

An immortal, after living for countless eras, left his home, his family behind and crossed 'The Uncrossable Void' to reach the boundary of yet an undiscovered universe. On the FIRST DAY of his arrival, a heaven-shaking battle ensued which resulted in the disarray of heavenly order. Numerous gods were killed. Old Man, the controller of Heaven himself went missing. Despite being immortal, he also had to pay the toll. He lost his body his soul entered a random dead body. At the same time the 'SON OF HEAVEN', while fighting the darkness, fell under the hands of 'The Eternal's minion'. The Son Of Heaven will meet the person responsible for the destruction of Heaven and the massacre of the majority of heavenly gods. Together they will march towards the apex they once stood on and claim the throne that is rightfully theirs. . . . . (Note: I will try to upload 4 chapters per week ........try........and also of course this pic doesn't belong to me so if the owner got a problem then plz ignore it if cant I will remove it)

ZUArrogance · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter 33 "Why They Call Him Monster"

After cleaning his hands he went to another table and picked up a brush and an empty charm from the table.

He also bought them when he was in a mortal city. They were many high-quality empty charms and of course reasonably expensive.

The first stroke of brush was all it took and Chiyan stopped working.

She was unintentionally observing his every stroke. It was as if someone sees a fairy dancing for the first time.

Each movement of the fairies hand would leave a mark on the observer's heart.

One after another the boy was finishing the charm and she was standing there completely unknown to the passage of time.

Hours have passed and the boy had nearly finished making all the charm. He was just giving the finishing touch.

At that time someone from the outside had informed that madame had sent some girls.

The boy had asked her to send girls who were totally 'broken'.

"How many?" The boy asked.

"Forty, young master." Chiyan had brought girls into the courtyard according to the young master's instruction.

"Condition?" The boy was still focusing on the charm.

"Nearly dead if not already dead."


Chiyan was silent for some time but in the end, she mustered up the courage and asked;

"Young master, what are these charms for?"

"Chiyan, tell me what do you think will happen when a person dies." The boy stopped writing and answered her with another question.

"The person would be judged for what they had done throughout his life and would be reincarnated in the new world accordingly."

"Right, but that's for normal mortals only not for cultivators. There is a realm in cultivation when a cultivator has to cut off his karma, to cultivate further and avoid heavenly tribulation. So all those good and bad deeds are lost."

The boy asked her another question,

"Tell me who judges the dead."

"God?" She replied with uncertainty

"No. it's a cultivator. After reaching a certain realm and cutting off your karma, some would be assigned to different worlds by 'the heaven' itself to oversee the reincarnation circle."

He continued explaining.

"And that's a different story that people name that realm as god realm and deity realm and what not. There are billions of worlds in this galaxy alone so you can understand the sheer extent of it."

"The reason for explaining all this nonsense is that if in-charge of this world's reincarnation cycle is a living being having emotions who had reached the god realm and not emotionless heaven itself then he can be bribed."

The boy picked up the charms from the table;

"And these charms, they are charms with chaos energy embedded in them, somewhat beneficial to even so-called God realm cultivators. A perfect bribe to reincarnate the person holding them, in the good family under good condition. Doing so is not a difficult task for them."

The boy got up from the chair and picked up the bowl filled with herbs essence.

"And this is, ummm, just call it drugs. It has the great effect of blocking every pain receiving nerve and also completely blocking all five senses."

He gave her the bowl.

"Make sure each of them has a sip."

Her heart was pounding wildly. Pain blocking drugs and charms as a bribe.

When she put all the pieces together it made perfect sense which came along with a strong dread.

She took the bowl with trembling hands. And went outside.

Meanwhile, the boy finished making all the charms. She returned with an empty bowl.

The boy in one hand had forty charms while in the other, he had a wooden sword.

"No matter what happens, no matter what you hear, don't open the door." The boy ordered in a serious tone and went outside closing the door behind him.

Forty girls, all with lifeless expressions on their faces. All were in bad condition.

"Ladies a beautiful night it is, isn't it?"

The silver light from the moon was falling in the open courtyard.

None of them replied.

Maybe they had long lost the admiration for the beauty of the drugs that had completely blocked their five senses had prevented them from hearing his question.

"..." Receiving no reply, the boy started giving each of them a charm.

Chiyan was standing inside at the same spot where he left her. The bowl was still in her hand.

Contrary to what young master said, she didn't hear a single sound but soon enough an intense smell assaulted her nose.

The smell of blood. It was her first time smelling such an overwhelming blood smell.

Ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump

Her heart was beating like crazy. Her hands which she had put under her control a few minutes ago, started trembling again.

But it didn't last long. The smell of blood was completely gone. At first, she thought her nose became numb to that smell but it was really gone.

The boy walked into the room. He had only a wooden sword in his hand. The charms were all gone.

The sword was completely covered with blood but there was not a single drop of blood on him.

The boy ignored the frozen Chiyan and went upstairs to wash his wooden sword.

Chiyan, with pounding heart and heavy steps, went outside.


There was nothing there. No corpse no

bloodstain on the ground as if the sky devoured all the girls leaving behind no clue.

That was the first time in her life that she had felt intense fear.

In later years, when she would remember this time she would laugh at herself. Her first night in young master's house it was quite something.

At first, many people called him lecherous young master. Bringing forty girls from the brothel in a single night. And that was the only news. No one discussed where did all these girls go?

Some people noticed it but in a few days, they all forgot about some mortal girls.

It was years later that when the courtyard was unearthed they found countless bones filling up tens of miles hole.

From that day onward this place was named as "THE MONSTER's den".

It was just one of the many reasons that "The Monster" was always included in the bedtime horror stories of children.

But all of that would be in a very far away future.



