
Chakra Force

This story will be following our wonderful mc Revan in the land of Chakra Force. In this land you can cultivate all of your chakras and gain immense power. The weak can crush small mountains while the strong can overturn the seas and freeze over entire cities and more. Will Revan fall among the mediocre or will he succeed? A book falls into his hands but at the cost of his parents..... who did this to him, why did they do this..... follow Revan as he encounters both friend and foe.

KingSeshy · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Teaching The Village

Revan signalled towards everyone in the vicinity. "Everyone, get close enough to where you can hear me and sit down."

As all the kids sat down, Revan did the same as well and sat cross legged facing them all. "Listen up, starting now until the next month you will all be going through some gruesome training. For now, you have a week to spar with each other freely and I won't disturb you. If it's necessary I will give you pointers here and there. What I want to do is focus on how each of you fight naturally. Once I figure that out I will teach you accordingly. Trying to fit fighters into a specific mold will only hinder their abilities. By the time we finish, each of you should have your own unique fighting styles. If anyone does not want to participate you can leave now. I promise you that if you survive the first month you will grow into martial monsters... monsters that are capable of taking care of their families. If you don't have a fighting spirit you should leave now." Revan's voice was stern but it wasn't too harsh.

For a few seconds... none of the kids got up off of the ground. There were about 100 kids now sitting around the fighting ring. A few of them conversed with each other and by the time Revan opened his eyes.... There were only about 80 left.

Revan: I'm glad that the rest of you stayed. The first month of training will be used to build a foundation for your body. We need to focus on the inner workings first, like the tendons and muscle fibres. Once you have a strong foundation, if you want, you can grow huge bulging muscles and look like a buff version of Tonka

Rei's hand shot up and Revan nodded his head. "Which body type will you focus on in the future?"

Revan: Of course I don't want to be too muscular. It may give me added strength but it will hinder my speed, agility, stamina and other things as well. I'm planning on carving out a lean and muscular body, not too slim but not overly massive. A nice v-taper and solid legs that aren't out of proportion with the rest of my body. Basically, I'll be proportional everywhere, you could say perfect. Does that answer your question?

Rei nodded his head this time.

Revan: As I said before, for the first week you will all spar so what are you waiting for..... get on with it. You can only spar in the ring when Rei is watching or in the fight. You can fight inside and outside of the ring as long as Lucas is watching over you guys. If anyone breaks the rules they will have a spar with me

A boy with deep blue hair raised his hand. He had a few locks of hair going down the sides of his head and forehead but it did not go down to his shoulders. He also had a small scar under his left eye. He looked lanky but he didn't look malnourished, maybe skinny fat but on the skinnier side. His eyes could be mistaken for black in a dark room but in the light they were actually a very dark royal blue. "Can we make more fighting rings? If we make more.... we can fight more right?"