
Chance Encounter

They thought they could play her, she will prove them wrong. With help from an unexpected source.

Neytiri85 · General
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26 Chs

My New Life

Clay shifted uncomfortably in the meeting room next to Mr Lewis as he quietly took notes. Sitting across from him was the source of Clay's discomfort. Daniel. Who, had his head lowered but Clay could see a small smirk flitting across his handsome face. Aiden was talking to Mr Lewis but Clay couldn't concentrate. He fidgeted in his chair so much that during a brief lull in the meeting his boss turned to him.

"Are you ok? You can't seem to sit still," he whispered.

"I'm fine sir," he lied with a blush. "I just overdid it in the gym."

Daniel almost choked on the swig of water he was drinking. Aiden looked at him in concern before noticing his gaze. With a quiet chuckle, he leaned over and whispered.

"Do I want to know?"

Daniel shook his head as he wiped his mouth. Clay glared at him and shifted again.

"Are you sure?" Mr Lewis asked oblivious to everything else. "Do you want to go back to the office? We've almost finished so I can take it from here."

Clay nodded gratefully, collected his things and then dashed out of the room as quickly as possible. As soon as he shut the door to his office he let out a huge sigh.

"Things not going well?"

Clay jumped as he turned to face the owner of the sudden voice. Nick was sitting on one of the chairs in his office as if he owned it and smiling at him. He stood and walked over to Clay, who had turned to leave. Nick's hands slammed against the door shutting it quickly making Clay jump slightly.

Clay shifted away from Nick, trying to put as much space between them as he could. However, the only place he could go was further into his office. He headed for his desk and pretended not to be as affected by being trapped in his office with his violent ex. Nick moved to sit back down so Clay pressed the intercom button followed by the mute button. May would hear what was happening but Nick wouldn't hear her.

"What are you doing here Nick? I thought you were in jail."

"I paid the bail and decided I wanted to see you," he said with an icy calmness to his voice.

"You shouldn't be here. I think you should leave now."

"Really? Is that what you think, well what are you going to do about it if I don't?"

"I'll call security to take you away then the police," he said with as much strength in his voice as he could muster as he reached for his phone.

Nick stood up quickly, moved around the desk and loomed over Clay, who stood firm appearing braver than he felt.

"Come on Clay there's no need for empty threats. I only came to talk. Can't we just sit down and talk it through like we used to do," he asked tracing a finger along Clay's jaw.

Clay shuddered but refrained from recoiling away. Instead, he pushed his hand away, pushed Nick's chest and attempted to move away from him. However, Nick had other ideas. He grabbed Clay's arms and moved to crush his lips onto his. Clay clamped his mouth shut and turned his head away so Nick tried to kiss him again, but each time Clay was able to stop him from making contact with his lips.

"Let go of me!" Clay called out when Nick finally stopped trying to kiss him.

"Not until you and I have a little chat but first, how about a kiss for your boyfriend? I've missed you."

"Ex-boyfriend! and I haven't missed you!" Clay called out just before bringing his knee up and making contact with Nick's crotch.

Nick released Clay and fell to the floor in pain clutching his dick. Clay used that opportunity to jump over him and rushed to the door. Just as he reached it, the door opened and Clay ran straight into Daniel's arms.

"Are you ok?" he asked in concern.

Clay nodded into his chest wrapping his arms around the other man.

"Clay!" Nick called out with a pained grunt as he slowly rose up. "Why are you doing this to me? I was good to you, we were great together!"

Daniel gripped tighter as Clay looked up and turned them slightly so he could look back at Nick. As he moved Clay noticed a concerned-looking Aiden and May standing in the doorway with a couple of security guards behind them.

"The police are on their way," Daniel whispered into Clay's ear.

Clay nodded and finally, fully, faced Nick.

"Good to me? Great together? If we were so great then why did you cheat on me? and why did you act like a sulking child when I got a job that paid better than yours? I thought things were good between us too, but then I got this job and you became a giant dick. When I finally realised you might've just been insecure and come to talk to you, guess what you're doing or rather who you are doing?"

Clay stepped away from Daniel but not far enough away that Daniel had to fully release him. He could feel his hands gripping his hips and it bolstered his courage.

"Did you really think I'd want to be with someone who cheats on me, not just once but over and over again? I deserve to be with someone faithful, caring and honest. You only wanted me when I was reliant on you, the minute I could support myself and do a better job than you, you showed your true colours."

"You know in college, when we started dating, several people, men and women, approached me and told me that you were no good. That you were a cheater, a manipulator and being with you would only cause me pain. Of course, I didn't listen to them. You'd been good to me and taught me how to be ok with who I was so I didn't want to listen to others' opinions of you. Now I know, I should have."

Nick's eyes blazed as he slowly took a step closer still holding his aching cock.

"You are seriously going to throw us away over a mistake?" he demanded through clenched teeth.

"A repeated mistake," Clay reminded him. "One I won't be making. When you threw me away, you probably thought I would beg you not to leave me or something."

The look on Nick's face made Clay think he had guessed right. Nick had expected Clay to be so pathetic that he would stay with him no matter what he did. That he would ignore the affairs and shitty behaviour just because Nick was the only one who said he loved him.

"When we first met I may have done just that, hell even before I got this job I might have done it but not now. Now I know that I would rather be alone than with someone like you."

Nick stepped towards Clay once again and that's when the security guards rushed in and grabbed him. Daniel moved them both out of the way as Nick was dragged out of the room screaming blue murder. Now that Nick was gone Clay's adrenaline started to wane and he collapsed heavily against Daniel's chest.

