
Snake in(2)

The furnishings were standard, Arcane, pens, paper for the deduction, and a pile of books. But the books were so varied, from linguistics to botany, that Moros needed to determine whether they were potions or incantations.

Moros opened one or two at random, and his brow tightened. It was full of mushrooms. Although many drugs indeed need mushroom ingredients for extraction, these agents are not stable, and not very pharmacy experts will take the uncertain drug as the direction.

There was also a row of snacks on the windowsill, almost spread on the table, and some food scraps scattered around the books, looking a little messy. And the blacksmith quickly acquired the name of his employer, "Alan Rodel." For a moment, Moros did not think of any powerful family named Rodel.

But in any case, so far, all the performance is average. There is no dead black goods. There seemed to be nothing secret or out of place about the employer the captain had introduced.

Is it too much?

Moros could not help doubting his judgment when a mechanical clattering sound came from the inner room. Although said to be a mechanical sound, something is not like it, there seems to be a cadence in it, so Mroslas cat back to follow the sound away.

Moros finally stopped at the bedroom door, and the mechanical sound stopped. The blacksmith opened the door gently but saw nothing unusual. Thinking there was something wrong with the room, Moros decided to go in and find the source. At that moment, with a mechanical sound that was not mechanical, Moros felt the air around him begin to vibrate, and these vibrations formed a definite meaning in his mind!

"Who are you!

The sound of human speech goes straight into the eardrum with a mechanical clatter, from which the original clatter comes! To Moros's horror, the "Who are you?" that echoed in his head was in his native language, Russian! One word came to Moros' mind: Arcane resonance! He could not be an Arcane, but he had Arcane senses, just as they were written!

Looking at the sound, Moros did see a moving mushroom!


Alan had a fungus plant at home!

And thanks to Lusger's presence in the north, Moros had a chance to learn about a species that would otherwise have surprised him.

But this is the South! What's a cold-loving creature like Mycelium doing here?!

Every time Captain Nova was involved, Moros would take in all that was before him with the utmost malice, for the old impostor had gone so far as to deceive the blacksmith several times! In the beginning, Moros was sold, but it also helped people with money. Until these two years, slowly learn smart!

Mycelium... McCabe... Levitzk...

The keywords that had been in the early hours of the morning jumped out directly, and when they became a string, Moros's cold sweat suddenly came down!

McCabe is a mushroom forest, and the cause was related to Mycorazim 20 years ago. Could there be Mycorazim in it? They are mushrooms, after all.

As for Levitzk, the major powers of the archipelago have sent personnel, but not from Sennobo. After all, they're all against Silverland.

It was only a month or two ago that the fungus was buried, and Nova's men were able to get a heat-resistant mycorazim. Do you think that's a coincidence?

At this thought, Moros turned to leave. Moros was wondering how to keep his identity and get involved in Levytzk, even though he had somehow become the arms supplier to the Yorkland rebellion after being bitten by a snake. Moros had no control over whether the details of this stood up to scrutiny or logic.

Can you come when you want, or leave when you want? As soon as Moros looked back, he saw that Kaka's hand had grown a long flame knife. The flame was only half a meter high, but it was almost as long as Kaka's tiny body! It's just basic arcane, but it looks scary!

"When did you say the spell?" In an emergency, Moros only complained and drew the dagger from his waist. The blade cut, the flame went out with a pop, and Kaka was spun around by the wind of Moros's coat. When he stopped, there was no one left!

Running back to the forge, Moros finally had time to think about the details, but for a moment, it didn't seem right. At first, he thought Ellen and Nova were a nest of snakes and mice, but if that's the case, then Ellen would have to be Senobo's man. And as Moros's notes make clear, Senobo's advanced team didn't have a chance to get into the fungus just in time! So, to back off, could Allen be working for Apyi or Seco Webber? It's possible, but it could be more likely. After all, if Mycelin had been found in Macabre, there was no reason not to take good care of it. How could he have left it in his room and gone out alone, as Alan had done?

After much deliberation, Moros could not conclude that it fully satisfied him, but in any case, Moros wanted to distance himself from the matter for a while. At least ask that old bastard Nova the next time he lands on the island! Until then, love who! As for where to go, Moros had another safe place on the northern peninsula of Sakun, where he could go for ten days and then return for half a month. Anyway, three months is enough time for the mission; even if we miss that, we can finish it in time.

It was afternoon when Moros returned to the forge, and by the time all the problems had been settled, it was an evening to pack. Moros had a lot of things to pick up, including Alan's precious materials, and he could not afford to lose them, so he had to repackage them one by one. By the time Moros was ready to go, he had yet to hire a carriage, and it looked like he would have to rent it at a high price.

"Mr. Moros, are you there?"

Moros was about to lift something into the patio and had hardly stepped out of the yard when he heard Alan's voice in the dark of night and did not think Alan had come!

"I don't suppose I've blown my cover?" So the blacksmith was left to wonder what had gone wrong while he repacked his hard-won belongings and took them back to his basement. But he could not understand that Alan had discovered that his place had been infiltrated, that he did not know by whom, and that he had gone straight to him, Moros.