
Champagne Girl

Louisa is a sexy adventurous lady who is bent on living her life to the fullest with her three best friends who seems to have everything a girl their age could ever wish for. But then something was missing in their lives; Love. So they set out on an adventure to find love. Other stories by the author: PULL ME CLOSER! Married To Sophistication When Love Happens

Gina_rites · Urban
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Cut Him Some Slack

Louisa's POV

"Oh my dear friend I'm so sorry," Laurel said rubbing on my back.

Since I broke up with Aminu I have been a wreak, I have been crying non-stop, now my friends came to my apartment trying to get me to cheer up.

"Don't worry everything is going to be fine," Blessing said to me.

"I know this is not what you would want to hear, but are you sure you are doing the right thing?" Miriam asked me in a very calm tone, she knows she walking on eggshells around me and doesn't want to make me angry.

"How do you mean?" I raised my head from Laurel's lap to look at her.

"I know what Aminu's mom did was wrong but don't you think breaking up with him is a bit too extreme? Punishing him for his mother's sins doesn't seem like a fair thing to be done to him," Miriam said to me.