
Change In Winds

When confronted by his greatest fear, Naruto felt lost. Hs felt something Change in him. Is this a good Change that brings the world peace? Or is it a bad Change that jeopardises Elemental Nations and their Future?

BlackInfinity_1289 · Anime & Comics
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73 Chs

Gaining Experience 2


Hokage Office, Hokage Tower

"Are all present?" asked the Sandaime to the Jounin who agreed to be Sensei this year. Everyone knew one was missing. Disregarding that, he continued.

"My dear Jounin, you are the few that have come forward to take a Genin team this year. Do your best to train them. I think I don't need to lecture you about how to be in a te-" he was interrupted by a puff of smoke.

"I'm sorry, Hokage-sama, a black cat came in my way when I was coming here. So I have to take a long way around," said a silver-haired man. The Hokage sighed.

"Remember, these children are the future of our village and Shinobi force. All the teams have been assigned with due considerations, so there won't be many changes in them.

If you have any objections, send them to me. And you know the drill. Dismissed," the Sandaime commanded and all of them left the room, including Kakashi, who didn't even get acknowledged.

Academy Class Room

"Team 7 will be Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto and your Sensei will be Hatake Kakashi," announced Iruka.

When the first 2 names came Sakura screeched in joy and when the last name came she yelled in horror. Sasuke and Naruto had a staring contest again, with none saying anything. Sasuke turned away with a typical Uchiha 'Hn' again and Naruto didn't respond.

'Hmm. I don't know what happened to me, but I can think properly without any shouts or yelling and proclamations about being Hokage. I don't even feel anything even though I'm on the same team as Sakura.

Did awakening my Sharingan changed me this much as a person? Instead of a knucklehead, loud obnoxious idiot, I'm calm, collected, can think well and can observe small details as well.

I think I should continue the act sometime to not raise any suspicion. But this is nice. Something in me changed on that day. I can't help but see everything clearly now. The interesting team though.

Rookie of the year, Kunoichi of the year and Dead last, at least to them. I'll see how it works,' thought Naruto to himself but gave a small smile outside instead of exclaiming loudly. Everyone was stunned because of his reaction or lack thereof. This is very new to them. A quite Naruto and some took it as a bad omen.

"Ok, class. Your sensei will be here to take you after lunch. You have 2 hours to prepare. You should be here by 1 PM." Iruka said happily and everyone nodded.

"Again, congratulations on graduating from the academy, class. I wish you all best of luck in your Shinobi careers," he said and the class cheered.

After Iruka's goodbye, Naruto left to eat. Sakura expected Naruto to ask her out on a date or eat together and the like, but the blonde walked out of the class without saying anything.

Few Hours Later, Academy

After eating lunch, Naruto went to his apartment to see the progress made by his clones in Fuuinjutsu. He saw them still reading the books given by his Jiji and nodded.

He didn't expect them to be done by one as the books given by his Jiji were large and written by the Uzumaki Clan, his clan. After reading Nidaime's note, Naruto understood that there is a real clan with the name of Uzumaki.

That gave him bug relief as he thought himself to be a no-name nobody. Though he doesn't know who his parents are, he is happy enough to know he had a clan.

As he continued reading, the books increased in size by at least 100 pages from volume to volume. He sat on the couch and thought about the things he learned from his Academy books.

The books stressed basic Academy 3 Jutsu's and covered geography and general maps and terrains of all major villages and their current Kages.

They greatly covered history, greatness and all victories of Konoha in the last 3 Shinobi wars. They also, of course, portrayed Konoha as the epitome of Goodness and power and the strongest hidden village in the world.

But because of his first-hand experience with the truths of his village, Naruto knew what Konoha really is. He also learned about Genjutsu, theory and Iryo Jutsu theory though they were covered in his curriculum.

Both branches require refined chakra control to use and then the deterrent for him, people with large chakra reserves can't escape any Genjutsu easily.

Naruto got an idea and looked at the clock to see he still had an hour to go or just send a clone there if need be. He opted for the second option and sent a clone there ahead of time.

He then enacted his plan by creating 5 clones in addition to the ones already there with orders given. All their eyes morphed into red eyes with 2 black tomoes in one and 1 black tomoe in the other. They look frightening, yes. But it didn't faze Naruto.

With the basics already complete, he stared straight into one of his clone's eyes and others followed his lead, dividing into pairs.

"Sharingan: Genjutsu," whispered Naruto. And the clones chorused. They all felt different sensations. First was the feeling of foreign chakra entering their system, understood because of the improved Chakra control. Though the chakra belongs to the original, all the experimental clones felt it to be foreign.

"Did it work?" Asked one clone.

"Let's try," said another.

They made their subjects do various things. One to dance, one to roll, one to walk on toes and so on. After getting enough evidence, they broke the Genjutsu and ordered to repeat it but roles reversed.