
Changing The Inevitable

Nate and his family would have never believed their ship would be attacked, they were just harmless travelers, traveling to Mundon the planet they were about to move to, or so Nate thought. He wasn't actually sure what his dad did, just that he had a lot of business trips to other planets, and that they were fairly wealthy. But what happens when they're ship is attacked, ravaged, his parents killed, his sister separated from him, he was kidnapped, and he had to learn how to survive, and fast.

saucygirl6643 · Sci-fi
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9 Chs

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I groaned, my head felt terrible!

My eyes fluttered open, my eyes somewhat aching from the light.

I tried to move my hands to my face, but something kept me refrained from rubbing my eyes.

I groaned again but now an annoyance.

I was sitting upright in a quite comfy chair, the leather almost making me cold. My hands were cuffed in front of me, the metal digging into my hands, making me almost uncomfortable.

Asteroids and vast black empty space. A modern console laid by me with its lights flickering and screens constantly switching through navigation routes. Clicks of someone using a keyboard filled my ears.

"Finally, I thought your snores would never stop." A sarcastic voice said dryly. Events from last night came like a tsunami, emotions coming at me in waves.

Fear, anguish, sadness, and grief, attacked me at high levels, making tears brimming in my eyes.

"Where is my sister?" I said emotionless, not really not sure what life had come to.

"I don't actually know? I think she is staying at the palace before going to a random alien boarding school? As I said, I just followed orders." The bluntness he was using was making me angry, how could he ruin my life and family and not even feel the least bit of compassion?

"Why was I separated from her? She is too young to be alone." I snapped trying to get the seat belt off me that he must have put me in to keep me upright, my shackles clinking together.

"Stay in your chair, stop moving, there isn't anywhere you can go anyways." I looked at the Lumkonton, gosh how much I hated him at the moment, the audacity he could muster is unbelievable.

"You didn't answer my question!" I growled, my headache making me cranky.

"Well, I'm not answering so don't get your panties in a twist." He said with just as much venom.

"Well, at least get these cuffs off me, I'm not a criminal!"

"You're right, your acting more of a baby then a criminal, I think that fits more." Anger boiled in my veins.

"I still gave you a bloody nose." I snickered at the memory of his bloody nose fresh in my mind.

"You didn't do crap with that punch, I just happen to have a fragile nose." He huffed running his hands through his charcoal black hair.

"Yeah, that's something you'll want to admit, 'The Great Lumkonton With a Fragil Nose'." I scoffed sarcastically.

"Shut up!" He yelled, making me coward back into my seat.


"I am this close to hitting you with my blaster again and again until you're unconscious for life, also known as dead." My jaw clenched in anger.

"I have to go pee," I said staring at my plaid pj's, yes, I was still wearing my pj's from last night, or maybe two nights ago, I'm not totally sure how many days I've been out.

"Too bad, annoying, moody teens don't get what they want." He muttered, still typing and tapping furiously on the console.

"Well, do you want me to soil my pants?" I exclaimed, lifting my hands in exasperation, my handcuffs clanging together.

Fine!" He growled getting out of his chair unbuckling my seat belt and pulling me from the chair, his hand gripping my arm.

The ship was small, probably couldn't fit more than 5 people with a closet and a bathroom. I shuffled with The Lumpkonton behind me.

He slid open the white door for me, the steel toilet in front of me. I turned around raising my eyebrows skeptically raising my shackled hands to him.

"My handcuffs?" He smirked at me.

"You can manage." He said his lips twitching before sliding the door as I made silent curses at him.

After finishing my business I walked to the sink, looking up into the mirror.

Wow, I looked like crap. My hair was matted from dry blood, and I had a bruise on the side of my head, both of them either from the boot or from the blaster that I got hit with. I turned on the faucet getting my hands wet and trying to get the blood off my black hair.

The cold water helped my senses a little, feeling cool on my pale skin.

After taking a few minutes of uninterrupted silence I walked over to the door fumbling with the door handle.

"For Pete's sake." Lumpkonton murmured, opening the door quickly making me stumble forward into him.

"You don't even have balance," he said, pulling me towards the front of the ship again pushing me into the chair buckling me in.

"You're treating me like a child."

"You are a child." He said bluntly sitting down in his chair in a huff, navigation on auto-pilot.

"How old are you anyway?"


"That explains the babyface." He said, smirking. I scowled at him, his lips twitched making his smirk more evident.

"Whatever," I said settling into my chair.

"Oo moody teen on," he said sarcastically while I scowl.

"Name?" He asked me.


"Because I don't know your name? Duh?" He said looking at me like I'm dumb.

"Nate. Yours?"

"Ace." Well, at least I knew his name now.

"Where are we going?" I huffed.

"Ringtheron Academy." My heart stopped.

"WHAT?" I yelled and panicked. Ringtheron is an army academy. It was rough, violent, and terrible, and not to mention scary.

"Yeah, that's what I said, are you deaf?"

"NO!" I said my heart beat faster. "I don't understand! Why do I have to go to an academy! I'd rather just be orphaned." I said hotly.

"Be grateful! Do you know what happens on Zenagon when you're orphaned? You don't last long, just be grateful that we didn't kill you and your sister because trust me, that would be more merciless!" He spits out, I cowered away from his angered eyes looking down at my lap.

"I would catch some sleep, we aren't going to arrive for a while." I looked out the window, not replying watching the asteroids and stars in the distance.

My eyes slowly closing, from the emotional exhaustion.

"Gramie, were leaving so soon?" My grandmother nodded sadly as we hugged and kissed her.

"Your parents said it was an emergency." She dug through her pickets grabbing a long silver necklace with a locket on the end.

"This is for you Kayla, for I fear we won't see each other for a while." My sister nodded with tears in her eyes, my sister was really attached to my grandmother, from being cared for by her for years. I felt a slight tickle of jealousy for not getting something from her.

"Come here, Nate." My grandma said having her arms outstretched to me.

I hugged her feeling her chuckle before letting her go.

"Now you take care of your sister." She snapped, shaking my shoulders. "Nate?"


My eyes snapped open to silver, golden ones.

"Were here, Nate." Ace said.

I gulped loudly.

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