

Warning :- Adult scene are there Alex didn't says anything and and move forward towards the girl standing infront of him simply kisses her " what was that for ..? It was the first time she heard what happened next "what you have to kiss to.........?" she was flagbastered --------------------------- Alex wasn't born ordinary,he was born with alxythemia.He is unable to feel pain or emotions;the world is full of secret. He belongs to the military background family with the year where technology rules..... The life of their planet was changed when the asteroids started to fall which led to mutation of animals into cosmic ravanger the world deadliest creature or those who can finish one country easily. How is Alex gonna do that????? ------------ Well I am not gonna focus on his harem as much as I will be focusing on main story but I will make sure u guys not gonna leave behind wetting your pants. Main lead includes many milfs in his harem. There will be milfs,who don't love them. No ntr of mc This is gonna be mine very first novel so I hope u support my work. Join in discord for help in improving my work. - https://discord.com/invite/mcRwgAZ9

Live_Dashu_player · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
55 Chs

Cosmic Ravanger II

Amidst the carnage, a few fortunate souls managed to escape with their lives, their bodies battered and bruised as they staggered through the wreckage. Their faces were etched with horror and disbelief as they surveyed the devastation around them, the stench of smoke and death hanging heavy in the air.

"We need reinforcements!" one survivor shouted, his voice raw with desperation as he tended to the wounded. "We can't hold out much longer against that thing!"

But as the survivors huddled together, their hopes dwindled with each passing moment, their numbers dwindling as the creature's onslaught continued unabated. They knew that they were no match for such a formidable foe, and their only hope lay in somehow finding a way to defeat it before it was too late.

As they awaited their fate, the survivors braced themselves for the inevitable, their minds haunted by the memory of those they had lost and the grim uncertainty of what lay ahead. In the face of overwhelming odds, they clung to the flicker of hope that remained, praying for a miracle to save them from the relentless wrath of the creature that now held their lives in its merciless grip.

As the survivors huddled together amidst the smoldering ruins of the mansion, their hearts heavy with grief and their bodies weary from the relentless onslaught, a sense of desperation hung thick in the air. With each passing moment, the realization of their dire situation sank deeper into their bones, fueling a primal survival instinct.

"We can't stay here," one survivor declared, their voice tinged with urgency as they surveyed the devastation around them. "We need to find a way to fight back or escape before it's too late."

But as they scanned their surroundings for any sign of hope or respite, their eyes fell upon the shattered remnants of their once-proud fortress, a stark reminder of the futility of their predicament. With no reinforcements in sight and their weapons useless against the creature's impervious hide, their options seemed limited at best.

"We need a plan," another survivor asserted, their voice steadier than their trembling hands as they sought to rally their companions. "We can't defeat that thing head-on, but maybe we can outsmart it."

As the survivors pooled their meager resources and shared what little knowledge they had gleaned from their harrowing ordeal, a faint glimmer of hope began to flicker within their hearts. With each whispered strategy and hastily drawn plan, they pieced together a desperate gambit to turn the tide of battle in their favor.

But even as they plotted and planned, the specter of the creature loomed ever larger in their minds, a relentless force of destruction that seemed unstoppable in its fury. With every passing moment, their window of opportunity narrowed, and the weight of their burden pressed down upon them like a leaden cloak.


As Grandpa Max and his companion raced towards the mansion on their high-tech vehicle, the air crackled with tension and urgency. Inside the vehicle, the dim glow of blinking lights illuminated the cockpit, casting eerie shadows across their faces as they exchanged terse words.

"What's the situation?" Grandpa Max's voice cut through the silence, his eyes fixed on the road ahead as he navigated the vehicle with practiced precision.

"Not looking good," came the grim reply from the person seated in the back, their tone heavy with concern. "The creature is wreaking havoc, and our forces are struggling to contain it."

Grandpa Max's jaw tightened at the news, his hands gripping the steering wheel with determination. Without hesitation, he reached for the red button on his left side, a silent signal to activate the vehicle's transformation sequence. In an instant, the sleek bike morphed into a formidable four-wheeled vehicle, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

With a surge of power, they accelerated forward, the landscape blurring into a dizzying whirlwind of motion as they raced toward their destination. The journey that would normally take hours was compressed into mere minutes, Covering thousands of meters in seconds.

From village to mansion, it was only a one-day journey but Grandpa's max speed can be said that it can be covered in an hour but it also has its limitations.


 The vehicle's speed pushed the limits of possibility as they hurtled toward the heart of the chaos.

As they neared the mansion, Grandpa Max and his companion exchanged a wordless glance, their resolve mirrored in each other's eyes. They knew that they were racing against time, their every action weighted with the gravity of the situation unfolding before them.

"Get ready," Grandpa Max said, his voice low but firm as they approached the scene of destruction. "We're going in hot."

His companion nodded in silent agreement, their hands steady and their gaze focused as they prepared to confront the imminent danger that awaited them.


The dust settled over the decimated remains of the mansion, and a grim tableau of devastation greeted the survivors. The once-grand structure lay in ruins, its walls reduced to rubble and its halls strewn with the lifeless bodies of fallen soldiers. Amidst the carnage, the creature that had wrought such destruction stood unscathed, its sleek and formidable form reminiscent of a black panther, its lithe muscles rippling beneath its ebony fur.

Despite the valiant efforts of the defenders, no weapon had been able to pierce the creature's advanced defenses. Its impervious hide had rendered it immune to the onslaught of gunfire and explosives, leaving the soldiers powerless against its relentless assault. As they lay scattered amidst the wreckage, their lifeless forms serving as a grim testament to the ferocity of the creature's attack, a sense of despair settled over the survivors.

But amidst the devastation, a spark of defiance flickered within their hearts, a determination to rise from the ashes and confront the threat that loomed over them. With each fallen comrade a solemn reminder of the stakes at hand, they knew that they could not afford to falter in the face of such overwhelming adversity.

The next moment Sarah hurled her suitcase onto the ground amidst the chaos, and a remarkable transformation began to unfold before the astonished onlookers. With a series of mechanical whirs and clicks, the suitcase began to shift and contort, its form reshaping itself into a sleek and sophisticated humanoid figure.

In the blink of an eye, the once-inert suitcase had metamorphosed into a towering robot, its metallic frame gleaming in the harsh light as it stood tall amidst the wreckage. With a voice that resonated with the unmistakable clarity of advanced artificial intelligence, the robot spoke with authority.

"L-D 25 on service"

"Commending operation," it intoned, its words laced with a sense of calculated precision. "Target locked."

With a swift movement, the robot's eyes emitted a searing beam of plasma energy, aimed directly at the creature bearing down upon the mansion. But to their dismay, the creature proved to be more agile than anticipated, its horned form twisting and evading the deadly blast with uncanny grace.

Undeterred, the robot recalibrated its targeting systems with lightning speed, its movements fluid and efficient as it prepared to engage the creature once more. With each passing moment, the tension in the air grew palpable, the outcome of their encounter hanging in the balance.

As the creature lunged forward with renewed ferocity, the robot stood its ground, its metallic form a bastion of unwavering resolve in the face of danger. With a sense of determination that bordered on defiance, it prepared to unleash another volley of plasma rays, its sensors locked onto its elusive quarry with unwavering focus.

Amid the chaos and destruction, the clash between man and machine, and the creature of shadow and flame, the fate of the mansion and all who dwelled within it hung in the balance.