
Chakra System

Aditya, a crazy battle maniac who yearns for fights and battles, is living a boring, monotonous high school life. One day, he receives a pendant from an old man, which activates a system named the "Chakra system" and there are practitioners other than him in the world? He receives an invitation from the Grand Academy of Practitioners but is asked not to reveal his true powers. Nonetheless, that was his plan. Only a dim-witted protagonist would reveal their power to everyone. But he has other plans... #please share your opinion about this novel if you like it. Thanks! https://www.instagram.com/atreya.nk

AtreyaNK · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Second Mission


//Host is tasked with a Mission//

"Mission? Now? Ok! Open the Mission." 

Aditya mused internally, addressing the system.


MISSION: The host, lacking fundamental knowledge about cultivation, asked to join the academy to acquire essential skills and unlock the Sacral Chakra.

REWARD: Nerium Flower + One-fifth of the part of Tilaka's eyes.


"Two rewards for one mission? And these rewards seem powerful. I must secure them. Despite my disdain for school life, understanding cultivation and its ways will benefit me too."

Aditya pondered. Though he have a system, cultivating in a world full of experts and fellow practitioners was better than practicing alone."


The director's voice sliced through Aditya's reverie, pulling him back to the present moment. Aditya blinked, realizing he had been lost in thought. The director gestured for his attention. 

"Director! You mentioned I could seek your assistance if necessary?" 

Aditya inquired, his mind already formulating a plan. The director nodded, a hint of curiosity dancing in his eyes. 

"Yes, indeed. What can I do for you?" 

He replied with a welcoming smile.

"So, you're really aiming for money as a reward for rescuing me?" 

Keturah questioned, her tone laced with skepticism. Aditya, caught off guard, met her gaze squarely. 

"What do you think of me?" 

He retorted before turning to the director with resolve. Maybe before learning about the cultivation world, money mattered. But who in their right mind would ask for money from an expert running a cultivation academy?

"Director, I wish to enroll in this academy under your tutelage. However, I currently lack the funds to cover the tuition. Give me three months, and I will repay you without fail." 

Aditya proposed, his determination shining through.

Aditya could pay his tuition fees at his previous school with the scholarship he received due to his orphan status. However, now that he has been expelled from that school, he doesn't have any money to pay the academy. Aditya thought of doing odd labor jobs here and there, believing that his strength would earn him enough money to cover the tuition fees.

"Ha-ha! What a good kid!" 

The director chuckled, giving Aditya's shoulder a friendly pat. Actually, the director had same idea. When Keturah explained over the phone how Aditya had helped her when she was in danger, he began to see Aditya in a more positive light. Besides, an orphan opening their root chakra on their own, without any support, is an impossible feat.

"You don't need any money to study here, but you need to pass the entrance test coming up in four days. Keturah is also going to attend the test. You can join her if you'd like." 

He suggested, subtly nudging Keturah to assist Aditya with registration.

Grand Academy of Practitioners, its foundations steeped in the legacy of affluent families who wielded immense wealth and power. Their collective aim? To provide their progeny with a comprehensive education, one that transcended mere scholarly pursuits to encompass the profound art of cultivation.

Within the academy's hallowed halls, resources flowed abundantly, courtesy of these esteemed families. Their contributions extended beyond mere material wealth, encompassing the intricate martial arts skills and techniques that adorned the curriculum. 

It was a concerted effort, a symbiotic relationship wherein the families bestowed upon the academy the means to nurture their children's potential while, in turn, expanding their horizons to embrace the diverse array of techniques that existed beyond their own family.

"Thank you, Director. I'll definitely be there." 

Aditya replied with gratitude evident in his voice. The director nodded, his gaze keenly fixed on Aditya. 

"It seems you've opened a root chakra." 

He remarked with a smile.

"Opened a chakra? I know he's strong, but I thought he would be in the Prana Absorbing 9th Layer or something. But already opened the root chakra?" 

