

An immortal, after living for countless eras, left his home, his family behind and crossed 'The Uncrossable Void' to reach the boundary of yet an undiscovered universe. On the FIRST DAY of his arrival, a heaven-shaking battle ensued which resulted in the disarray of heavenly order. Numerous gods were killed. Old Man, the controller of Heaven himself went missing. Despite being immortal, he also had to pay the toll. He lost his body his soul entered a random dead body. At the same time the 'SON OF HEAVEN', while fighting the darkness, fell under the hands of 'The Eternal's minion'. The Son Of Heaven will meet the person responsible for the destruction of Heaven and the massacre of the majority of heavenly gods. Together they will march towards the apex they once stood on and claim the throne that is rightfully theirs. . . . . (Note: I will try to upload 4 chapters per week ........try........and also of course this pic doesn't belong to me so if the owner got a problem then plz ignore it if cant I will remove it)

ZUArrogance · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Vol 2 Chapter 58 "The One They Call [The Son Of Heaven]"



57Tth ERA

Right before the disruption of heavenly laws.




A young man was lying on the ground. Even though he was on the ground, not even a single speck of dust dared to pollute his clothes which by the way was by no means a commoner's dress.

On the contrary, a furry dress made by true divine beasts furs and skin, giving the wearer absolute beauty and protection.

The young man who looked like he was probably in his mid-twenties was himself a perfect masterpiece.

His face was in perfect symmetry. As if the creator took his time to make his face with his own hands.

There was absolute silence. A silence that with the passage of time can drive any mortal to the verge of insanity.


In the absolute silence, a sudden sound vibrated throughout the whole world.

The young man opened his eyes.

Still lying on the ground he looked toward his right in hope of finding someone then toward his left, he could not find a single object much less a living being.

The ground he was lying on was completely leveled. There was not even a single small size hill.

Looking at the dark sky above him, instead of the blue sky, he could only find the infinite darkness.


He drew in a breath but there was no air. The world he was in was devoid of water or atmosphere making it impossible to live for anyone, yet there he was sleeping like a baby on the ground.

'What woke me up? A sound? Here in the devil's edge?'

His train of thoughts was again disrupted by another loud sound.


The young man looked toward the sky. There was pitch black darkness.

No sun, no star, and no source of light. Still, even in that pitch-black starless night, there was even a darker shadow that covered the darkness itself.

A colossal shadow covering the face of the barren planet on which the young man was, completely overshadowing it.

The shadow was a dark being or the devil lord of the devil's edge one may call it how they seem it fit since there were not many who survived after witnessing this abomination.

It attacked someone with enough force that the person fighting it was thrown far away, destroying many celestial bodies on its path.

When the debris of broken barren planets settles down a silhouette of a young girl appeared.

A young girl who would be probably in her twenties, with a face beautiful enough to put any immortal goddesses to shame.

But the young man was not observing her beauty, on the contrary, he was checking out her strength.

Even though the dark being had not touched the threshold of semi immortality, taking a direct hit from the dark being was still quite a feat.

On top of that coming out of it unharmed, not many divines can show such strength.

When the young man was observing the girl, the girl looked toward him and frowned.

She did not want him to see her like this, being thrown around like a dog.

She frowned and let go holding back. She took out a whip covered in divine light.

It was as if countless stars had ascended, illuminating every corner of the darkness in devil's edge.

[Light element] the strongest nemesis of darkness.

She swang the whip destroying everything in her path.

The debris of broken planets was completely disintegrated to nothingness under the holy light.

'So a destructive light element and not the purifying one.' This fact for some unknown reason disturbed the young man.

The whip cutting the darkness into two half landed on the dark being of devil's edge, who contrary to his efforts was unable to defend himself from the destructive, and for darkness like him, a corroding power of light.

Since he was not a semi-immortal much less an immortal being he could not get rid of corrosion.

