
Chakra Force

This story will be following our wonderful mc Revan in the land of Chakra Force. In this land you can cultivate all of your chakras and gain immense power. The weak can crush small mountains while the strong can overturn the seas and freeze over entire cities and more. Will Revan fall among the mediocre or will he succeed? A book falls into his hands but at the cost of his parents..... who did this to him, why did they do this..... follow Revan as he encounters both friend and foe.

KingSeshy · Fantasy
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61 Chs

The Black Hand

Revan chose to stand to the side and observe the situation from a safe distance. He needed to know more information so he can prevent himself from being deceived.

Revan: So it looks like they're a slimy group of bastards.... I mean bandits. The three lanky men look like they're planning to pillage this family. The kids were hiding behind the 2 middle aged men in the group. The 2 oldest men were already crouching onto the floor with their heads practically taped to the ground. It looked like they already knew their fate. 2 of the little kids were visually scared, their eyes were trembling and their faces were wet with tears. The third kid was standing directly behind one of the middle aged men with his arms folded

As Revan approached the lanky men kneeled down a few inches away from the lanky old men. They sounded like hyenas their voices were so unpleasant to the ears. "Old man you shouldn't keep your hands pressed to the floor like that it's not good for your posture. Here, get up, we'll only take some of your rations not all of them, we won't even harm you this time."

However, by the time the 2 kneeling old men could raise their gaze it was too late.




The lanky men started laughing in unison. "Didn't I say you shouldn't keep your hands pressed to the floor, I took two fingers from each of you, see I helped you take some of your hands up off of the floor didn't I." A large grin was playing on the face of the bandits.


The larger more built middle aged man had anger in his eyes. As soon as he heard the screams of his comrade it was like a natural reaction, he sent his arm swinging with a heavy force and connected flush with the face of the man who cut the old man's fingers.


Revan stopped in his tracks for a second and his eyebrows went up "Interesting."

Revan didn't expect that to happen. The lanky man staggered back a few steps and caught his footing. He held his hand up to his cheek, a searing hot hand print was stuck to the side of his face. "I was just having a little fun and you think you can butt in when my guards down." He licked the blood on his knife. "I think I'll be taking more than just a few fingers today. Who's that pip-squeak behind you, maybe we should grill him up for dinner."

The other middle aged man tried to negotiate. "My friend didn't mean that just know it was just an honest mistake. He would never attack The Black Hand on purpose. You can take double the rations and money, just leave us alone for today okay?"

The lanky man went to slap the other middle aged man but the larger built middle aged man intervened once again. "I slapped you once, don't think that I won't do it again." He caught the lanky man's arm and pulled him away from the others. "You'll be fighting me skinny boy. Explain this, how do you pillage all day but still have no muscles on your body."

The other middle aged man was relieved and now also much safer as well. He was still scared out of his wits and what did you expect, the man can't fight back and protect himself.

The Black Hand

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