ„? ]

[ Great let's send you somewhere nice. 𝕲𝖔𝖔𝖉 π–‘π–šπ–ˆπ–, π–π–Šπ–π–Š ]


" Master your fiancΓ© is here. " A maid said softly waking up Miguel up.

" Master? " He softly asked himself, he remembered those notification as he slowly died as his ability was still running

" Would you like me to join you on your bath? " The maid asked.

' What? Hold on she looks familiar. ' He told himself as he kept looking at her.

" Not it's fine, get my clothes ready. " he said as she had a look of shock, sadness and worry.

' Is she my secret lover or something? ' He asked himself as he entered the bathroom.

He quickly washed his face as he thought about his current situation,

' He's some type of noble, he has a fiance, and the Maid seems to be in love with him or something, who am i? ' He asked himself staring at his own eyes and face as the realization hit.

" I have no idea if I should be happy or not, the strongest of all the main villain a total trash. A druggy, a rapist, a molester, sadist, manipulator, a true defintion of a villain, pure evil. The whole world will be against me, if this is who i think it is, then that maid. She has to be Marcy. " He looked at the door the shadows of the girls shoes could be seen,

' She's holding a knife. ' he thought to himself, he didn't know how he knew but his senses told him that.


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