
Silban Chapter 1: The End of a Life of Laziness and Lust (part1)

Silban dreaded this moment from his first day of life, he knew that all the first princes of Ryutai followed this horrible destiny but he had already attained the magical and physical power of an adjuvant having partially fulfilled the conditions, so why did it have to appear the flame of kings He had not asked for anything, he still wanted to enjoy his quiet studious, luxurious and full of laziness life . After all, he hadn't decided to laze around for at least five years before doing anything. His dream of laziness lasted only one year to the day.

Silban sighed after looking at the multicolored flame surrounding a crown and an amber eye on his thin neck. He put on a scarf to get out and thus avoid rushing his trip and his ban on staying at the palace.

His friend Palére watched him come out and approached him:

"You are going out, my Prince, it's rare. Usually, you meditate and only go out the last two days of the week.

-Palere ceases your insinuations and lets me out. I have grocery shopping to do.

-Of course my friend, but let me accompany you.; he said with a mischevious smile on his face.

-Stop this polite speech immediately, you know very well that it infuriates me to the utmost.

"Of course. »

Palére was relieved because the prince's expression betrayed that he had seen his destiny... He stifled a laugh.:"Silban's life of luxury did not last. Besides, he had predicted it, but this mule's head had not listened at all."

A fury turned on the poor red-haired attendant who narrowly avoided a spell of paralysis. The young prince who began to rant:

"If you really want to accompany me, stop sneering, Palére nyu TAL."

Palere was silent and followed him in silence.

The castle guards greeted them respectfully.

A lady dragon bearing an adjuvant mark (purple flame serving as sheaths for a rainbow-colored sword) rushed towards the duo like a cannonball. Palére looked at her with a sad look. She approached the Prince without an ounce of respect, why should she respect him this good-for-nothing who had found nothing better to do than laze all day.Silban raised an eyebrow and addressed her in this way:

"Rine,your thoughts are hurtful and not very friendly, although they are not far from the truth. Decidedly between Palere and his sarcasm, you and your disdain; you make a heaven matched pair. »

He smiled at this remark, he kept secret the ability to guess the future apart from his own. Rine the glared back at him. She despised Palere. He looked after the Prince without having an adjutant mark. Silban laughed inwardly, he would never get tired of the lack of insight of his female attendant on this subject however as time was running out, he would give her a clue as he needed them as dragons, not adults.

So he addressed the young dragon with blue hair and purple eyes:

"Tell me, you think I would have asked to have him taking care of me for no particular reason, should I remind you that a one-year-old dragon has a wisdom equivalent of twenty years. So my choices were thoughtful. Do you know why you can stay at the palace despite your mark?

"What do you mean?"