
Chaos' Heir

A recurring nightmare afflicted Khan's nights since the Second Impact. His dreams replayed the scenes of the crash of the Nak's spaceship, an alien race that the humans had defeated five hundred years ago. Khan's life had turned upside-down after the tragedy. His mother had died during the incident, and the Nak's toxic mana had infected him. His father had managed to save him, but they ended up losing their home and name in the process. The nightmares wouldn't let Khan forget about the Nak, so he decided to join the Global Army and learn to wield mana. He had to put an end to those dreams, even if that meant hunting down that alien race through the stars. ------------------------------------- Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EoCNovels Instagram: eocnovels Discord link: https://discord.gg/fNsPwXMP7P Cover artist: https://digitalrowye.com/

Eveofchaos · Fantasy
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823 Chs


Professor Boatbell's friendly behavior and passion for the subject helped retain interest throughout the lesson. His many questions also kept the class engaged and allowed most students to show their knowledge.

The initial topics were rather dull. Professor Boatbell's explanations started from the First Impact and barely covered half a century by the time the class was over. He had to establish a good foundation before moving to specific matters, and Khan felt he did an excellent job at it.

The Professor didn't talk about the invasion. His subject focused on how humanity adapted to mana, so the war wasn't important. Instead, he went over the first attempts at employing and wielding that energy to give insights into what had worked and failed.