
Changing Paths Before It's Too Late

Kara Rayne married the love of her life Layton Ross. Over eight years she help him build his empire and let him dominate the city with her by his side. Until his infidelity shock her to her core and was captured live on TV was she had sat at home waiting like a good wife. She vowed to divorce him and build an empire bigger then his. Grayson Logan sexy billionaire who made his family business international in several countries around the world. Step foot back in the his home town and came across the silent Kara Rayne that he remembered being so full of life and challenged him in everything he joined. So he set his eyes on her and refuses to accept that he will lose this time.

AriiasKayze · Urban
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13 Chs

Cutting my losses

Layton Ross

Once Kara was physically removed from my person by two unknown males who pried her off effortlessly as if they had done this before as I lay stunned on the ground.

On the opposite side of the wall is where Natasha lay unconscious. "Robert please take Natasha to the emergency room and remind her of the NDA she signed," I said as I made my way to the first aid cabinet that sits above the stove.

Sitting in a more comfortable spot, I guess I deserved what she did. My wife has always been crazy and when you tip her off she lights up like a fire cracker. I forgot how feisty she can be and now that she is much older now she has definitely grown into herself. But Natasha was just stress relief nothing personal.

As I thought over all our encounters, I started having feelings for Natasha which obviously made me touch her in the first place. I was just addicted to screwing her brains out behind my wife's back, and it went to my head. But look where that left me.

I royally screwed up this time and now she wants to divorce me. She told me she hates me and when I looked at her the love that use to shine had disappeared from her beautiful face that was replaced with cold and detached from me.

I could feel her hatred yet, I'm unwilling to let go, she's not exactly easy and I know that. Yet I broke our marriage and she wants to divorce me. I feel the need to panic yet I still think she will stop us before we get that far.

Heading back up the stairs to my room to grab me a towel and my shower bag to head off for a shower. Taking in my appearance I had to say that she packed a punch.

I knew the consequences would be of her finding out and now I just wanted to move on from it as Natasha is my assistant. But nope I screwed up pretty badly and now she is divorcing me as soon as she can.

I destroyed my own family for a thrill. I watched Kara when I stopped sleeping with her after I had stopped coming home altogether by this point. Between the two of us she was more active than I was sexually. She would screw my body so good, that I would relax straight after and fall asleep.

And now as I think of her right now, I know she can't stand the sight of me. Looking at me makes her angry. She already been pulled off me once and I deserve her wrath cause she is still my wife.

But just thinking that now I'm just realizing after I had stopped going home she had stopped cooking me dinner, stopped doing my laundry and anything that would have to do with me she had stopped catering to me.

I can't remember the last time I spent with her that I wanted to be there and I hadn't realized that Kara also had became indifferent to my sleeping around. I hadn't taken notice of the devoid emotion when she addressed me.

I was so absorbed in my own head that I didn't realize that my wife started to drift away from me. I had deluded myself in thinking she will just endure all of this because she loved me more than herself. And she did for all these years, she did not complain, she didn't throw a hissy fit she just always did me first.

I got so used to her love that I started to take advantage of it. I had never felt like that except from my family and she always made sure that I ate a hot meal, wore cleaned clothes, clean and tidy home, Kara made it happen.

During our marriage I realized that I would take her to dinner with my parents and siblings, then I met Natasha in two years agao that I had stopped taking her along with me too my parents because I would be leaving from Natasha which happened to be much closer to them, then if I left my house.

And it continued like this for the past twenty four months. I thought I'd move out of home and move in with Natasha so that I could see my family a lot more. My parents started to notice the affection between Natasha and I and had refused her entry into there house which I understood they loved Kara and knew I was an idiot so I got use to visiting them on my own.

I had also failed to notice the lack of attention from Kara, that now whenever I pop in she's always in a rush to leave. She never has anything for me to eat in her house and she never offers to cook or anything. She doesn't have time, she can't stand the sight of me and I have been ignorant in seeing it finally for myself. When I arrived home I just needed to be near her and the energy I got back was very hostile that I tried playing it off.

I became so cocky that I never knew her background, and didn't enquire about her family. I never needed too because she knew everything about me and that was enough. I stopped worrying about it after she continuously expressed her opinion as she put it.

My wife Kara was an outstanding wife that I can't even describe why I started seeing Natasha. Between the two women my wife is still beautiful with and without make up, as she has always taken very good care of her skin since we married.

Also between the two women, my wife has always doted on me and I started doting on Natasha it became easier. I shared with Natasha certain things that Kara would make so she could learn to make it and that has not happened yet.

Natasha doesn't clean all that much and she doesn't cook unless it can be re-heated or cooked in a microwave. I never found it a problem since i usually would buy a quick lunch at the convenience store which has great selections.

I had gotten so use to my wife's constant present that I had forgotten about her temper before we married. My first time witnessing her temper was our first year. Someone had disrespected her and Kara nearly beat the maid to a pulp. His wife was very strong and it had turned him on at the time and all I can think of was ripping her clothes to shreds, when I snapped, I yanked her off the maid, and shot off with her too our room because I was so riled up that I would have taken her right then and there. It continued like that through our first year as a married couple right up until I met Natasha

To actually realize that I was losing my wife made something in me of me snap. I did this to us, too her and now it seems as if I need to make a quick decision on my marriage. I had to dump Natasha and get Kara back so that I can forever have her.

By now Kara can't stand the sight of me and she has shown what she is made of. I royally fucked my marriage up and once she's done Ile have no one else to blame but myself.

Natasha had a glimpse of what my wife was made of. In the public eye she was the epitome of a regal wife. She lived up to my family's standard and that in itself was what drew me to her.

Having watch my wife become a domesticated housewife with a full time job in the company she worked for. She made a lot of my project flourish because she always put me first.

Even when she was peeled off me, by to unknown males who appeared in my house out of know where, both had naturally and safely removed her from my person without a word to her but we're both cracking up laughing. Both looked as identical to her but with different colored eyes and same colored hair.

I had not heard her obscenities she was screaming because both men had a good grip on her and all I could hear was there boisterous laughing before I heard a car start and drive out.

I stared out the window, pondering how I can dig my way out before she takes herself away from me. I grab my phone to make a call to my family lawyer informing him that he is not to accept divorce proceedings without proof before hanging up and settling back down before I found myself asleep.

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