

* Gulp Gulp Gulp *

Kaiser finished his wine before replying, " Which ones? Me being a genius? Or the sexual assault? " 

" The latter has always been proven wrong, are you accusing my son too without evidence? He hasn't even met you in person yet. " His father quickly said looking at John.

" It's suspicious, so I want to know through these eyes. " She said as her pupils turned into slits.

" I'm Sorry Andrew she forced me. " John said apologetically which Andrew just sighed and nodded, his daughter was just as spoiled or maybe more.

' I really don't like this girl, I'm glad I know her ability doesn't actually work on me. ' Kaiser thought.

" Yes It's all true. " Kaiser said with a smile shocking everybody he admitted it.

' Is he trying to get her ability to say false? That's pretty smart. ' John and Andrew though simultaneously.

" What does your ability say honey? " John asked curiously.

" It says he's telling the truth. " She said making John and Andrew quickly look at Kaiser as he had a smile on his face as he continued eating.

" Was it only commoners or nobles too? " She asked worriedly.

" Does it matter? Just ask what you want to ask. " Kaiser said.

" Janice, did you touch her? " She asked, John knew who she was talking about and so did Kaiser, she was her childhood friend. She killed herself because " Kaiser " got his hands on her and no one believed her since there was no evidence. Kaiser did indeed touch her, but she didn't need to know that. 

" No I did not, she looked very weak not my type. " Kaiser said nonchalantly.

In reality Kaiser assaulted her for that reason, she was so weak and small, so vulnerable, an easy target.

( A/N By the way the people that were assaulted by Kaiser were all around his age whenever he did it, Yk it's not better but at least he's not a pedo. )

The princess sighed and calmed down, the worries left her body knowing her not believing the rumors didn't indirectly kill her best friend.

' Sad that you'll never know who killed your best friend. ' Kaiser smiled internally.

' Hm, weird. Why am I acting villainy? Well not like i did any of these things i shouldn't admit to sins i didn't commit, i need to survive to not give myself more trouble. ' Kaiser thought as the Princess took out papers.

" Sign these. " She said pointing at the papers in front of her.

Kaiser got up and walked to her to grab the papers, 

" Are you not going to ask what they're for? " She asked.

" Isn't it obvious after asking all these questions? " Kaiser quickly signed the papers and left as Marcy followed.

" They're divorce papers huh? " Andrew asked with a sigh.

' I should've known. ' Andrew let out a small smile.

" I hope this doesn't change our friendship. " John said with hope.

" It's fine, he brought it to himself. I'll still provide with army support if ever needed. " Andrew said with a smile.

" You better not get another fiancé for her for another year or I'll be the reason your kingdom falls. " Andrew said with a smile but he was very serious. 

The divorce is already a humiliation, another fiancé right away is even worse.

" Hahaha, I can do that. " John said awkwardly.

" Alright both of you have a nice day, I have some stuff to attend to so I'll call back Kaiser to see you out. " Andrew left to give orders to the butler.


" Why didn't you attempt to lie? " The princess asked at the door once John had left to the carriage.

" Hm? Why does that matter? " Kaiser asked with a yawn.

" Everybody would've attempted to lie by saying a vague answer or just straight up lie. " The princess activated her eyes again.

" Do you really care about the answer that much? " Kaiser asked.

' Why do I get the feeling he cheated my ability? ' She nodded waiting for his answer.

" I guess, you just weren't worth lying to. Whether we got married or not didn't matter, you're not the only girl with good lucks, my family is also slowly nearing the kings strength I have no need for your genes or connection to the thrown, our parents being friends is enough. " Kaiser finished with another yawn as he walked back inside the house.

' Not worthy? Me? To him? The assaulter? The druggy? I'll become worthy enough to make you want me and then I'll throw you in the trash. ' She bit her lip in anger before leaving.

Inside Kaiser finally remembered about her hidden personality as he got goosebumps,

" I hope it doesn't come back to bite me. " 


" Son, though i don't really care that the marriage didn't fall through I still need you to marry someone, this way it won't look like they broke it off. " Andrew said with a smile, he didn't want any humiliations at all he wouldn't take any of it, not even for his friend John.

" I understand, how about the first daughter of house Carta? " Kaiser suggested.

The Carta's weren't weak but also not strong, when it came to nobles with strong connections they were the weakest. That didn't mean they could be bullied by anybody, they love their connections, having a connection to Kaisers house would be wanted.

" Hm, the Carta's huh. What was her name again? " Andrew asked as he looked around for the information of them through his desk.

" Amy. She managed to awaked a Gods ability, her family has been letting the new marinate to catch a big fish to marry her to. " Kaiser explained as Andrew brought out the information.

* Snap * With a snap of his fingers someone in pure black clothes appeared behind him,

" Tell me, has there been any negotiations with any families at all? " Andrew continued to look at all the information, making sure it wouldn't damage his own families face.

" None, he's truly waiting for a big fish most likely either the King or the top 3 houses. " He explained which Andrew nodded and shooed him away.

" Are you sure this girl is fine? " Andrew made sure one last time not wanting Kaiser to end it last minute.

" Yes. " He replied.

" Good, you start the academy 3 days from now, once everything is confirmed with the marriage we'll celebrate it a day before you start the academy. Don't do anything stupid till then. " He said the last part with some threat.

" Of course. " Kaiser said as he walked out directed towards his room.

Amy Carta, she awakened God of lucks ability. The Mc used her ability to guarantee an evolution in the future. Her ability allows her to do many things like take or give Luck Of course the drawback is her needing their permission. When she awakens she gains another ability, she has 4 " Luck Bombs " that reset every week, she can use or give away them to give that person 100% luck for one thing. Amy used it to give herself abilities she didn't normally have, of course it was all temporary. For example if she used one she can just say " I wish I could use fire " and boom she had fire manipulation. She could also use multiple bombs at once, at one point she used all 4 to fight a single person " I wish i was stronger than him " and boom.

" She's way too OP, but awakening her is hard, she needs to fall in love with someone and " Mark " them. The novel never explained how marking someone worked. " Kaiser spoke to himself in bed while Marcy laid on him sleeping.

" That sounds complicated..." Marcy said sleepy before falling asleep again.

' At worst she marks the Mc like in the novel and in exchange for ending the engagement she has to use a bomb on me. If I can achieve that when everything is ready I can be a pseudo-God.' Kaiser smiled creepily and excited before going to sleep.


( A/N Not going to lie I had a bit of complications of explaining her ability, because for some reason I'm losing vocabular everyday. Think of the Game Naruto shippuden, you know how you have 4 bars for substituting when you're getting no diffed? Think of it like that, she can use a bar for herself or to use on someone else. Because of how overpowered it is she can only use 4 a week whether she uses them or not doesn't change anything. Also help me create a better name for her ability, thank you.

I'll create a separate chapter to add the names of all the characters as long as you ask for it, if you don't ask for a reference on how they look I won't bother adding them. 

So from now on remember, ask for how they look because I'm not good at explaining appearances. Kaiser has white hair and grey eyes, Marcy has blonde hair and has a good figure I'll leave it up to your imagination how big or small their ass and boobs are if i don't mention anything about their body. The princess has purple hair and Amy has black hair, to make it easier on me their family members have the same hair color unless said otherwise. Thank you. " 

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