"Are you ok?" he asked gripping him tightly.

"Yeah! I just ..."

"Why don't you take Daniel home," Aiden said stepping forward with May beside him.

"No! There's no need, I can ..." Clay started before May interrupted him.

"Just go home, sweetie. You've been through a lot in a short space of time. I'll handle everything, just go and rest. Let your man take care of you," she smirked at Daniel and Clay blushed.

They hadn't really discussed what they were or if they wanted anyone to know about them. Daniel had once said he was not ashamed or wanted to hide his sexuality but he did say he was a private man. However, he needn't have worried about what Daniel thought as he gripped him tighter and smiled.

"I will do May, you don't need to worry about that."


Clay awoke the next day once again in Daniel's bed. He could feel the older man's arms wrapped around his waist and his bare chest flush against his back. The sun was shining through the open windows and it made Clay smile. Despite the debacle yesterday he was feeling content and happy.

He turned slightly so that he could see Daniel's sleeping face. Last night, Daniel had kept his promise to May. Taking great care of him and making him feel far more than he had ever felt before.


When they got home Daniel poured Clay a bath and added some bath salts to help him relax. Clay had teased him a little about the bath salts but Daniel had smirked and ignored him.

Clay had assumed that he was going to leave him to relax but instead he had climbed in behind him. Daniel grabbed Clay's shoulders and forced him to lean back against his chest. Gently, Daniel massaged his shoulders and arms causing Clay to sigh in pleasure.

Eventually, Daniel's hands moved onto Clay's chest and lower still. Clay's sighs of pleasure soon turned into a moan as his cock filled and stiffened to attention. Daniel's soft chuckle in his ear sent even more shockwaves of pleasure through his body.

"Daniel!" he moaned as Daniel finally gripped his erection.

"Just relax Clay, I'm going to do all the work. Just sit back and moan in pleasure for me," he whispered.

Clay bucked slightly against his hand. His back arched as Daniel slowly pumped his erection with one hand whilst rubbing his chest with the other. Soon, Clay could feel his orgasm approaching.

"Daniel! I'm close!" he called out.

"It's ok, let go!"

With a cry and an arched back Clay's cock spurted jets of hot white cum all over Daniel's hand. His chest heaved and he panted as he slowly came down from his high. Daniel smiled as he waited slowly rubbing the cum into his lover's skin.

"Fuck!" Clay moaned once he had regained his breath back.

Daniel chuckled behind him before grabbing the washcloth and cleaning him up. Eventually, they made it out of the bathroom and Daniel led him to bed. Clay happily crawled in and wrapped himself around Daniel's warm body.

"Are you ok?" Daniel murmured into the dark room gently moving his fingers in Clay's hair.

"Yeah, I think I really am. Nick and I had been over for a long time I just hadn't wanted to admit it. It's like I never really knew him. He's lied to me all this time and I either didn't see it or ignored it because I was stupid enough to believe that he loved me."

Clay leaned up slightly so he could look down at Daniel, who smiled encouragingly at him.


"Mmmm," he answered.

"I know we haven't been together long and I don't know if you feel the same way but ..."

Daniel stopped him with a kiss before pulling back and smiling.

"I love you too."

Clay blushed and playfully slapped him on the chest.

"You're supposed to let me say it first."


As Clay reminisced Daniel slowly opened his eyes. He smiled warmly at him and captured his mouth, startling the younger man.

"Good morning," he mumbled before capturing his lips again.

Daniel could feel him starting to grow hard and pull back. It wasn't a good idea to go to work with a hard-on. They would both be uncomfortable all day.

"Come on!" he said pulling back fully and getting up. "We've got to get ready for work."

"Spoilsport!" Clay grunted and Daniel chuckled.

"Speaking of work," Clay started nervously, as he got up. "Do you want ... I mean can I tell ... erm .."

Clay was so nervous that he couldn't form the words. Daniel moved around the bed and grabbed the smaller man. He wrapped his arms around his waist and kissed him softly not the passion-filled one Clay was used to, but a slow sensual kiss that left him as equally breathless.

"You can shout it from the rooftops if you like. Shout it over the hospital intercom or put it on the six o'clock news. I want everyone to know that you are mine and that I am yours."

Clay beamed at him and kissed him back before Daniel pulled back once again, swatting his ass cheeks and telling him to get dressed.

At work, May gushed over Clay making sure he was alright. She also teased him about Daniel, mainly playfully pouting at not being told sooner. Clay had a permanent blush on his face all day as everyone he came into contact with also teased him about being with Daniel. It seemed May and the nurses had been hard at work spreading the news around about the previous day whilst Daniel had taken Clay home.

"Are you happy?" May had asked him before leaving for the day. "I mean with Daniel?"

Clay smiled at her and really thought of the answer before speaking.

"Honestly May, I've never been happier. He's like the man of my dreams that I was never brave enough to dream about. I thought I only deserved to be with someone like Nick. He's shown me how wrong I was. I love him as I've never loved anyone or anything and I know he feels the same."

"Good!" was all she said before patting his shoulder and leaving.

Clay smiled as he watched Daniel appear at his door. He stood and walked happily to his boyfriend who held his hand the entire way to the car. They ignored all the giggles and murmurs as they passed and Aiden's chuckle as they climbed into the car. Clay was sure that he'd finally found the life he'd only read about in books and he couldn't wait to get started.