Keturah, who had displayed indifference and coldness throughout the day, suddenly revealed a mix of shock and curiosity in her eyes.

Certainly, Keturah will be shocked and confused. She comes from a powerful family of Practitioners renowned for their vast knowledge and wisdom. From childhood, she underwent rigorous training in martial arts and techniques to fortify her physical strength, aiding her in cultivation.

Upon completing her physical foundation and priming her body for prana absorption, she employed various resources and cultivation techniques to ascend to the formidable seventh layer—a feat that marked her as a prodigy among her peers. 

However, Aditya, without any notable backing, not only achieved the forming the layers but also stabilized them to unlock chakras - the feat she had never even heard of before.

"Haha! It just happened! I am not that strong." 

Aditya chuckled, his attempt at modesty evident in his tone.

"Haha! What a modest kid." 

The director chuckled, amused by Aditya's humility. 

"It's not easy to open a chakra, kid. Absorbing the prana to construct the chakra layer by layer is already very challenging. But to open that chakra, one needs to merge the nine layers and stabilize it to form a swirling prana around a chakra bead." 

The director explained patiently to Aditya.

"You opened a chakra without knowing these basics?" 

Keturah asked, her eyes filled with curiosity. 

"Yeah! It happened somehow." 

Aditya brushed off her question casually.

Keturah's eyes narrowed as she probed Aditya with a direct question. 

"What do you mean it happened somehow? I dedicated eight whole months to cultivation just to attain the Prana Absorbing 7th Layer. And opening a chakra requires mentorship. How did you manage it on your own?" 

She pressed. Aditya hesitated, feeling the weight of her scrutiny. 


He began, reluctant to reveal the intricate workings of his method. Exposing the system would only invite unwanted attention, and he wasn't ready for that level of disclosure.

"Don't pressure him to answer, dear. It's rude!" 

The director interrupted Keturah, his tone firm yet gentle. 

"Sorry, Grandfather" 

Keturah apologized, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she glanced at the director, who nodded with a reassuring smile. 

"Sorry, I have my own circumstances."

Aditya, feeling the weight of the moment, lowered his head and murmured. 

"Don't worry about it! It's Keturah's oversight to inquire about someone's cultivation method." 

The director reassured Aditya, patting his shoulder in a comforting manner.

"But I heard you possess a black-colored prana?" 

He inquired further.

Aditya nodded in affirmation. 

"Yes, Director." 

He confirmed. 

"Very well. How about this?" 

The director proposed, his eyes bright with an idea. 

"I'll give you this bracelet. Wear it at all times." 

He retrieved a bracelet from his locker, its design featuring a phoenix symbol atop it, and handed it to Aditya.

Aditya noticed both Keturah and the director wearing identical bracelets. 

"It's our family symbol bracelet. However, the one I'm entrusting to you has an additional feature. It can morph the color of your prana to red." 

The director explained, his voice holding a hint of significance as he passed the bracelet to Aditya with a warm smile.

In the realm of prana, the black-colored essence remains an enigma, unknown even to the director, revered as the senior figure among practitioners in society. The practitioner's prana typically embodies the elements of nature, but the existence of black prana is a mystery that has never graced the pages of any known literature, leaving the director perplexed.

As Aditya accepted the bracelet from the director, he offered a polite 

"Thank you, Director." 

The director acknowledged his gratitude with a nod before imparting a piece of advice. 

"Also, Aditya, don't reveal your true strength during the test. Practice moderating it. If you can control the flow of prana through your chakra nerves, you'll be able to minimize your strength." 

The director advised. Aditya nodded, taking in the director's instructions. 

"Keturah, please escort Aditya to the boys' dorm." 

The director instructed, casting a glance at Keturah. With a nod in response, Keturah turned towards Aditya. 

"Follow me!" 

She said in her usual cold and indifferent demeanor, her eyes unwavering.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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