That being screamed, maybe it was his last words or maybe a call for help or maybe even pleading for his life.

Whatever it was none of that was answered.

The only thing he got in return was coldness from the eyes of that young-looking girl.

It was not he who was toying with her but vice versa. That was the last thought he had.

It was not just the young man rather hundreds of eyes were observing the battle from within the darkness.

But after witnessing the girl's strength none of them dared to make a move.

All of them hiding in the depth of darkness prayed not to be noticed.

For them, it was a nightmare.

'A young man and young girl came out of nowhere in devil's edge and started slaughtering the dark beings.

Well, most of it was done by the young girl. The boy kept lying on the vessel they arrived at.

The girl slaughtered so many of their kin that their king has to personally come out.

At first, it looked like their king had the upper hand but the girl killed him with a single swing of whip...if not a nightmare then what else could it be?'

On top of that, they didn't dare to approach that young-looking man. Abyss was their home. They lived in darkness.

They were part of it but looking at that supposedly sleeping young man they felt like standing before an abyssal monster, whose flick of the finger would be enough to annihilate them.

The girl floated toward the young man.

"Young lord, I apologize for disturbing your rest. I was just testing my strength."

The girl said in a respectful tone. Her voice contrary to her fierce temperament was very delightful.

A charmful voice that could make anyone give up their defense against her. But the young man was completely unaffected.

"Yeah? how is that working out for you?"

The yellow-haired young man asked in a tone which was neither strict nor too soft, it was the kind of voice, to which anyone would be willing to bow their head.

"You tell me, my lord."

The girl smiled, looking like a colorful blooming flower in these barren lands.

"You are indeed strong, stronger than the last time we meet....when was that again?"

"It has been seventy thousand years my lord."

The girl replied with sadness in her eyes. She was not important enough to be remembered by him. They met a long time ago. She had a lucky chance to meet him since she was the daughter of the Gods of the heavenly palace.

"Well, I had a lot on my mind for the past few years...."

The yellow-haired young man replied.

"It is alright my lord. You are the Son Of Heaven. A mere cultivator like me is just a passerby in your eyes."

That's right that young man was [Son Of Heaven].

The only one in the whole of the universe. Unmatched in his divinity, Unachievable goal for countless Gods.

And yet here he was leaving behind all the riches he had and venturing the devil's edge all alone, that was until he met this girl, his old friend.

"You never told me what were you doing here?"

Asked Son Of Heaven.

"After enlightenment, I went out to test my strength, and what better place could be other than the [devil's edge]. Here I could let loose easily without any care in the world."

At her level even applying a little bit of her strength would result in the destruction of many planets around her, many of which were inhabited.

But here in devil's edge, there is no planet on which there was life, just the death and darkness. And so a perfect ground for her to rampage in.

"That so?" The son of heaven was still skeptical.

"Is there a problem my lord?"

Asked the girl worriedly.

"As far as my memories serve me right which I know for a fact that they are...wasn't your light attribute a healing type and not the destructive one?"

Hearing the question the girl's heart skipped a beat, which of course didn't go unnoticed by the Young man.

"Hahaha As I said earlier it was an enlightenment..."

"That so?" The young man was still wary of the situation.

"Enough about me young lord you never mentioned the purpose of your visit." The girl shifted the topic.


The boy was silent, looking at her face bit after some time he let go of the uneasy feeling and spoke up.

"I am here for the edge."

"The edge?.....young lord you certainly don't mean to..."

"No. I am not gonna rebel." The young man interrupted her.

The girl took a sigh of relief.

"I really thought.....so the reason for your visit might be....."

"I have lived for countless years now. After such a long time one would likely have experienced everything there is to experience. That's why here I am."

"You mean..."

"I have traveled the whole length of the universe now, of course, other than some forbidden grounds, I just wanted to infer the form of this universe, the shape that someone sees when standing outside this universe's boundaries."

"Someone outside of the universe? Come on young lord there could not be possibly anyone else outside the boun...."

