
Chapter 10

Naruto's POV

As I got home, I calmly gathered all of the memories I got. That guy is probably a yakuza is he? but i don't think it's good to judge others. If he really is one, then getting involve with him is troublesome.

"haaah.. what's up with those guys, they are giving me headache" i said as i massaged my forehead.


I was walking on my way to school, when suddenly a loud honk from a car startled me. I immediately turned my gaze from who it came from and to my surprise it was from that ebony haired, arrogant alpha.

"I am already at the side ways, what kind of space are you asking for?!" i shouted in annoyance

"get in." he said as he pulled is window down

"why would i get in? i don't need any of your help" i said trying to calm my self

"i said get in." he said once again as he closed the window

"No, thank you" i said as i remembered yesterday's incident.

"damn .. what if he saw me yesterday" i thought as i remembered about him getting on the same yakuza car.

i continued walking until i chose to walk fast, this is driving me nuts. I don't want to get involve with him, thinking about it makes my head hurt.

i continued running away from him, and to my surprise he is still tailing behind me. I was busy finding a way to escape from his sight when i realized the car stopped. I sighed in relief thinking that he might have decided to stop following me.

Suddenly, he came out from his car and looked at me like he was about to strangled me to death. My breath hitched and i walked fast to escape from him.

i saw him trying to walk fast too, in order to catch up to me.

"The hell are you following me for? what do you need?" i said as i stopped walking and getting myself ready to face him

"you are not getting on the car, so im walking" he said as he stopped and looked down on me

"why does it concern me, it's your car and we aren't close enough for you to get or walk with me" i said as i turned my back on him and shouted once again

"stop following me"

i suddenly heard him chuckled

"why the hell is he laughing?" i thought.

"Even if you tell me not to follow you, we're still from the same university. So im still following you." he said as he slid his hands on his pocket.

a bright flush crept on my face as i also realized that we really are from the same university, i looked away and didn't bother to watch my step as i walked fast.

i was busy thinking about how embarrassing it was, when i suddenly bumped into someone.

"ow.." i silently said and rubbed the bridge of my nose

"oh! it's none of your business!" a guy shouted and chuckled

i raised my head and saw the guy from yesterday.

"oh the guy from the tree" i retorted

"what?!" he shouted in disbelief, i rolled my eyes in response. Great, another problem. I took a peek from behind and i can still see him walking on our way.

"excuse me, i need to get going." i said as i left immediately

"h-hey! wait, none of your business!" he shouted as i saw him walking with me side by side

"what do you want?" i asked, why am i always facing troublesome guys. it's tiring.

"Nothing! I just want to walk with you, is it bad?" he asked as he looked at me sincerely. I sighed and nodded

"fine." i said as i kept on walking, i saw how his eyes brightens. If he were a dog i could see him wagging his tail.

While this kiba guy kept on talking, i forgot about the guy who was tailing me. I immediately turned my back and i can see him shooting death glares.

he was about to talk when i looked away and grabbed kiba's wrist and drag him on the way inside the university.

"ow ow! Naruto! It hurts" i sighed once again

"For an alpha like you, you're way too touchy. I thought alphas are like cold and very distant" i said as i let his wrist go

"Eh? you're generalizing! There are also alphas like me who isn't cold you know!" he whined as i saw how his canine showed. He really looks like a dog.

"Pft-" I laughed without me noticing it.

"Oi! what are you laughing for!" he shouted as he whined once again.

Suddenly a dark presence walked passed between us, i lifted my head and once again i received another death glares coming from the arrogant guy. I rolled my eyes and told kiba that i'll get going, i saw him nodding his head and i take that as a response.

i turned my back, getting ready to go where my room is. When the arrogant guy suddenly speak.

"I want to talk with you later. Gate at 4:00 pm" he said as he continued giving me death glares and walked out

"what does he want me for? am i going to be taken as hostage?" i thought as i felt all of my hair stood up.

Like hell im letting myself held being hostage.


[ c10 fin ]