
Chapter 2 part 5

The latter, not knowing what to do, decided to get off the train, by an interesting coincidence, she found herself in a temple where she saw a furtive shadow, this shadow stopped in front of a complex drawing on the ground and altered many motifs. The changes after a long complex elucubration disappeared.

So she felt someone calling from far away, the landscape blurred and she felt a jolt.

Tsubame opened her eyes with difficulty, for her, dreams would no longer have the same impact or the same meaning. Dreams have become part of her reality.

End of Chapter 2

I was thinking of making a longer chapter but after some thought. I decided against it.

Because I felt better this way.

However this is a temporary chapter, I will put it with part 4 later

And it is not one if this week's chapter...

Love you all.

Have a good week.

Ladyeternalteachercreators' thoughts