
Chakra Force

This story will be following our wonderful mc Revan in the land of Chakra Force. In this land you can cultivate all of your chakras and gain immense power. The weak can crush small mountains while the strong can overturn the seas and freeze over entire cities and more. Will Revan fall among the mediocre or will he succeed? A book falls into his hands but at the cost of his parents..... who did this to him, why did they do this..... follow Revan as he encounters both friend and foe.

KingSeshy · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Variety Shrooms

Revan: I'm looking for a type of food that has regenerative properties as well as performance enhancing properties. I need it to enhance, speed, agility, stamina, power, basically everything that can enhance performance

"Alright come up here, and no need to call me sir. The name's Gyoma."

Revan and Penelope inched closer and closer until eventually Gyoma came into their view. He was a tall and slim man. His solid lavender robes were straight all the way down to his ankles. His face was accompanied by many wrinkles, he had the look of an old astute scholar. He had a small black cap on his hair and light brown eyes. He had rough brownish-red hair and a thick beard of the same colour.

Revan: My name is Revan and I brought my little sister Penelope with me.

When Gyoma turned back around he had a delicate wooden case in his hands. He placed it on the table and opened it up. There were 4 mushrooms placed inside the box. Gyoma went from left to right.

Gyoma: The red shroom is called The Raging Fire Shroom. This red shroom variation is mostly used before battle in order to boost performance. Next is the blue shroom, this is called the Soothing Frost Shroom. The blue shroom is mostly used for its regenerative properties, it heals very efficiently. Next is one of my own creations that I've recently concocted. I call it the 5 Nights Shroom. It is a dreamy purple colour and it is a combination of the Soothing Frost Shroom and the Raging Fire Shroom. It has the benefits of both boosting performance and also boosting regeneration. So what do you think?

Revan was surprised, they kind of looked similar to psilocybin mushrooms on Earth that he tried before. "What's the price difference? I really don't have much to offer coin wise."

Gyoma thought for a second and replied, "Hmm, the Soothing Frost Shroom and Raging Fire Shroom are both 5 bronze each and I have yet to give the 5 Nights Shroom a price. Well, I guess I can give you the 5 Nights Shroom for 5 bronze as well."

Revan: What's the catch? It seems odd that such a superior product is being given away at a lesser price

Gyoma: Boy you ask too many questions aren't you afraid I'll raise the price out of annoyance? Take them for 5 bronze, try half of one first and wait 30 minutes. If everything is fine you can eat 1 mushroom at a time, that should be enough to benefit you for a few hours. Little girl, keep watch on your brother, if anything goes wrong you can bring him to me immediately. Do you feel more secure with this type of warranty? I have plenty of life saving items so nothing should go wrong. You can increase your intake to see what you can handle but only increase it minimally

Revan thought in his head, "....nothing SHOULD go wrong he says? This old man must be hiding something but I need these super foods now. Also, I'm certain of it, the Dessert Stand Man had no ill intentions, I could see it in his eyes. He probably wants to test his NEW product on me, probably for potential side effects but that shouldn't too much of an issue."

Shrooms are great :)

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