
I surrender

The structure of the first floor was simple, and when Alan felt the darkness, he saw what the map called the opening of the ladder. There should have been a gate outside the opening of the ladder, but it had been cut and removed. The marks of artificial cutting were all around it. It must have been the regular army of Tumen!

There were no ladders or lifting plates inside the entrance. It was supposed to be a huge alchemy, but now, it's not working. The decorations inside the opening of the staircase are surprisingly simple, rather than gorgeous: there are almost no decorations in the huge volume, and the walls are hidden under the snake mycelium, which smells old and stale.

The mycelium seems to have been cleaned, and it's not as expansive as before. Alan looked down. The darkness was like the mouth of an abyss, and if it were not for the faint, invisible whiteness of the deepest part, Alan wondered if he was gazing at the entrance to the unknown.

Turning back, Alan picked up a piece of gravel and threw it straight down the dark opening of the staircase. Three or four seconds passed before Alan heard the echo of the falling stone, which seemed to be accompanied by some faint noise.

"Tens of meters deep..."

The noise did not attract Alan's attention, but rather the three seconds or so it took for the echo to return. By a simple estimate, the entrance to the staircase must have been seventy or eighty meters deep!

The wind swirled around Alan's feet, driving the windboot slowly down. Before long, even by the fire of Fireball, Alan could no longer see the way in. A little further down Alan could see the entrance to the second floor, but it was a complete mess of broken tables, chairs, and instruments. The entrance had been blocked by the fallen walls so that only a faint view could be seen through the cracks.

Mycelium, debris, dead bodies...

Different places were in the same dilapidated state, and all the outstanding treasures were gone. The Tumen had a crossbow stuck in his back and was scrambling forward as if trying to escape. It was the sword's shot that ended his hope and his life.

"The savage butcher."

The carnival of the sellsword is the misery of the palace. These men are warriors, but greedy and grave robbers are no different. The fungus knife in his right hand unconsciously tightened a few points, in case of a nasty fight, Alan can quickly get into shape.

No longer thinking about such things, Alan drove the windboot on. Further down, there seemed to be less and less mossy mycelium clinging to the walls, and Alan could even see the whiteness of the walls to which it clung. Continue to go down, the mycelium is only so a wisp, it seems to be terminated here.

When the surrounding walls were so clean that there was not a trace of mycelium to be seen, Alan saw a big door. There was a drag handle on the door, and a little light peeking through the middle of the door.

Alan had no choice but to pull open the unlocked iron door with a push of both hands. The room, a few meters square behind the door, was gleaming, and every point seemed to be a source of light. The light was not dazzling, but it also made Alan's dark eyes a little dry.

The three underground floors seem to be different from the abandoned first and second floors. The energy supply has not been interrupted, at least the lights have been maintained!

This is good news. The presence of energy means that the palace, or the lower parts of the underground base, are still working, so there is a good chance that other outlets will also be supplying energy, making Alan's chances of getting out even better! And there is a good chance that Alan will find out why this underground facility was built, and even get the good stuff left behind!

After his dry eyes had adapted to the surroundings, the scene in front of him made Alan cry badly, and even resorted to the bacterial liquid knife directly, putting on a solid defensive posture of the bottom plate, ready to counter!

He was not alone in the huge space. In the center lay a wounded man with a broken arm, and...

Luan Zhuo! The Sellsword men!

It's a narrow circle of enemies!

Luan Zhuo did not seem to expect Allen to be here. After a brief loss of consciousness, Luan Zhuo put down her wounded companion, drew the machete from her waist, and calmly looked at the former employer. As if the kidnapping and the attack had nothing to do with him.

They're coming in, too! In the atmosphere of tension Alan's mind began to run wild.

If so, then they must have been the ones who raided Tumen's army! But all the way, Alan saw only two sellsword bodies and only two men in the underground room. What about the rest? Only four in all?

No way! How are four sellsword soldiers supposed to take on a regular army several times their size? Even if it's a sneak attack, it's impossible!

