

Warning :- Adult scene are there Alex didn't says anything and and move forward towards the girl standing infront of him simply kisses her " what was that for ..? It was the first time she heard what happened next "what you have to kiss to.........?" she was flagbastered --------------------------- Alex wasn't born ordinary,he was born with alxythemia.He is unable to feel pain or emotions;the world is full of secret. He belongs to the military background family with the year where technology rules..... The life of their planet was changed when the asteroids started to fall which led to mutation of animals into cosmic ravanger the world deadliest creature or those who can finish one country easily. How is Alex gonna do that????? ------------ Well I am not gonna focus on his harem as much as I will be focusing on main story but I will make sure u guys not gonna leave behind wetting your pants. Main lead includes many milfs in his harem. There will be milfs,who don't love them. No ntr of mc This is gonna be mine very first novel so I hope u support my work. Join in discord for help in improving my work. - https://discord.com/invite/mcRwgAZ9

Live_Dashu_player · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Meeting Grandpa

As the morning sun cast its golden rays over the mansion, Alex found himself standing in the grand hall, his heart heavy with worry for his missing friend, Haze the squirrel. Despite searching every nook and cranny of the estate, there was still no sign of the furry little creature.

Lost in his thoughts, Alex was startled by the sudden creak of the front door opening. With a sense of anticipation, he turned to see his grandfather, Max, standing in the doorway, a stern yet familiar expression on his weathered face.

Grandpa Max stood tall in the doorway, his imposing figure casting a commanding presence in the grand hall. Despite his age of 65 years, there was an unmistakable vitality about him, as if he possessed the strength and vigor of a man half his age. His broad shoulders, sculpted from years of military training, filled the room with an aura of authority and strength.

His piercing eyes, a sharp shade of blue reminiscent of the ocean on a stormy day, held a wealth of knowledge and experience, tempered by a fierce determination that burned bright within him. Every line and crease etched into his weathered face told a story of battles fought and victories won, a testament to a lifetime of service to his country.

Grandpa Max's hair, once a fiery mane of red, had faded to a distinguished silver-gray, framing his rugged features with an air of wisdom and maturity. Despite the passage of time, his gaze remained sharp and focused, never wavering in the face of adversity.

Dressed in a crisply pressed uniform adorned with rows of medals and insignias, Grandpa Max exuded an air of professionalism and discipline. Every movement was precise and deliberate, a testament to his years of military training and experience.

But beneath his stern exterior lay a heart of gold, filled with love and compassion for his family. Despite the hardships he had endured and the battles he had fought, Grandpa Max remained a pillar of strength and support for those he held dear, ready to sacrifice everything to ensure their safety and well-being.

"Grandpa Max?" Alex exclaimed, his surprise evident as he rushed to greet his unexpected visitor.

"Alex, my boy," Grandpa Max greeted warmly, his voice echoing through the hall. "It's been too long."

Alex's heart swelled with affection as he embraced his grandfather, the familiar scent of leather and pipe smoke enveloping him in a comforting embrace.

"What brings you here, Grandpa?" Alex asked, curiosity piqued by his grandfather's sudden arrival.

Grandpa Max's expression grew somber as he surveyed the grand hall, his eyes taking in every detail with a keen sense of observation.

"I've come to check on you, Alex," Grandpa Max replied, his voice tinged with concern. "I've heard troubling rumors of strange occurrences in these parts, and I couldn't bear the thought of you facing danger alone."

Alex's brow furrowed in confusion, his mind racing with questions. "What kind of strange occurrences, Grandpa? And why would they affect me?"

Grandpa Max sighed heavily, his gaze lingering on Alex with a mixture of pride and apprehension.

"There have been reports of unusual creatures lurking in the forest, Alex," Grandpa Max explained, his voice grave. "And with your... condition, I worry that you may be more vulnerable than most."

Alex's heart sank at his grandfather's words, a sense of unease settling over him like a shroud. Despite his inability to feel fear like others, he couldn't shake the feeling of impending danger that hung in the air.

"Whatever it is, Grandpa, I'll face it head-on," Alex declared, his voice filled with determination. "With you by my side, I know we can overcome any challenge."

Grandpa Max smiled proudly at his grandson's resolve, a glimmer of hope shining in his eyes.

But then a surprise came to his grandpa when Alex told his grandpa "I think the strange creature u speak of I have seen him but I was not able to do anything as suddenly a wild charged in my direction"

Oh boy, I didn't no of anything I came to surprise everyone so I didn't talk to anyone how are you are you alright then Alex described his forest story to his grandpa to which his grandpa was surprised specially with haze part.

'Who would have think a little squirrel is a big bang in a small packet' grandpa max thought

Then Granda exchanges some talks and starts to talk about his military life and so Alex out of curiosity questions his grandpa.

"What did you do when you were in the military?"

To which his Grandfather said "Ah, Alex, I've had quite the journey in my time. I served as a General in the army, leading troops into battle and strategizing to protect our country."

Alex told his grandpa

"That sounds important! Did you fight in any wars?"

To which his Grandfather replies happily

"Yes, I did, Alex. I've seen my fair share of conflict, but I always did my best to ensure the safety of our soldiers and the success of our missions."

Alex asks "Were you ever scared, Grandpa?"

Grandfather replies with serious face 

"Of course, Alex. War is a frightening thing, but it's important to stay focused and brave, especially when others are depending on you."

Alex asked, " Do you miss being in the military"?

Grandfather replies " Sometimes, Alex. I miss the camaraderie and the sense of purpose that comes with serving your country. But now, I find fulfillment in guiding the next generation, like you, to be strong and honorable individuals."

Alex then Said which was a surprise to his grandpa " I want to be brave like you, Grandpa."

Grandfather "And you will be, Alex. Just remember, courage isn't about never feeling afraid—it's about facing your fears and doing what's right, even when it's hard."

Alex said "Grandpa, I want to learn how to defend myself and be strong like you. When the boar attacked me in the forest, I couldn't even feel any fear."

Grandfather replied" I understand, Alex. We'll work on building your skills and confidence together.

Alex asks his grandpa "Can you teach me how to protect myself? I don't want to be helpless if something like that happens again."

Grandfather to which replies "Of course, Alex. We'll go to the mountains, where you can learn in a safe environment."

Alex tells his grandpa"But Grandpa, I don't feel fear like other people do. Will that be a problem?

Gran's face became kind enough and replied "Not at all, Alex. Everyone has their own challenges to overcome. We'll focus on building your awareness and understanding of danger, even if you don't experience fear in the same way others do.

Alex said honestly "Okay, I trust you, Grandpa. I want to learn."

Grandfather said "I'm proud of you, Alex. Let's start our journey tomorrow morning. We'll take things one step at a time and make sure you feel confident in your abilities.

Alex replies to his grandpa with simple face "Thank you, Grandpa. I'm ready to learn."

Alex being a 6-year-old child is very thoughtful of his surroundings and has an interest in the military profession so he continues to talk to suppress his curiosity grandpa continues to answer sometimes.

A new face and different life gonna start for Alex where gonna face many battle of live and death which can make any other simple man pee in his pants the difficulty he will be facing will not be only from this world but from a different also he has a long journey ahead of him he gonna run a timed race where he had no chance of stopping but only running continuously.