
Change In Winds

When confronted by his greatest fear, Naruto felt lost. Hs felt something Change in him. Is this a good Change that brings the world peace? Or is it a bad Change that jeopardises Elemental Nations and their Future?

BlackInfinity_1289 · Anime & Comics
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73 Chs

Gaining Experience 9

He saw Sasuke being dragged to the ground and went to assist him. He pulled the Uchiha up.

"He is trickier than I thought," said Naruto and saw the Uchiha nod in agreement.

"I told Sakura and she went to enact our plan. Let's do this, Sasuke," and with a fist bump, both of them ran towards their Sensei.

Naruto made 10 clones and all of them with Sasuke jumped into the Taijutsu combat with Kakashi. As there are many fighting with him, Kakashi had to abandon his book to not get hurt by the number of attacks sent towards him.

They continued until Kakashi's full attention was on them, Sakura jumped towards his belt where the bells were. Kakashi saw this, but couldn't move as he was surrounded by Sasuke and Naruto's clones on all sides.

Being a Jounin, he was in similar situations a lot and he just performed the Kawarimi to escape the deadlock. The bell rang signifying the end of the time.

"Alright, time's up. You didn't get any bells though," he said and all his students' mood soured.

"You... Pass," he said with an eye smile. He got 3 surprised looks at that and explained.

"Though you didn't get any bells, 3 Genins, fresh out of the Academy are not a match for a Jounin. But you have impressed me with your teamwork. Nice strategies by the way," Kakashi complimented and his 3 students smiled at him widely. Even Sasuke gave a small smile.

"Remember this, those who break the rules are scum,... But those who abandon their comrades are worse than scum. This is the rule I follow. I hope that you will take this to heart," Kakashi said sagely and got 2 nods.

"You are officially Team 7 now. Meet me at Hokage Tower tomorrow at 8 am sharp," he said and vanished again.

Naruto turned to his new teammates with a smile. "Seems like we did it," he said cheerfully but didn't get any enthusiasm in reply.

"Sasuke-kun's strategies are so great," said Sakura in a dreamy tone.

Sasuke gave Naruto an appreciative nod before walking with his hands in his pockets. Sakura followed Sasuke as a lost puppy. Naruto simply left the training grounds to eat lunch at Ichiraku's and celebrate his official promotion.

Scene Break

After celebrating by eating even more Miso -Ramen than usual, Naruto had a happy meal as Teuchi and Ayame put the bill on the house, a satisfied Naruto moved to Uzumaki estate for more practice.

He saw his clones practising and told them to dispel in batches and created 50 new clones. The new clones waited for all the dispelling done to gain the extra knowledge from their predecessors.

After everything was settled, Naruto gave them new orders. "Boys, we have our work cut out for us. Now, you will divide into batches of 5. Team's 1to 10. Team 1 will concentrate on Seals. Team 2 on Ninjutsu. Team 3 on Taijutsu.

Team 4 5 on Shuriken and Kunai throwing while on trees and water walking. While teams 6 7 reads all the C and D Jutsu Scrolls from the library. Teams 8 and 9 will concentrate on the 2 techniques we have copied, Fireball Jutsu and Water Dragon Projectile Jutsu. Team 10 will follow me to practice Kenjutsu. Is that Clear?" He asked and everyone nodded.

"Hai, boss," they chorused and Naruto led the tye group to a small dojo while the Ninjutsu clones went to training grounds. He found multiple training grounds of different sizes on the floor and decided to use them.

Though are not as big as the main one, others are at least 100-200 meters wide, enough for their practice. He started with the basic stance of the form written in the scroll with his clones following his lead.

Scene Break

A Month Later, Naruto's Residence

The following month after their official appointment as team 7 is not a memorable one for Naruto. But he didn't give a damn about the month. After the first day when they did D-Rank missions of finding A useless cat named Tora, missing objects, Painting fences etc, Naruto started using his clones.

Naruto created a Blood clone, the first one he had ever created and sent in his place and while his clone took his place in his team, he practised his Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu and Fuuinjutsu in the Uzumaki Estate, far away from prying eyes of the village.

Naruto started staying in the Uzumaki Estate full time as time passed and slept there at night. His skills skyrocketed because of this. His Ninjutsu which was sub-par before was now on the level of a mid to high Chunin.

His Genjutsu was Chunin level as he still had so many to dispel and master. His Taijutsu was the deadliest of them all. The Fuujinken has suited him well. The Taijutsu style revolves around covering his body in thin wind blades at all times.

The user must be precise about any mistake as that may lead to cutting off a part of their own skin. The blades of wind would be circling him as a defence.

He always has a thin layer of wind surrounding him which is created by his chakra or can be taken from the atmosphere around him.

The Taijutsu style has forced Naruto to take his wind elemental control exercises, while the first part of leaf-cutting was easy, the second part was not.

Naruto had to cut a waterfall, which is nowhere near his bee residence. Even if he wants to practise at a nearby one, that draws a lot of attention, which Naruto want to avoid.