She stopped thinking about a certain legend.

"Young lord, you mean..."


Said the son of heaven.

Hearing that a chill swept throughout her body.

One has to keep in mind that the girl, who already had touched the divine threshold, herself had lived for millions of years and was the blood of the famous divine God in heaven's palace.

Something that could shake her to the core, could be counted on one hand.

"You must be joking....those are just legends. Baseless tales to put fear in the divine's heart. [Universe devouring entity with a never-ending hunger] All of that seemed far-fetched not to forget ridiculous too."

The girl tried to justify her point. Everyone thought an entity like "ETERNAL" was impossible to exist.

Or more like they wanted it to be just a false legend. No one in their right state of mind would accept an entity strong enough to crush them like ants.

"Legends? False tales? You know there is nothing in the whole of the world which is for no reason.

Tales are there to put fear in children's minds. Legends of heroes are there to bring forth the bravery within the young one's heart."

He stopped and looked toward the never-ending darkness.

"Why would someone put the concept of such an entity in the minds of Gods and Immortals?" Asked the young man.

"To make them fear and keep them under control..." The girl replied sincerely.

"Wasn't Heaven enough for that purpose?"

Hearing that the girl was tongue-tied. The young man continued,

"Eternals are there. Waiting for us to make a tiny mistake. Choosing to ignore the truth just because you don't want to accept the harsh reality, could guaranty to let you live for long, but not forever."

The girl was silently contemplating the young lord's words.

"We are getting off the topic. Let's go." The young man said and lightly tapped the surface of the planet he was standing on and the whole planet shook.

With the speed faster than the light the planet made its way towards a certain direction.

After some time, with some hesitation, the girl asked the young man,

"Isn't it too slow young lord. If you want we could use my personal vessel."

"No need." Saying that the boy touched the surface of the world.

"It was a gift from someone dear to me. Its name is [Fallen Lunar]."

It turns out the moon they were standing on was actually the personal vessel of the Son Of Heaven. Even though old and slow, he was not willing to give up on it.

After a long slow-paced journey they finally reached their destination.

A normal person would not be able to tell what was in front of them because the darkness they were standing in and the darkness in front of them looked completely identical.

But someone on their level could easily tell the difference that what was in front of them was not the darkness rather it was [Void].

Void. Where no element existed.

No darkness no light just nothingness. One may preferably call it as [Chaos].

They had reached the boundary of the universe, what they were looking for.

The young man placed the Fallen lunar in his personal dimension and floated near the boundary.

"The wall of the universe." Said the Son Of Heaven and gently placed his hand on the transparent wall.

He infused his divine senses into the wall and soon it crossed through the entire length of the universe.

Other than Heaven, there was no one capable of looking from one end of the universe to the other end. Not even the son of heaven.

But infusing his divine senses into the wall he was able to have a birds-eye view of the supposedly limitless universe.

"It feels.....great."

The outside view of their universe.....

It looked like a ball of light with many specks of lights. Those specks of light were supposed to be galaxies.


It was at that moment he felt something.

He clearly saw it outside the wall of the universe a silhouette of a person on the exact opposite side of them.

"Who?" He asked himself in bewilderment when the person outside stretched his fist and punched the wall.


No Earth-shattering explosion occurred. But the strength behind the punch had enough force to leave behind a man-size hole in the supposedly strongest defense of the universe.

That man outside the wall passed through the hole and the hole healed itself.

Even though the wall was self repaired but the divine sense of the Son Of Heaven was damaged from the impact.

Fresh blood dripped from the side of his mouth.

"MY LORD!!!!" The girl beside him was horrified. She rushed forward and supported him.

'Fuck! What was that?'

A bad feeling arose from within his heart.

"I have to go back to heaven's palace. I have to warn them." Said the young man.

This time he took out a vessel that was the fastest in his collection and made his way toward heaven's palace.