Where are the other mercenaries supposed to be hiding?! The idea crossed Alan's mind, and the Arcane dared not make a move for fear of being surrounded by the enemy and unable to escape!

Alan would have seen it coming before! The base was a single-story structure, and if the mercenaries were blocked, there was a good chance they would meet in the middle of the road, and Alan would march on without thinking of the risk of an unexpected encounter! Now that I think of it, when I was testing the depth above the entrance of the ladder, I heard the noise, which should have come from these mercenaries!

It's just that Alan didn't think so much about it, or even ignore it a little, and let it happen so passively, so suddenly!

And the most let Alan's heart speed up, it is the mercenary regiment commander Grenn has not appeared when the rebellion began, Grenn a person contained the three extraordinary people of the family, as for what happened next, Alan does not know. But Grenn was strong enough to fight with Shen. If Grenn was in the base, Alan would be in great trouble!

And Alan does not know, mercenary commander Glen had been killed by Shen, the mercenary regiment is now Luan Zhuo's main words, and this figure gate deputy commander's situation is not good: commander life and death, supply tension, team members either dead or injured... Luan Zhuo, holding a machete in her hand, dared not take the initiative to attack. He had no backup to deal with the sudden appearance of the Arcane and was in a more passive position for fear of being defended by Alan. So the two men remained motionless in this confrontation.

A bead of sweat rose on Alan's forehead, and he thought, This can't go on. But just as he was about to lift his legs and retreat, Luan Zhuo attacked!

Compared with Alan, Luan Zhuo can't afford to wait. He was only a man, and his opponent was an Arcane, and although he did not know why the other party was so slow to attack, it was not a thing to wait, especially when his wounded companions needed his help.

Driven by the sellsword's instinct to fight for years, Luan Zhuo stepped forward, twisted, and the machete flew through the air, ready to kill Alan on the spot! Without a moment's rest, without a moment's respite, a knife straight into the face! Go ahead, give me who!

All of a sudden, any move to anticipate is useless! Alan's experience in these days of fighting made him instinctively raise his arm, and the blade of the fungus liquid knife turned outward to meet the scimitar chopping at him!

There was no spark from the clash of blades, no sound of biting steel. The scimitar made of fine steel just ran straight into the Arcane energy-driven fungus liquid knife! Alan, who was still practicing fireball, felt a great force coming upon him and took a step back. The spell was almost broken!

A few syllables later, Alan barely managed to complete the Kwikspell, and just as his right hand, held behind his back, was about to lift a fireball again and throw it, there was a clank in Alan's ear. I was shocked, but the spell could not stop. The color of the fireball grew lighter and the shadow grew hotter. Golden sparks rose and the heat twisted the air around them. You could see the heat! When Alan was ready to start, he looked and saw that Luan Zhuo's scimitar had fallen to the ground! It's like the dignity of the sellsword, threatening to invade, but still cut in two by the germ knife.

So fierce?!

Alan was surprised to find that the Olympian was so strong that he could easily cut the fine steel into two pieces after the polymerization of the original sticky and soft bacterial solution. Originally, our Alan thought that even if he were one-on-one, he would have to fight a fierce fight, first with the bacteria liquid knife, and then the real decision is whether the fireball in his hand can buy him time, even a fatal move!

This is the Arcane! This is the Arcane! Arcane is an important tactical force on the battlefield, without this ability, how can change the structure of the war? How is it possible to change the strength and weaknesses of a country's military?!

When hundreds of thousands of fireballs, are far from you, let your martial arts again strong fighters, let you more ferocious tiger Wolf division, let you more large sea fleet, must temporarily avoid the edge!

They can't fight hand to hand, but with their weapons, they have an edge! The mercenary's fine steel is soft as tofu when the sword hits hard!

Luan Zhuo looked at the handle of the knife, at the blade on the ground, and finally at the golden fireball in Alan's hand. It was just as well to know that under these circumstances he and his wounded comrades were powerless against an Arcane in his prime. He threw the hilt from his hand, spread his hands wide, showed that he had no weapon, gave up his resistance, and said, "Arcane is Arcane, I surrender."