
Chakra Progenitor

John Wodwick Alver died and then reincarnated in a magic world as the King of All Bijuu and King Of The Tree Of All. He is also the Progenitor Of All Chakra, and the only Being that can easily surpass The existence that Beyond All. Warning MC is ridiculously overpowered, has an abnormal mindset and logic, has a light view of life, death is a trivial matter to him, is kind but ruthless, hates planning much, and has a ridiculous harem. I am only a newbie writer and can't speak English very well and only rely on Grammarly for grammar and spelling corrections. This novel is only my hobby and my entertainment. by the way all the picture that I posted are not mine I all get them in Pinterest and google. Thank you for reading and good day.

Alfon_Soultan · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Orario Number One Familia

This happened after John test Ais and accepts her as his Disciple.

After John, Lefiya, and Ais return to the city Lefiya and Ais separate and say goodbye to John and return to Twilight manner. While John walks deeper into the city towards his company.

When Ais and Lefiya arrived at the gates of the Twilight manner, they were both greeted by the Guards guarding the Manners gate.

Welcome back, "Miss Ais and miss Lefiya".

Ais nodded her head while Lefiya greeted back.

They continue to walk towards the manner, and on the way, they were both greeted by their Fellow Familia members, they continue to walk until they reach inside the manner.

Lefiya and Ais are walking in a wide hall with a red carpet on the floor and a lot of statues and paintings decorating the corner and wall of the hallway.

When they turn to a corner they encounter Reveria walking in the hallway.

"Oh! You're finally back, Lord Loki and the others are waiting for you at the meeting room, follow me".

Ais and Lefiya look at each other and nodded and follow Reveria to the meeting room.

Arriving at the meeting room Ais and Lefiya saw that all the core members of Loki Familia including Loki is already there waiting.

Core members of Loki Familia.

Loki- Loki Familia Goddess

Finn Deimne- Captain

Riveria Ljos Alf- Vice Captain

Gareth Landrock- Executive

Ais Wallenstein- Executive

Tione Hiryute- Executive

Tiona Hiryute- Executive

Bete Loga- Executive

Lefiya Viridis

Loki who saw Ais immediately jump at her while saying, "Oh my sweet Ais is here". Ais dodged Loki with minimal movement, Loki passes Ais's side and crush to the door behind her.

Reveria who sees this touches his forehead with a headache.

She sigh and said, "Lord Loki can you start the meeting now"?

"Your so cold Reveria you didn't even ask if I was ok or not". Loki said while holding her bleeding nose.

Reveria ignores her goddess antics and sat on a vacant chair and asks Finn her Captain, "Finn what's the problem why are you calling for a meeting, isn't our next dungeon expedition will be next Month".

"This is nothing to do with the Expedition, the guild issued a request, and according to the request all high-ranking Familia must participate, I don't know the detail so let us wait, for Lord Loki's explanation".

"Hey! Do you even care about me". Loki said with a sad tone.

The core members of the Loki Familia did not react much they knew that Loki is Just messing around. Loki seeing her children's lack of reaction, Loki pouted and said, "You no fun".

Loki straightens her posture and her disheveled clothes and then wiped her bleeding nose, she said with seriousness, "The guild is calling us to investigate the remnants of Evilus".

Hearing the name Evilus everyone faces becomes serious. Finn asks, "Lord Loki is that true that Evilus are not wiped out".

Loki nodded his head and said, "Yes, the guild discovered some sign of Evilu's movements around the city, because of this the guild ask as to investigate this matter along with the Hermes Familia, Hephaestus Familia, and Freya Familia".

"If the guild already asks the Three top Famillias that means the Evilus is planning something big, the Guild still did not confirm this which means the guild is a bit suspicious about the evidence that they got on their raids". Reveria said with a thoughtful look.

"Both of your guesses are on point When the assassin team of the Guild is dispatched they manage to find bases of the Evilus and found some documents containing their plan, The guild still does not confirm this document is accurate because the guild suspects the document is fake or you can say a bait to cover up the real plot of Evilus".

Tiona raises her hand like a kid in elementary and asks, "I am confused why the guild suspects the document is fake".

"Reveria can you answer her questions, I am tired". Loki said while acting tired.

Reveria just sighed and answered Tiona's questions, "In the past Evilus always use Fake documents containing their plan to lead the guild into a fake plot making their real objective hidden, because of this Evilu's plan always succeeds".

"The guild becomes used to this bait, so they always look at the credibility of the document that they obtain from Evilus before confirming the Details written on the Documents".

"Those bastards are slippery as an Eel". Gareth said.

Tione opens her mouth, "So what's our plan"?

Finn nodded his head and look at his Goddess, Seeing this Loki nodded her head.

Finn looks at everyone and started to speak, their meeting lasted for 6 hours.

The sun outside is already setting when they wrapped up the meeting and leave the meeting room.

Reveria, Lefiya, and Ais are walking in the hallway while having a conversation.

"By the way Ais where did you get that beautiful Bracelet". Reveria asks while pointing at the two bracelets on both of her hands".

Ais look at the bracelet and replied, "John gave it for training, he said that this bracelet makes the wearer feel 5 times the earth's gravity, and each week this bracelet will double its gravity, right now I can still move but because of this bracelets I was easily getting tired".

Reveria nodded her head in understanding, but when she thought for a moment, "Wait Ais who is John"? I never heard that you have a friend named John".

Ais thought for a moment to answer but when she remembers John's kind smile, his gentle voice, the way he treats her, and his addictive head pats Ais's flawless face blushed, and reply, "He is my teacher".

Seeing her reaction Reveria smiled. "Can I look at your bracelet"?

Ais nodded her head and extend her hand to Reveria, She took her hand and look at it. The bracelet has a golden base and it has blue edges on top there is a small golden flower. "The craftsmanship of this bracelet is masterful this is already on the masterpiece level". Reveria felt some magic fluctuations on the golden flower so she looks at it using her magic eyes, but the moment she did so Her eyes opened wide in shock.

She saw very complex ancient magic runes that were near impossible to learn and replicate.

"This is Ancient Magic Runes, how did someone still know about this long-lost magic," Reveria said with a stuttering voice.

Lefiya remember something and said, "Umm, Lady Reveria I forgot to tell you this but I receive a book from sir John consisting of a thousand basic ancient magic".

"What! Can I see it". Reveria said while holding both of Lefiya's shoulders

"Lady Reveria calmed down".

Reveria hearing Lefiya's words calm down and coughed with a slight blush on her beautiful face. "Ahem, sorry I lost composure there". Reveria can't help to get excited and lost her composure because the magic runes on Ais's bracelet are already surpassed all knowledge and broken all common sense of magic. A great mage like her won't let go of an opportunity to learn and study this magic.

Lefiya regained her freedom from Reveria's grip and sighed, she took out a thick book and handed it to Reveria.

Reveria takes the book and read it calmly, after a few minutes of reading she closes the book and calmly said "Can you introduce me to him"

Lefiya said, "We can't introduce him now because she asks us to not visit him in the past week, he is busy preparing for the opening of his Company".

"I understand we will visit him when he was free then". After that, they continue to walk in the hallway while having a lively conversation about John.

Without John's knowledge, she attracted a Beautiful high elf on his door.